Senate inquiry into forced adoptions found barbaric, horrific abuses

Now that Parliament has apologised, please post your comments at to make them more easily accessible

A senate committee has recommended the federal government formally apologise for past forced adoption practices described as barbaric and a "horror of our history".

After 18 months of taking evidence, with hundreds of submissions and speaking to dozens of witnesses, the Greens, Labor and Coalition senators handed down a unanimous report in February, declaring it has been a heartbreaking inquiry.

Hundreds of women who gave birth to thousands of children from the 1950s until 1980 gave harrowing evidence to the committee, with tens of thousands of children believed to have been adopted against their parents' will.

The committee has published a full report including the accounts of how the mostly teenage birth mothers had their babies forcibly removed by agencies or churches, and in some cases believed they had been stolen.

The inquiry says all state and territory governments and all non-government organisations which administer adoptions should also apologise.

The South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill will make a formal apology to people affected on July 18.

This IndyMedia site has been a platform for this story since March 2011, when the Senate inquiry was taking submissions. It’s attracted hundreds of comments and been called up around 9,000 times.

The original posting of 11 March 2011 follows below:

The Australian 'Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions' is accepting submissions from all people's affected or impacted by coerced past human adoption practices which tore natural families apart.

The Inquiry's submissions close soon and any one who would like to voice their stories may do so until closing date which is very soon: March 2011. It may be extended again, yet at this time we do not know.

The process has begun yet too few know about this.


This topical social issue has not been given the media to enable many to know it is happening, and get involved in ways they can, yet it is and over due.

The timeframe of this human social issue which the 'Senate Community Affairs Committee' are seeking submissions for, in context of 'Forced Infant Adoptions' (which was widespread, with very unusual maternity hospital practices, inhuman, punitive and massively covered-up negative practices, bias and behavious from maternity health authorities and their affiliates toward natural mothers, fathers and their infants) is between 1940's to 1980's in Australia.

This is an important Australian social issue which has not been raised properly to dissmeninate truths rather than myths about many past adoptions.

Public awareness of truth of too many forced adoptions in this time frame is also over due.

More voices raised and submissions, more public awareness about this social issue will begin to acknowledge the immense and many thousands of llives affected, the wrongs, and look at the systems which allowed these to occur and which with awareness will not allow this kind of history to happen again.

See: Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions for information about how and where to make your submissions and also allow people you know awareness this 'Senate Inquiry' is happening.

If you would like to saubmit a comment or sign the petition for the Senate Inquiry there is a link on a site: Origins Inc NSW which enables you to do so.

We will all get by with awareness, humanity and asserting now some peace with justice for these innocent people whose families and selves were broken [in context] who were spoken down too, devalued, dismissed, punitively treated in inhumane manner, and not allowed any voices whilst many in power turned a blind eye to barbaric suffering of very vulnerable young unwed mothers, fathers and their natural infants.



The Federal Government are going to nationally publicly apologise to all the victims of forced adoptions.
Sorry is sorry a lot with this lot, we want to know what they're going to do to effect real change in mislead and barbaric policies and practices not only from times of forced adoptions also today.
Should it really be the birth mothers all have to take their individual perpetrators to lawyers when the anguish of re-living very profound trauma of forced adoptions will happen again.
The Senate Inquiry affected a lot of these mums, retraumatised them whether they made submissions or not. That was forseen, many buttons pressed to their harm.
Their anguish is no small thing.
If governments turn away their responsibilities to private enterprises to clean this all up shame on them again.
This trend yesterday and again today to privatise government responsibilities is barbaric and hostile to the Australian people.
We're happy the women will get a formal apology.
We don;t like the way a lot of people are comparing this with other social atrocities.
Forced Adoptions was a holocaust of unmarried mothers and their babies.
As such it should be looked at in this way.
There should be trials and a lot more than a mere apology.
T & D

Because there were widespread imposing of differing drugs that most doctors didn't prescribe and hospitals gave out as though they were legally able too, there is an element of severe undermining the health and personal safety of the birth mothers aside from what has already been talked about.
A lot of this has been covered in this and other news media however not altogether by a long shot.

Shine Lawyers are Personal Injury and Compensation Lawyers.
They're the Australian branch of the law firm Erin Brockovich worked or works for.

Details: Shine Lawyers
Address in NSW: Level 2, 65 Berry Street North Sydney 2060
Phone: (02) 99232455
See their website for further Australian State and Territory offices/contacts.

Hope this helps the victims navigate the honest lawyers from the dishonest ones, as the latter are out there trying to make their fortune from victims suffering.
Shame on them, is too limited to say about their 'characters'.

There is also the link on this blog that tells you where to go if you stumble onto a dishonest law firm.

"Shine" are known to be reliable and trustworthy.
They do get results.

Best wishes with this forced adoptions for the mothers my heart goes out to you all.

Claire (Mother, Wife of adoptee, Daughter, Architect)

The Report on the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions is now about to enact a National apology.
This appeases many of the persons affected by forsted adoptions.
It does not appease all.
The Apology is acknowledging the vile mistakes made in Australia that the Commonewalth have finally conceded happened.
Hopefully, and with every understanding they'd be foolish to otherwise, they'll (the Australian Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments) will From here on in make a required and just resolution not to hurt people anymore.

Forced Adoptions has shown everybody how unconscionably harmful and tragically hurtful all social injustices toward vulnerable or living precariously are. In this respect toward the birth mums and also their infants.

For those who would enjoy the anguish of others I feel the deepest pity and outrage.

Best of good fortune for the victimised of forced adoptions, you are not victim mentalities, that's to your credit, though you've been shamefully victimised.

Edward Thomas

I would say the national Apolgy is only one part of a larger area of work the Commonwealth States and terriroties have to do and not as a National Framework.

This Apology as appeasement is true Edward.
That's all it is, as it stands.

Many want more and are entitled to more.
This is not a social injustice about our original people's so the government are on notice not to hurt, damage further, or demonstrate any of the negativity and wrong-doing that followed their hope-less 'Sorry' to our original people.

They are being monitored to make sure they don't go in that direction, by millions of people who want no further traumatising hurt or anguish imposed on the forced adoptions targets.

This is about reparations, not further victimising.
I like what Edward said about those who don't care about others anguish, or those who would mock social injustices as if that's how it goes.
It does not, not anymore.
Appeasement for the few is what the National Apology may well bring about.
I don't think many Australia's appreciate the governments 'anguished enahancing' Sorrys to anyone from or in Australia who have been wronged; in this case so savagely as in forced adoptions.
This is a major social injustice so the Report enacters and Australia Institute have to step with care not carelessnes this time with this apology plus all that follows individually respecting every single target.

Amongst the forced adoptions victims are those who come from prominent families.
Few of these have gone public with the issue though certain individuals in these have.
Prominent families are always noticing what is happening with their own. They also note when their geneology roots have been broken, usually creating ways to mend these separations of family bonds.

Of these families are members who have received Queens Honours, others are blood related through generations to honourable people, famous artists, and other men and women of substance and acclaim who have contributed to Australia's culture, heritage and good standing, gaining various noble awards and merits others even in Parliament have not.

Forced Adoptions did not happen in a vacuum, there were also those from lesser known or prominent families.
And there were those from poor and unnoticed though with equal rights families.
All are worthy and deserving of more than an Apology.

The apology is an appeasement only.
Appeasing the masses with sincere aplogies works, it never does if the apologies are sinply empty words of appeasement only.

