Senate inquiry into forced adoptions found barbaric, horrific abuses

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A senate committee has recommended the federal government formally apologise for past forced adoption practices described as barbaric and a "horror of our history".

After 18 months of taking evidence, with hundreds of submissions and speaking to dozens of witnesses, the Greens, Labor and Coalition senators handed down a unanimous report in February, declaring it has been a heartbreaking inquiry.

Hundreds of women who gave birth to thousands of children from the 1950s until 1980 gave harrowing evidence to the committee, with tens of thousands of children believed to have been adopted against their parents' will.

The committee has published a full report including the accounts of how the mostly teenage birth mothers had their babies forcibly removed by agencies or churches, and in some cases believed they had been stolen.

The inquiry says all state and territory governments and all non-government organisations which administer adoptions should also apologise.

The South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill will make a formal apology to people affected on July 18.

This IndyMedia site has been a platform for this story since March 2011, when the Senate inquiry was taking submissions. It’s attracted hundreds of comments and been called up around 9,000 times.

The original posting of 11 March 2011 follows below:

The Australian 'Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions' is accepting submissions from all people's affected or impacted by coerced past human adoption practices which tore natural families apart.

The Inquiry's submissions close soon and any one who would like to voice their stories may do so until closing date which is very soon: March 2011. It may be extended again, yet at this time we do not know.

The process has begun yet too few know about this.


This topical social issue has not been given the media to enable many to know it is happening, and get involved in ways they can, yet it is and over due.

The timeframe of this human social issue which the 'Senate Community Affairs Committee' are seeking submissions for, in context of 'Forced Infant Adoptions' (which was widespread, with very unusual maternity hospital practices, inhuman, punitive and massively covered-up negative practices, bias and behavious from maternity health authorities and their affiliates toward natural mothers, fathers and their infants) is between 1940's to 1980's in Australia.

This is an important Australian social issue which has not been raised properly to dissmeninate truths rather than myths about many past adoptions.

Public awareness of truth of too many forced adoptions in this time frame is also over due.

More voices raised and submissions, more public awareness about this social issue will begin to acknowledge the immense and many thousands of llives affected, the wrongs, and look at the systems which allowed these to occur and which with awareness will not allow this kind of history to happen again.

See: Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions for information about how and where to make your submissions and also allow people you know awareness this 'Senate Inquiry' is happening.

If you would like to saubmit a comment or sign the petition for the Senate Inquiry there is a link on a site: Origins Inc NSW which enables you to do so.

We will all get by with awareness, humanity and asserting now some peace with justice for these innocent people whose families and selves were broken [in context] who were spoken down too, devalued, dismissed, punitively treated in inhumane manner, and not allowed any voices whilst many in power turned a blind eye to barbaric suffering of very vulnerable young unwed mothers, fathers and their natural infants.



One thing for sure the Liberals or now coalition were in when forced adoptions were at their peak, and we don't need them again.
The way they are slamming Gillards humane budget proposals are nasty.
Even if the timing with the Forced Adoptions has clashed with the Budget I see no reason to oust a labor government that is trying to look after the most disadvantaged, and these certainly include a lot of the victims of forced adoptions.
We don't need another Australian Federal Liberal government as they only care about negating the disadvantaged exist, and are far too greedy.
Re. Forced adoptions I think the only reason it was raised properly in 2011 is because of the Greens and Labor being in power. I have no doubts the Liberals wouldn't have ever raised it as they clearly don't care.
Julia Gillard and all the labor government as well as the noble Greens allowed Forced Adoptions to be raised, finally.
Gillard sgould understand someone making a comment about her appearance, this happens for every one of us, and we have to not take these remarks to heart.
If they called her a murderer, as one of the victims of forced adoptions was called, for losing her infant to strangers and when very young and guileless, that's another story. Gillard would then have reason to feel and say outright "How dare you" Simple insults not meant to harm or hurt are what every one gets, some of us on a daily basis. It's up to each of us to ignore them and get on with our lives, letting them go out into the ether forever, and forgive the people who are one off insensitive, or those bully thugs who are regularly insensitive.
Good on this government for it's positives, and good on the Chairwomen for the Greens Senator Rachel Sewiert; let's all hope they follow through. We have compassion for our fellow women, men and children and Forced Adoptions is an ongoing social cause we're all interested to see justice with.
Mel and Pam

If you look at the stats. of all the States and Territories in Australia NSW (which is now Liberal and trying it on all over again) you'll find Forced Adoptions happened more there in NSW than in any other State or Territory.
Doesn't that tell everyone something about what government was the most abusive and what state suffered the most losses in forced adoptions. The question doesn't need to be answered as to why.

Do the coalition ever show any care to people who lose work, livlihood and suffer any further losses such as their own kin gone to strangers, They don't give a damn. Actually, one leads to another, cause and effect. You take from the suffering and you make them poor. That's unconscionable, we don't need that kind of Australian governance.
The Coalition are trying it on again today treating all who have the least with contempt, abuse and unethical