There will be a lot more surfacing, much of which will come from more and more prominent families in time, who have been secretive or low key, except for one or two, because of their own privacy regarding forced adoptions.
There may be other reasons also, as in keeping the balance or status of the family intact.
I'm not saying status is a virtue, we live in an unfortunately status anxious Australia, indeed a status anxious world.

This is a sensitive, complex social injustice thus who would blame certain families from not for instance making submissions, or announcing their families plights when they are either in the limelight, are struggling with the secrecy their families have ensured either again today by persuasion or privilege, or those in very high places who don't want their family names affected by this shameful recent past. Many will eventually come out of the woodwork.

We know about this via other social injustices in privileged families that are not talked about because it may dissuade the publics perseptions from being sympathetic.
Whose sympathic in this climate to many who suffer social injustices from privileged families, only the privileged themselves usually.

Whether old or new poor or old or new rich, unknown or distinguished, dependant of mind and generations or autonmous of mind and generations, all the victimised now require not only a public apology, as well reparations.

News has it further thought will be given as to how they will implement the Report any further than an Apology at the end of 2012.

The mainstream news media is putting on their pages what the government agenda wants, less serious matters such as possible oil news paper ownerships, and whether this or that, when this social injustice has drawn a huge magnitude of public outrage.

The highly effective solution to re-establich what has been lost in Australia, and the disaffection for politics and politicians in Australia that has happened over recent years, would be to treat this subject as a very important one.

If the government is serious about being family friendly and sustaining families, communities and society that forge ahead good results for this nation, this subject demands such importance, not to be dragged on and on.

If the government care or are seriously concerned about the victimised of forced adoptions they wont let the retraumatised be hurt any further. The Senate Inquiry just gone has trully reaffected the masses who are part of it all. That in itself demands it's own serious regards.

A good General looks at all in his care, a good leader looks at with sincere benevolence all who've been adversely affected by any hurts and harms from past mistakes.
No one follows any other kind of leaders.

I know many forced adoptions from privileged and all kinds of family backgrounds.
The Privileged will not let this rest until their children now grown have justice.
I personally and professionally know of two who are ashamed of the way the authorities treated them. These two are the parents of a well known Australian and one whom they didn;t know the full circumstances of the horrifying maternity stay until recently. They are anguished and outraged.
Neither will it rest, as I read these voices on Indymedia, for the others.
This was a non socio-economic social injustice, there was no discrimination as to who was affected. Several factors tell the public why some were more secretive than others.
Usually the private patients meant to be in care were more secretive, and BFA was not necessarily on their hospital records, if such records were kept.
There was extreme secretiveness with private forced adoptions. This is all coming out.
Whether from wealthy, affluent or any other kind of family these forced adoptions caused great anguish, and as Indymedia shows very profound trauma for the birthing mothers.
I agree too the Inquiry and Report have opened a lot of wounds for all these families not solely the targets.
That there will be a national apology is in one way fine.
That a 'sorry' be misconstrued and misinterpreted to infer the targets are all of one kind and will be part of a national framework for generic responses is unethical and will not appease nor do justice for the individual forced adoptions targets.
All the very best to the targets, you have my condolences after such profoundly tragic losses. I can't even begin to imagine losing my baby to strangers by coercion or unethical means and by any means whatsoever.

We realise the government are saying the Apology for Forced adoptions will be similar to that given to the Migrants who were misplaced, and the Indigenous stolen generation.
That is ludicrous.
Forced adoptions are a totally different social injustice even as the one principle remains.
Justice for the forced adoptions.

That the government have yet again misplaced the Indigenous peoples is well and trully being exposed.

They dare to do one thing like that to forced adoptions victims ad their reputation for "Sorrys' is tarnished for good.

Already we see a lot more people showing human concern for the victims of forced adoptions, and this is just the beginning of what actually happened to many more.

Thanks Indymedia

The priviliedged and we know several were not spared any of the hardship and torture,it just was dealt to them in different ways.
The two we know,one was sent off to the country prior to being admitted to one of the Salvation Army's matrnity hospitals where she was deprived of what are necessities.
In this case she went without foods for two weeks, and in this time the baby was stil inutero.
Further torture for her was the way they used her depleted condition to gain signage as of consent forms. Fact that her parents gave consent and she didn;t have too show hows callous and tormenting these staff were.
The other woman I've met recently and she also had similar isoaltion methods, deprivation of foods and basics whilst also being given drugs, as the first friend, without Dr's prescribing these.
Further intolerable is the way the adolescents in the home came and laughed into the wide open doors of these private wards or rooms.
The fun was for what reason?
This injustice is definitely demanding more than a superficial apology.
With regards to any similarities with our original peoples they just don;texist.
This was Forced Adoptions from White Australians for White Australian babies for White impotent and often emotionally as well as physically impotent couples who were married.
The shame falss on all the governments and authorities in Australia.
The world is watching how you treat mothers and their babies, in this instance how you lacked all civility and humanity.
Shame and shame again.
My hear goes out to all who've lost this way.

W. Gillespie

We're astonished at one Adoption support groups unthinking comments that counselling is not needed, a small Centrelink payment is.
Perhaps this is the same group that hasn't found the courage to face needed counselling as a collective nor as individuals. You're not sociopaths as you have shown compassion and empathy yet that 'small centrelink payment' will not go anyway near helping those who have been displaced, again disadvantaged because of their individual forced adoptions life experiences.

There is a large need for anybodys who have been vitimised by forced adoptions to have couselling to help heal the reopened wounds, as well as the lifelong ones.

We greatly admire whoever wrote that today we all need to consciously PROMOTE empathy and compassion.
It's a must.
We read dailly about the hatemongering due to negative discriminations of all kinds, when these same discriminations in Australia are being looked at and by International Human Rights Watchdogs.
The psychological truth is sociopaths have no ability to feel empathy or compassion. The persons who wrote this are on the mark, we need to be aware of these sociopaths and assert human rights with all of them. They have done and can do a lot of damage to Australia's reputation as well as individuals lives; ultimately they do fall on their own swords.
Seems like a lot of these persons are making decisions, causing regressions not only with their still active negative bias against unmarried mothers, also other social injustices. The news today about Qieensland Government on another topic has caused us grief and sadness.
If they had empathy and compassion that news would not be a reality.
Empathy and compassion has to now be a priority as a promotion to regain humane progressive humanity that doesn't hurt people at all, nor over and over again.
Australia can't grow with hurting and harmed people.

The sentiments about privilege and non privilege are valid however there are many thousands who have lost more than their babies because of adoption and these people require financial assistance and restoration to viable living standards and health, not a 'small centrelink payment' many tragically probably already have one of those.
That groups arrogance has galled us.

Our best wishes go to the victimised who have empathy and compassion despite what they've been through, are going through today, we admire you.
You've an enormous amount of Australian public, also international moral support whether you're aware of this or not. The group that recommends 'small handouts' should put on their empathic hats (or go to counselling to find these) and think a bit harder.
This is being discussed in wide circles.
Patricia and Tim

I understand Australia can't grow when governments everywhere are disadvantaging, again, people who are vulnerable or less fortunate in whatever ways.
I also am with the person who wrote we need to promote empathy & compassion consciously.
The work I do is geared toward just that, as I realised a long time ago Australia was following some very tragic measures used overseas toward goals that disenfranchise many.
Forced adoptions is a very profoundly tragic topic and every target deserves more than what the government are saying is "significant to their healing, an Apology".
It's not "significant to healing" it's significant to the governments reputation.
Too much has already come out about forced adoptions that horrifies even the hardened and cold.
What the national apology will be is significant to retribution, not healing.
Counselling and a great deal is needed.
There are a lot of scarred people who we need as a nation to further our social as well as econmic growth.
Those affected the most by forced adoptions can't do that if they're shunted into any other hardships over this Inquiry and Report.
Lastly, it's terribly shameful that some from privileged families as well as poor families are today on 'Centrelink benefits' of any kind because of their forced adoption of their babies. What a killing the churchs, governments and charities are guilty of.
I understand everyone is connected with centrelink in Australia in some way if they are family, but below poverty level living for these mums who've either had triumphs of the spirit though anguish all their lives, or been left to face unendurable pains and no growth. Not on.
Too shameful to write what I really feel.
My work will add to this social injustice.
I'm determined, I'm confident.
Empathy & compassion does change lives for the better of all society in Australia as elsewhere.
We all know the stigma, societal instilled shame and blame these birth mothers got, that's barbaric and these women now are never to be pitied, I admire their human stamina to endure the unedurable.
The prophetic words about Australia's growth that we won't grow if we don't consciously promote empathy and compassion is spot on.
The butchers in government are on the way out.
The Senate showed this as do the Greens, I can't explain how I admire the Greens for what they've done to up the anti with empathy & compassion and diversity as right.
Best of good fortune to the birth mums and your babies.

After meeting a lot of birth mothers, adoptees, and adoptive parents I've come to know what market forces can do when they are rediculously utilised in context of families.

We never have to leave families to the market.
They are treasure troves of very significant histories and connectedness.

Being neither anti-adoption nor pro-adoption I can't find in me the understanding of this massacre of birthing mums and their babies, it was leaving families as of little importance except for market forces. Very shameful.

I've read how somebody said There's something amiss when we've come to a place in history where it's all about money only.
The PM and major players in news media talk of money as the main emphasis of our society, not so.
What on earth has happened to that spiritual or emotional component that has nothing to do with accumulating masses of money and at many times using it unwisely for the benefit of those with the most, as has been recently shown.

Forced adoptions were no less all about money, especially the private ones, big sums.
It's still occuring today, adoptions that have priority because of large sums of money exchanging hands in Australia. Horrifying somehow suggesting families are left to market forces. What a sham and how shameful.

Little wonder the majority of Australians are outraged at what's been discovered uncovered about forced adoptions.
Before I go just want to add it's true empathy and compassion are a lot sexier and far more human than violence against women, babies and families, all kinds, forced adoptions included.
Forced adoptions asks the Australian governments to do a lot more than just an apology.
We've heard these 'apologies' all before with other discriminations, albeit mainly racial, it wont wash with marital status discriminations, or racial ones, as different as they are, in 2012 and hereafter.
If the government of the day want influence and they certainly do they have to see that comes with credibility and reliability which is TRUST. They just don't get this at the moment. Who trusts the government when they are hurting vulnerable Australian families, that is lacking empathy and compassion for them. Families are not for sale.
It's easy for a PM who doesn't want her own second family to whitewash families, but what about the other politicians.
In hope they find their individual empathy and compassion.
The rest of Australia is either seeing or beginning to see the significance of these human traits as foundation blocks for all good education, growth and sustainable Australia.

The majority couldn't care a hoot....

In answer to the question posed "Where do you see a majority outraged, the majority couldb't care a hoot?"
I cannot speak for the writer yet know it's true, the majority do care a hoot because in almost every family they have someone they have known, now know and love who was adopted.
The circumstances may or may not have been forced,
so when there's force involved the angrier and more outraged these citizens of Australia are.
The outrage is evident by a lot of news media from all angles that is written by either partners of adopted people, their birth mums, or adoptees finding their way.
It's further evident from discussions held amongst some of the most astute thinkers who are disturbed forced adoptions happened.
If you think most Australians are children and or don't see right from wrong, don't follow the news media, and don't have consciences, you've got it wrong. There is sophication amongst Australians, and a majority.
They are not the ones enacting the disgraceful bigoted and discrimnatory policies in Australia, the politicians thinking wrongly Australians are all dumbed down are.
The mahority of Australians care about forced adoptions because the majority have by now heard about these.
They may not be proactive or engrossed, ruminating about the causes and effects yet they do care a hoot about all sorts of social injustices. They've publicly voiced their outrage with this one.
The very different domains I have to navigate peopled by very different viewed persons showed me how a once controversial subject Forced adoptions was now being very widely discussed with concern and the participants were outraged.
Most knew either someone immediately affected or as said several with an adopted person in their fanilies.
Don't underestimate the power of the people and how they do care in Australia about family.
That their power is overriden so often by uncaring governments and corporations does not mean the people don't care. Sooner or later as with Bush and Howard those kinds of governments who ignore the people go.
Australians may hate that prospective houses are for sale for more than any prices in the world, they detest even more that homes/families are destroyed and devalued by any means.
Forced adoptions bought the reality home to all Australian families they too could lose a cherished infant or child to coercive, any negative forces and the anger welled.
Have a look at the number of outraged on Green Left Weekly or this media and see for your self.
Bottom line who needs to justify what is evident to doubting thomases like you.
Your question is dubious, hardly should be dignified with any response. Perhaps whoever wrote the originals will not bother with your kind for this reason. If you don't care that's a lonely place you're at on this topical social injustice. The majority we'c come to realise do care a great deal about forced adoptions, may not ruminate about them though have considered the extreme nature of injustices they were.
Toni, Stefan and Michelle. what was criminally perpetrated against the mums, their children, their families. But I don’t see those you’ve enumerated here amounting to a majority. A caring majority by the very definition of the word could/would/should have stopped it happening. A majority could/should/would be on the streets right now, harassing the politicians, the churches, the whoevers who committed these crimes. The majority are a herd of sheep without a social conscience. This nation is politically apathetic. More specifically, it still mistreats single mums.

For the comment "I do care and am enraged" 1.07.2012

If 'the herd' are not with social consciences why are they standing up to what is happening today and with strong lungs.
The herd mentality is real in Australia though they are not the majority anymore.
Things as evident as handing out food cards instead of payments to people on benefits in Bankstown etc. do you think the average so and so will end up tolerating that, no. These kinds of malicious intolerable degrading those on social security are seen by far too many to not be scrutinised and judged, harshly, with advocates right now speaking up and out as well as citizens demanding 'no go'.
The number of single mums being abused by the 'system' simply because they are single mums is totally shocking, a disgrace, these single mums are as you say still being treated as if bad, wrong. However, they're not taking it all with a grain of salt. They are rising and now have a lot to act on, and there supporters are multitude.
They are supported with this rise up by Australians who do care, as so many social activists are advocating for and on behlaf of them, as well as some lawyers, likewise with the food cards.
Australians aren't politically apathtic, certain ones are, they are politically disaffected. There's a big difference.
The groups in Forced Adoptions are a mixed bag and they were asked to have a Rally and didn't pursue this. I too find that odd, as individuals have said they want this.
Rising in the streets en masse at the time when this was happening is like thinking the jews could/should/would rise in the streets when the holocaust of theirs happened.
Ultimately I believe Australians as with other nations do rise when there are enough harmed adversely, disenfrachised and immobilised citizens who are being affected by causes they have no control over, except for empathic support networls. These are growing in numbers.
The times of Forced adoptions were heady times of massive changes as the hippies and those with social consciences and their 'conscionable herd' were geared up and protesting an unjust war in Vietnam. There were clashes about what were the most serious outrages they felt.
I have to agree forced adoptions all happened without a lot of questioning of authorities, except for that cry of 'no war'. The war and the war on unwed mums were really all the one thing, only one was focused on. Patriarchy?
Today the people object to our involvelment in wars we didn't want part in, the governments are ignoring the masses with this. Ask any citizen what they think about these, it's surprisingly a common response, 'these wars are not our business'. Governments in Australia make it there's as they don't have to partake in them actively, they don't care except for USA and British Alliances, that by the way the people of Australia have said they do not want.
Yes single mums are still treated with contempt.
They are not unaware of this and are standing up ready to gain their own grounds. Time and considered actions.
This all reflects on the governments, their string pullers and their total lack of social consciences, not the peoples of the nation. Call the governments sociopaths or whatever you like, however to suggest the public are mainly apathetic is off the mark.
They are stirring fast now and despite the mainstream media not being 'fair and balanced' the people actually are.
What's happening overseas when enough people are 'forced' into any corners will happen here, it's already evolving.
We're not all wearing cork hats and chewing 'it'll be sweet mate' in Australia anymore.
Forced adoptions happened when a rigid right wing government were in power. It's questionable if that kind of government is again in power, and if so they'll face the consequences, we've grown as a nation since Forced Adoptions. If they're happening again that will emerge.
Forced adoptions found most people enraged, bewildered and confused unable to enact their rights as has been shown.
The apathetic, we don't mingle in those quarters so don't understand their thinking or lack of, though like Noam Chomsky we believe in the basic good of people.
We foresee a lot more outrage if Forced adoptions is not followed through with vigour and sincerity.
Don't think the people aren't already assembling their own, they are.
Belinda is right in thinking the majority are outraged.
They have written and spoken with politicians, churchs, lawyers, all the perpetrators,and other authorities, and certain ones have actually apologised. They have done this on a large scale.
Those in the groups we can't talk for, though we know there are at least one that is international and has done a lot of vocalising about forced adoptions recently and prior to the Senate Inquiry.
Conscionable Individuals have gone public with all this, and drawn huge crowds to their creative events, effecting 'we never knew about this, how damned are the authorities for such persecutions of innocent single mums and their babies'. The event organisers were unable to speak out prior because they were in lengthy shock, and unable to assert back then. We attended one such event and it was large scale crowd.
That was way before this all came out as of the two Inquiries.
Rallys are not always effective as collective action or even individual action as has been proven by recent ones for one of our fellow citizens human rights.
We're sad about the apathetics in Australia though from what we've observed and lived they are not as large numbers as you might think.
Toni, Stefan and Michelle
(We have a baby we love, there's no way we couldn't calculate the pulse regarding forced adoptions, too many understand the hurt and wrongfulness of what's transpired with forced adoptions. We also actively got involved in this social cause to promote just what so many are saying empathy & compassion, and see for ourselves the swelling numbers of Australians who are not only disaffected but ready to fight for justice, fight in non-violent ways.)


There's no question about this single mums and their babies are again being 'punished'.
The counterbalance are the enormous number of influential persons who admire any woman who can carry off being two parents in one. What a large ask and they do it so well.
It's remarkable and admired feats by many.
Forced Adoptions mums and babies didn't have voices, choices or supports yesterday.
Where were the people then, we just don't have the answers to that one. They lacked empathy and compassion or just the will to stand up for their own brothers and sisters.
'Consciously promoting empathy and compassion' that's a must.

For 'wishful thinking' think about history and tyrants of all kinds. [We've got them in Australia they're doing their dastardly deeds, not without objection and recognition from higher authorities.]
They've all fallen into places even our poorest and most disadvantaged wouldn't know.

The sun does shine again, new life happens, and people change. Don't lose hope in humanity, it's needed by passionate and caring people like your self who obviosuly have it.
The whole world is in a crises and when that is so positive focus on the loving, humane, creative and caring empathic peoples comes to the surface.
The negative ones are not fueled by any attention to their negative and dark deeds. They're denied what they like the most, attention.


We've talked with a lot of biological mums.
One conversation that eventuated in several came from a biological mum who'd lost to forced adoptions in extreme environments.
First she was sent to a home by her parents who bought the media hype of the day as well the pronounced government policies.
She spent her time in servitude there in a Slavation Army home, and lost her first baby under cruel and dehumanising ways.
Today she relates how she is saving her money to pay for her elderly dad's eventual funeral. He has once again not taken responsibility, for even that, at an earlier time.
Left to fend for her self and her two raised children she also carries the weight of caring for her father today, who was one of many who abandoned her when she needed love, reassurance and comfort the most in her sad life then, ever after that, exceot for the love between her two children and herself. Her real family.
We wonder about her altruism and selflessness, and see how it's as harmful to the self even as it's also deeply commendable.
She's found forgiveness of her primary carers, her parents.
She has rightly not forgiven the perpetrators of all the injustices she went through at the maternity home.
How could she.
Her parents had no idea what went on there and weren't allowed to know about the facts.
Yet they put her in a home and left her to her own devices, now she is caring for the remaining parent saving tax payers money on that care the government gives even if in places that are distasteful.
Our hearts go out to this woman, we're thinking of her and hope she can manage all the costs involved in her fathers care and preparations at the beginnings of the end of his odd life. What about her own life at this time, all along?
This was all told by her without confidentiality, she wants the world to know she was wronged, yet can't yet see how her heart is one of a forgiving nature and altruistic motives. In a world where she found only dismissiveness, discrimination and hate she held onto her humanity, fantastic.
Godspeed good fortune for this woman.
Warren Jeanetta and coop.

When any government makes policies that affect any number of Australian citizens, if the results backfire the Commonwealth has a duty to make compensations and reparations. The results backfired savagely with forced adoptions.

I think all the mums who suffered forced adoptions no matter how they're doing today should have a Centrelink bonus, one that covers all the time they've spent not only in hardship some in poverty, also because they lost through the most vile means, their own children. That bonus should be a compensation paid as is the targets due. Also all the time they've spent trying to find and know their own family from birth. These women have done so much to discover how they're lost ones were living, and without any funding for this. Every mother wants to know how the kid is going, a given.
If I lost a child to coerced adoption and there was any policy today that aided that loss I'd have my family and self in Canberra not only requesting this, but advertising what would eventuate if the government didn't comply.
We are a family of lawyers and Doctors. Not you're average income streams. When governments act as dictatorial as they have they end up getting a lot of us seeking 'what's going on'.
These coerced baby adoption losses are unbearable to hear about from our objective points of view.
Money can't compensate the emotional and physical hurt and damage of those losses, it can help the targets understand they are valued in what the PM tells us all is an economic government she is managing. All about economics.
Then she needs to put the money where her mouth is. People with money are not preoccupied with money, like our latest sound alike to Pauline Hanson PM. She's got such a terrible voice like a drongo, it goes with her mercenary mind.
If that's the case, economics is it in Australia, for any who are disadvantaged today because of forced adoptions and the known and publicised actual policies put into practice, also were delivered to these really lovely people left to literally be without all and everyone. Shame. Shame on the past and present government.
Credits and best only to the questioners, the Senate, they've shown humanity.
So cruel forced adoptions. It's as if this was from another country.
The 'benevolent' I wish, ones who did all further hurt/harm/protracted and exacerbated the grief in Practices should be brought before a tribunal.
Forced adoptions disgusts my family and I.

Colin and family

There is going to be a Federal Government Apology to all the forced adoption victims.
We see the Federal Government are organising this for July 12th thereabouts.
For the life of me I can't see a national apology as anything more than patronising pathetic appeasement to make out 'all is, we've spoken, get on with it, AGAIN all you who've lost your families because of discrimination and hateful personnel'.
These mums were told to 'get on with it and think it didn't happen years when it did', let alone an apology to say, do this now. They can't and they shouldn't have too.
Loving a baby you gave birth to is what I call maternal love and it never goes away no matter who wants to or does take your child away. My husband took my daughter overseas last year,again, and both my daughter and I feel these separations and sadly.
I couldn't go for reasons not needed to be explained.
These mothers and their children have gone through living without contact for years they require recognition of this from every single institution/women and babies hospitals/homes/state&territory govs. involved in all of Australia.
A Federal apology is just a joke I think.
My babysitter and I have discussed this at length.
We're outraged and disgusted it ever did happen to any mum and her baby.
Both of us are mothers and we know what it feels like to even be apart from our babies and children for short periods, let alone half lifetimes or whatever.
Give these mums and their grown babies more than appeasing only apologies.
Geraldine Turne

Everywhere we see outraged at forced adoptions people.
Get real. It's very topical.
No. 1 thing Aussies don't like and object too is coercion of any disadvantaged,to their loss.

You live in Dreamland.

Where are these Aussies who don't like coercion of the disadvantaged when it comes to Aborigines, refugees, to name but two?

Invisible, inaudible, is what they are. This has become the country of "I'm alright Jack - never mind about anyone else".

And don't come back at me with folks helping each other in floods, it would only underpin what I'm saying: We help those we know, the others can perish at sea or in Aboriginal settlements. Or in Afghanistan or other places we have no business being in.

The strange and funny thing to me about this whole Forced adoptions forum is the mums who lost their babies all had a high degree of emotional intelligence, if not also a lot of intellectual clout.
They're being asked to have 'counselling'.
The truth of the matter is the ones who desperately need emotional intellgigence training and 'counslling' are the perpetrators of this huge number of wronged mothers.
How can we ask someone who sought all the babies life to know and understand their forcibly lost child, to attend counselling, when that was/is a very basic empathic and compassionate maternal need?
The answer lies in what one doctor said, his name is Geoff Rickarby, the mums responded normally to very abnormal event of loss of their beloved infants.
From the international adoption groups, the mums who have now spoken with the news media, the submitters, to the individuals like the artist who went public with 'Natural Parent' in Sydney, these mums all showed a remarkable depth of empathy/emotional intelligence.
I think this suggests the perpetrators have to start doing some introspection and at least get counselling to learn how to put themselves into other people's shoes, and understand, show this spoken about empathy/compassion/humanity, that the birth mums have again and again.
Thanks Indy.
I like a lot of what you've got here, even though it's caused me some pain to know this happened, especially when I was too young to understand any of it. I do understand and totally empathise with the mums and babies especially now.


Two questions for the readers if Indymedia and all the nation.

(1) We're wondering what your fate would have been if you'd been left in the birth mothers shoes?

We're also wondering:

(2) What are you all going to do about this/ as there are people voicing 'where were the public when this all happened' and they're right.
Where are you now except for those empathic and hurting targets.

We've heard a lot about the times of forced adoptions yet little about the lives lead after these mums lost so tragically.


Greg's group (philosophy).

I think these forced adoptions were a gross lot of malpractices, and government interventions where governments don't belong.
They're trying it on again you know, in different guises, Appalling, their downfall.
The way these unmarried women and young ones were treated, gross in number and shame of it all.
I think like a few of the readers that empathy and compassion as well as tolerance for different kinds of families is needed more than ever today.
It definitely was all missing when forced adoptions were prevalent. Too prevalent. Can't work out why even as it's been said there was a demand for babies by infertile married couples. That doesn't make sense.
Freedom and a whole lot of get wells to the birth mums and their babies.
I'm barracking for you all, everyone I know is.

We want to say to all the birth mums who lost their babies out there we're all for you
being empowered. This should entail reparations including counselling for anybody who needs this, (nothing wrong with talking it out so it's not left on your chest) state & territory given compensations.
Let's not forget whatever you're circumstances government's have to be accountable and open to scrutiny (they are whether they like it or not) these days as what they do is now in view of far too many.
We have raised a wonderful child that wasn't from our gene pool and admire you the mums, as well as the adoptees who've had it rougher than our daughter talks about.
Thanks to a few courageous IT specialists Governments now have to be more accountable and what they all did makes us very angry. Forgive them, how could you forget if what heppened to you was so horrible.
Best wishes and empowerment to the birth mums and their babies.
You've given us a lot to think about, changed our minds on a lot of social issues, not just forced adoptions.
Joe and Maggie (adoptive parents)

State or Territory govs paying compensations, in a way that's right, as they did the dirty on these birth mums.
On the other hand we now know why Salvation Army type corporations are so Goliath, because the governments are intimidated by them.
Corporations claiming they're going to sue the governments, when they often start off with & cintinue to receive huge government contracts from them. Ha.
This is where the governments go wrong with privatisation of too much. They lack the foresight to see this coming some day.
In the doing so many persons are harmed most of which are the volunteers and lowly paid workers for these corporations, then the clients who suffer most of all. They have it all waysm and unethically.
There's no regulations to make it otherwise.
Where were the regulations with forced adoptions by either governments or corporations.
Where were ethics as well as empathy.
These birth mums are not miserables, their persecuted & have been denied their human rights, regular livlihoods in most cases.
The birth mums were caught up in a whirlwind of personnel who treated them like misery pawns, or slaves, as the corporations and governments treat casuals or those they throw the lowest peanuts too.
Someone wrote about there's more to come. There is.
Corporations like the Salvation Army should be paying out compensations to all the forced adoptions mums they abused.
There's a growing concern about the way corporations operate going speeedily to become bigger, whilst that 'growth' can and does happen at the governments expense, beyond that the pawns expense, who are the clients or customers. Business's very roots are the latter.
The Corps are huge now, overpowering not only their minor players but persons like the birth mums in forced adoptions.
Somebody should compensate the birth mums, be accountable for the conduct of the corporations involved it seems obvious, growing more obvious every day, even as of course governments have to now be accountable, start showing empathy, ethics, and true enough pay out what they barbarically denied the birth mums,the 'healthiest' 'care' possible in maternity homes and hospitals they were meant to oversee.


Reading about all this the Salvation Army have a duty to compensate the private patients who paid for their own care, or their parents did, and they also need to compensate the mums who were put ro serve laundry duties and other unpaid domestics.
This corporation was on ABC this morning promoting how good it is with it's received donations of foods, clothing etc.
Now it's time to they went to air and spoke up and out about their involvement with forced adoptions and offer formal on air in the media apologies.
What they did was not related to any christian mission statement outside their own, and needs to be looked at also.
This corporation was one of the major ones in forced adoptions.
It's time they made their amends to all the birth mums.

This is directed to Colin and family who wrote about the PM's voice sounding like Pauline Hanson.
I don't take offence at anyone knocking someone's appearance as Greer did, as we all have that happen to us either by envy, persons wanting a presentable rep., or spur of moment non thinking, it's not a big deal.
Telling the people the PM's voice is not as you like it is cruel and insensitive to so many in Australia, who all have different sounding voices.
The PM is not Pauline Hanson. It's not how they speak it's whether what they say is as everybody is saying lately is empathic, appropriate and sincere.
It also has very little to do with forced adoptions, where, by the way, the birth mums all have different voices, and ways of expressing these. That's fair enough and non-discriminatory.
The focus can be, of course, on the things the PM does or doesn't do, rather than how she speaks, for heavens sake.
She doesn't have to speak the Queens english.
Look at all the male MP's with different voices, some not as cool as you'd like, to you or others, whats the matter there.
I understand you must be very angry at the injustices of forced adoptions, who isn't, just think you always get more flys with honey than mustard or vinegar.
For the victims of forced adoptions I only wish you a really good Apology and a lot of much better life times from here on in.
One voice with supports and hope, against the injustices of forced adoptions.

This injustice that caused so many hardships and horrors should be have than apologisies.
I have read enough of it and feel like the things that happened were in another age and time, not when they were. There's a lot of lessons in this one, none of it to be repeated.
Good luck to all the families affected.

The perpetrators either voluntarily compensate those they know were hurt and horrendously by forced adoptions or they have lawyers and court cases that will be publicly mediarised.
Public humiliations for the perpetrators is not a good look for their large companies.
They would be getting a taste of their own medecine, and it's sad it has to come to that.

The humiliations these, often. church connected institutions put the birthing mothers through was totally despicable, whilst the same mothers were at such impressionable vulnerable ages with as a lot have quoted made mute, with nil choices, and nobody at all to support them as they were entitled too.

I'd say a lot of people are sick and tired of these places promoting their 'do goodie' facades as theyve done and continue to do hurt, discriminate, damage and disgrace those they are by duty and ethical obligations to show true charity and mercy too.

Let's focus on forced adoptions, it's all about what they did as well as what they seemed incapable of doing 'caring'
showing empathy, compassions and giving nondiscriminatory health and support care too.

A national apology is good from the government.
When the corporations degrade, torture in whatever ways, deny birthing mothers very vital 'care' in their hospitals and homes they are now liable and need to compensate.

We see several are having a legal class action with some Catholic braches of that church, what about the others.

What does it take to get the church corporate perpetrators to admit with 'christian' graciousness their inhumane past acts, so they reassure Australians they are today sincere, 'caring' and with bottom line christian ethos that's not anti-unmarried mothers and non violent.
Even as we know they all only seem to care about one kind of bottom line, that's almost conflict of interest with their said religious views.
Profits are never over people. That's despicable.

Good luck to the victims, my two families and I have been concerned about you all for over a year, will continue to speak up and out if and whenever we hear your being wronged again in any way by governments, churchs or coprorations especailly when these corprations pretend to be faith based.

Must be profoundly traumatic today for the birthing mothers to have to sideline much of their lives whilst this is in their faces all over again everywhere they look. With true empathy for this as well.

Don White

It sounds to me from what I've seen know these mums were basically punitively judged since they showed they were pregnant. Society was their intolerable discrimnating jury.
They were executed for losing who they loved the most when they had their babies by isolation or collective servitude and betrayal by all these external jurers.
Who didn't have any right to think a baby comes from one parent only.
That's abusive over the top.
Also is known they werent allowed to speak on their own behalfs at these judgement years and until recent years.
Whats the reason the dads werent judged like the mums were because also sounds like these guys were either wiped out of the whole equation zero judgements or not allowed to be with the mums they loved or were having babies with.
They walked away a lot of them. Didnt their consciences bother them. The ones that didnt might be the exception who knows noones speaking about them again today except a couple in the news.
More over the top.
In this day and age as then this is pathetic low life.
The unanimous vote the mums were more than shamed wrongly sounds to me like there are some good politicians.
An apology is good, however its time to now judge the savage extremely cruel judges and jurers of forced adoptions mums.
Keeps on happening, mums alone with kids are judged and mistreated crazy jurers again missing the point there are dads why judge this way in the first place.
Some of these jurers are so called feminists that's pathetic.
Single mums have my praise.
Single mums who lost babies to forced adoptions wether theyve been able to tell their stories just a little or not now need our support.
The compensations come out of new mining profits one suggestion a friend made last night.
Have to work but my heart goes out to the mums.
Give them more than sorry. That's too easy.
Doesnt heal the torture pains longing to know sleepless nights and judgements these women went through struggling to merely survive and give love they never got when needed.



We were told we could have our say about what we felt about Forced adoptions.
Having one person in our family in that situation is enough for us to want to do this.
To find Indymedia's Forced Adoptions website we had to weed our way through so many even international sites, lots of those from submissions/gov, some news media, NONE of them had any blogs where we or anybody could have a say, except finally after lengthy searching, we found your site where we're able to.
That's suppression of the people's views.
Except Indymedia are allowing this to their democratic credibility.
It's also to odd as we've been told Indtmedia have more readers than any of the other news. That's suspicious Indtmedia must have some truths an organised group doesn't want readily accessable.
This denying the rights of the public to air their individual family or society views on the internet easily, without undue obstruction, or weeding through dead wood is undemocratic and outright suppression of families voices.

The main point we wanted to make was Forced Adoptions was heartless, to the extreme.
Extremists are a big worry to our family, to a lot of people in Australia.
We also want to say this terrible situation doesn't end because the government have now said they'll apologise.

Godspeed allowing people to have their say on this or any other post, not suppressing what people have every right to give their time too.
Godspeed a genuine apology followed by tangible, helpful results for the mums who lost so horrifically.

From Holly, Helen and Family

The suppression of what you want to read from others or what you want to say to others may come from the Senate??
It may come from somebody sending something to Indy a government, corporation or threatened other don't want known.

I think it's odd Indymedia is now the only site where anyone can have a readable or able to read forum about forced adoptions too.
This is very necessary with forced adoptions and other social injustices.
Indymedia should be easily accessed by whomever wants to either read what others have to tell or what others want to know about.

Forced adoptions is a highly emotionally charged subject for the people who did the damage, and for trauma reasons for the people victimised.
Maybe formers reaction is to crop Indy back, so as you say there's this suppression of people's thoughts. Further horror of forced adoptions.
There's a big question about freedom of speech and info. in what Holly's family wrote tonight.
Wrong to suppress what people offer or want to read, can be investigated will look into this as IT professional.
My wife asked me to look at this though we're racing out the door so can't be much help till later.


I want to express my deepest love and affection for a woman who doesn't know me very well, whose lost her first born to adoption. She's a very unique woman.
I know only fragments about this tragic loss.
Nevertheless what I know of these injustices that were coerced on many thousands of unmarried adolescent mums causes me to feel utter shame at the perpetrators, and all empathy for the mums, mostly the one I know.
I hope the woman receives not only my ongoing support and encouragement also that of the governments and maternity place that were all there to give her health care and comfort and didn't. Very comnplex this and abhorrent.
Best of good luck to the other mums also.
Robyn Baker

I'm astounded at the number and range of so called 'charities' who were all in with forced adoptions.
The real meaning of Charity is
1. Love of felllow man, kindness, affection, LENIANCY IN JUDGING OTHERS, 2.Benevolence , literally to those in need or distress.
The birthing mothers were both in dire need and absolute distress, and received anything save true real Charity let alone love and care.
Came to the conclusion a lot of these so called charities think, to their detriment, giving meagre Alms is all that 'Charity' is.
So much for Hope, Faith, Love and Charity.
There was no real charity given the birthing mothers in forced adoptions whether they were private patients or in home public ones.

The fact we've warped the true meaning of Charity says a lot about the selfish self interested Australians, not least the Catholic Church and Salvation Army who as Rickarby has said time ago were the main active abusers in forced adoptions.
This is to their disgrace and that Charity has lost it's real meaning is a national disgrace.
We all need to gain promoting genuine Charity, as well as empathy & compassion, as others are talking about.
Alms are a very small part of genuine Charity.


Too often governments fob off their own responsibilities onto charities, or push charities to do what they want them to do.
So it was with coerced adoptions.
And money was all they had on their minds Travis, not any thing humanity oriented.
It's tragic governments get away with this kind of outsourcing.
It's tragic corporations like Salvos have gotten away with blue murder and under name of charity.
They are yet to apologise when the Catholic church or some of it have.
The silence of the Salvos tells us how entrenched they are in an old model, and have to get it right to become what they're meant to be CHARITABLE, all round, not just food vouchers and second hand clothes or some gift ultimately given to them by citizens donations that are often large.
Good point about Charity, I too see there are many churchs and charities who are anything but for real.
If these charities were for real they'd be compensating the victims of forced adoptions. They've suffered what amounts to almost all their lives in a state of judgement and discrimination that is totally inhuman.
This alone needs remedy by Governments and Charities working tofether to enable such compensations.
Otherwise they have their names and reputations shredded, without any doubts about this.

Following on from what Nathan has written I find it all intolerable the Salvation Army and the Federal Government have not as yet apologised.
All that mutilating young adolescent unwed mums (even if they were married) was their injustice and they have to compensate, mutually.
The Commonwealth Government could do this by paying out as Origins Inc have suggested a lump sum Trust fund (tax exempt) to the private & public biological mums.
They've got the monies in the mining industries emerging more and more, and taxes from them.

There's a new book out on charities, it could apply to spec. churchs, anybody who needs to understand the dynamics of how charities start and sometimes finish.
It's good reading. Latest just out.
They're a bit like Real Estate or Property Developers, they get Laaarrrge funding from gov. or laaarrge contracts, from there full throttle ahead. Mad!!!

National disgrace, time to reexamine just what kind of Australia we live in.
Is it a Clover's Property and Buildings are more important than communities, villages and living people or is it the humanity focused philanthropist we know a few of who are looking at property as secondary.

Finally have to say, babies are not property and the laws should update their language, policies and practices to show the public this.
Outrageous and intolerable all this new inquiry and what's been happening in secret and lies, cover ups and deceit from Commonwealth Government, State Territory Governments, Churchs and the likes of charities such as global salvation Army.
Thanks Indy

I found that comment about charity really moving, and truth.
I to think forced or is it coerced adoptions were and if still happening are unethical, inhumane (very) illegal, negligent, totally dictatorial toward the very vulnerable biological mums and their babys.
I see what the government does today and feel like screaming but let it go, they seem to want a very divided country.
Those that have far too much and those with so little.
Taking babys away from their mums is the last thing I wanted to know about.
Having incorporated this truth in my mind because I think ignorance is not bliss I support with every humanitarian conviction all the victims getting compensations from the federal government and a very big apology.
I think having counsel for them would be a help only because I know it can help when you need it.
The government did this as the facts have read and they have to pay for the counsel for these mums to.
I was wary of counsel until I had a huge crises and went to have some that's why I say it might be helpful to these victims with another kind of crises reliving what is to me very heartrenching and harrowing. It's to sad. I wish more people had empathy and realised just what it must have been like for these mums and their babys.
Theres truth also that some just dont care about anything except property and acumulation of massive wealths like the multinations, too many politicians, anglican church benevolent society salvation army and catholic church, and as if babys are property or to commanded and forced out of any mothers arms. As if. It happened and there has to be justice and some peace for these mums.
Taking babys away from unwed or any mums or dividing families from their ancestry is the last straw in a supposedly democratic government. I'm not anti adoption if its legit. am anti when anybody coerces without justice tries it on to control others by judging them with hatred and deceit and thats what they did to the biological mums. I cant wear that and dont think many who think can.
Jennifer O'Farrell

I'm a neighbour of a lovely woman who lost her infant to forced adoption.
I know the whole family well so it's been tragic for them all, most certainly mainly the young mother, and her baby who doesn't care about her that she lost traumatically.
I can see how this woman is handling life the best she can though it's evident shes in great deal of pain, distress and tension.
It's very good this whole messy forced adoptions and illegal goings on have become a common talked about topic, it's tragic it ever went on.
I hope the government and all the perpetrators as a lot are calling them are brought to justice and make amends.
It's the only decent and realistic thing to do.
I know about the holocaust so don;t tell me this isn't with some elements of just that kind of horror and terrorising innocent ones.
Good luck to my neighbour, all who suffer, you've carried such a distressing stressful weight for far too long.
Time for bullies to get it right for once.
If they were'nt bullies then how could it have happened. Bullies being a kinder word than what I'd really like to call discriminating, hurting brutes.
A. Hoffman

In order to restore trust in todays governments we have to fine them reliable.
They weren't when forced adoptions happened. That's to say they were unreliable and untrustworthy. They were bigoted and acted without conscience.
This trust that's eroded will not be gained if all the governments in Australia ignore doing the right things by these very profoundly traumatised unwed birth mums.
They could be anyone's sister, aunt, daughter, and are part of Australian society.
That their self esteem was stunted and deadened by the horror of coercing them to lose under duress and hardship and or trauma needs more attention.
These women have their self respect and now ask everyone else to give them that as well.

Unless my friends and I have misread, or there has been some wrong media spread about Forced Adoptions we all thought the national apology was to be given today 12th July 2012.

Went to other sites to check what was going on only to find no latest news about this or any mention further.
Some recent stirrings about a legal Class Action against church, I think Catholic, but nothing today about the apology, what is "acknowledgment about this not long ago extremely tragic social injustice" (The end of the 20th century has been recent).

Dr. Hoolihan, once student at one of the maternity hospitals where these vile forced adoptions went on said in Sydney Morning Herald on 28.02.2012 "A Nations Shame" - "It was the most horrific thing I've ever seen", going on to say "Governments were complicit [in forced adoptions] because they provided the services [for the babies] to be removed [from the unwed biological mothers]"
Others have come forward with evidence of this complicit conduct.

If this is another putting off one of the things that has been thoroughly agreed upon, and in writing, in the big Report then it's poor show.


Although the good has come to not only raise the ghastly past of forced adoptions, but also alert of definite dangers in forcing adoptions and closed ones.
It's also seen meny sufferers in states of deep despair again or ongoing emphasising their individual tormenting forced adoption experiences.

Eureka Street's 'Sex, Lies and Adoption' by Lyn Bender wife of adoptee, and Melbourne based Psychologist whose treated and observed forced adoptions has a lot that makes sense to the nonsensical nature of forced adoptions.

Reading the whole article is better than the quotes herewith however these show some of this clear and empathic journalism of what Lyn Bender has found.

"Stigmatising the circumstances of the birth mother or the class of the parents {status of wed or unwed}, and the ensuing isolation is enormously dangerous."

Lyn Bender writes a thoroughly reasonable and truthful article.
Further insights include

" Adoption can be an option but it is best when it is an open process and is not incited en masse by poor policies and welfare social systems imbued with prejudice and ignorance. Deep human bonds are best matched in the compassionate care of the mother and child."

This "compassionate care" was disturbing to read as all news and views on forced adoptions has shown that's one of the primaries that were missing when forced adoptions were "enmasse".

With respect for people like Lyn Bender having such clarity, I now understand the deeper layers of anguish forced adoptions have made to not alone the birth mums but all their families.
My families are struggling with this and it's effects are individual to each and every member of my family of birth and second family. It's been ghastly for us all even if it did have to be raised and does need a lot of work to help heal so many.

The apology will not be "a significant step in the healing process" it will be "one overdue and responsible step in acknowledging the ghastly past of forced adoptions that was hidden dangerously and to people's involved immediately and in close contact disadvantage health wise and otherwise for far too long".

Australian mother, daughter, sister etc.

This is all horrible and I only found out about it through some friends.
I can't say I understand how in that time frame when there were flower people and all the rest this actually was how it was for unmarried young mums.
Find the stories and what I'm hearing horrible, too horrible for words.
This isn't what I call a little matter to be dissected and probed as in the submissions, it is enormous and lacked all civilised people 'helping' and 'being there for them' the very traumatised mothers.
My heart goes out to them all individually.
Too horrible in Australia, as anywhere else in the 'civilised' world.

Monica Hore

Forced adoptions were going on with a lot of women from all walks of life when I was growing up.
I knew a few and went out with one who'd lost her first baby thereby.
Governments and corporations are complicit in a lot of things where young and older citizens in Australia can't have any say.
Thats the opposite of any democratic family, community, society or country.
Australia stands judged and scrutinised for forced adoptions and what theyve done to all these mothers.
It's a wake up call and wonder if any politicians and corporate 'churchs' 'get it' the full extent of just what happened to these girls and women. It's too tokenism a National Apology, there should be more looking at this thoroughly.
Tunnel vision and the me only dominators are not very good at apologising in the way they should with things like this, or any other outstanding wrongs and discriminations they incur. That's their shame and tragedy.
For the targets I give you a hand shake and wish you all the very best, you are not bad or wrong, what was done to you and your having no say whatsoever was and is.

My partner and I have just left a protest Rally and walk for an Australian citizen who has been given no say, has been unsupported (as the forced adoption adolescents weren't also), whilst secrets are being kept about his life and humanity; Julian Assange.
The Rally was not for Forced Adoptions however the speaker seemed to understand a lot about human rights, is a human rights lawyer and activist, her name Kellie Tranter.
Powerful speech and compassionate woman, we were entranced by all she said and the truth of it all.
You have a lot of comments about compassion and empathy on this site (we've noticed) trying to suss out just what one of our friends is presently going through.
She lost her first born, only ever conceived two, to forced adoption. Her story is one of intolerable cruelty, bordering on if not torture, and betrayal, not only by a corporate 'chucrh' the Salvos. also the father of her baby, the doctor who was meant to care for her, and her friends who at that time simply abandoned her also.
She came home from the 'maternity hospital' a different person than when she went in (a lot like our vets. who serve a lot of unjust and unwinnable wars).
She has made something of her life yet lives with a lot of pain that is confusing for us to understand the full extent.

We're writing something about the missing emotions when forced adoptions happened, and though not written on behalf of these, they still apply.

"Try as you might, you can't make a person feel compassion.
The emotion is described as the deep awareness of another (suffering or abuse imposed on them, my words in brackets), coupled with the wish to relieve it.
You either feel it or you don't......"
By Kellie Tranter Human Rights Lawyer, and Human Rights activist Australia.

Trying to be of friendly support to our loved one who'se with great compassion and empathy, was given none, not once but too often is making us feel somewhat depressed, as she has felt a lot of her life, yet we're there for her and her family.

We think Australia needs to have what one blogger has written about and others are talking about "Emotional intelligence" on all it's schools curriculums.
Also, anyone who doesn't understand emotions as compassiona and empathy needs more than in depth counselling as recommended for forced adoption targets.
They all seem to have enough of this emotion, it's the perpetrators of forced adoptions who lacked these human emotions.
There's a dark ages cruel streak in a lot of corporations and government officials that belies our understanding.
One thing for sure, we all have to now stand up or take a stand for causes such as this one, and others human rights to speak up also, not yesterday, from here on in.

Hearing Kellie Tranter today made us realise a lot about one remarkable man, and with that about how Australian citizens are not even aware of the tragedy of forced adoptions. If they are they have little or no 'compassion' because it's affected, it becomes clearer all the time, many thousands of women.
Shame on Australia for following USA models every time.
When does Australia stand up with self respect as a nation in it's own right with human rights?
Do the powers that be want one hell of a largesse depressed lot of citizens without any tongues on and on and on.

Emma & Rob

We've inadvertantly misquoted Kellie Tranter's factual statement about 'compassion'.
This is the correct version, and deepest apologies to this honourable woman we saw and heard today.
Her cause today noble, as is the cause to releive the suffering of forced adoption targets.
All have suffered because they were judged and many are still being judged in the most insane ways for humanity reasons. Both causes also speak of silencing the very people who feel enough to want to love, care and give, to our nation and the world.

"Try as you might you can't make a person feel compassion.
The emotion is described as the deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it.
You either feel it or you don't....."
By Kellie Tranter Human Rights Lawyer and Activist.

Mistakes happen at least we don't feel embarassed, have capacity to admit our errors, and don't want to mislead or silence anyone who speaks truths.

Every citizen of Australia matters.
The Forced adoption mums deserve peace of mind, some help with their health issues and livlihoods if they've been silenced too many times, patterns do happen, help and human compassion that isn't flippant and uncaring this time around.

Emma and Rob

Adoption made and makes profits for these churchy corporations and governments, that's an injustice in and of itself.
There's a stealth to how this all arose and arises, total lack of compassion and empathy.
I fully support all the victims by forced adoptions mothers and their families.
Really hope the apology is a non generic one that realises this affected many different individual biological mothers as well as collectively too many to say it wont happen again.
It's good it finally has been looked at collectively because only a few were brave enough to stand up and speak out about it before the two inquiries to date.
This one has touched a lot of people I know.
We all live in hope the powers that be start using their emotional intelligence.
A start would be finding what it is for them and using this kind of intelligence with humanity.
Wishing you the biological mothers (really the mothers) the very best for the future.

It's clear with Julian Assange his work has been outstanding allowing us all to know or have access to knowledge about truths of the world at large.
The world we all inhabit.
We all have the right to know what our governments and our corporations are doing in our names and the causes and effects of these actions.

The mothers who lost under very profound trauma, all individuals, few have achieved the level of notoriety and excellence, though few again have brought to the public's attention the barbaric policies and practices
under name of 'charitable' and 'caring' maternity health and corporate church responsibilities.
The lack of accountability and lack of tranparncy re. both Assange and the targets of forced adoptions cannot be compared in one respect.

On one level they can be.
Both show all of us how human rights were and still are violated.
How laws for the mothers, until recent times, disallowed them to know anything about their own children, let alone live a life raising them as they bore them.

Laws today are also bad in regards Julian Assange.
They have to change.
Secrets such as what are ghappening with him are not dissimilar to the secrets and lies, the betrayal by governments and corporations the birth mums had to contend with.

It's not too far fetched to say both causes, although totally different have this common stream.
Abuse of civil liberties.
Abuse of individuals rights to know what is happening in their lives.
Abuses regarding his or her presumed without proof guilt.

The birth mothers have been savagely judged again and again.
Julian is still being judged, and wrongly also, again and again by those who have no compassion or empathy.

Hatred toward those who have a strong sense of justice is uncalled for and wicked.
We need more people like Julian, and we need more inquiries and exposures of the truths behind such things as forced adoptions both in Australia and internationally.

Respect to Julian and his justice is his right.
For this site respect to the mums who suffered at the hands of the merciless and to those who still suffer may you have justice and respect also.
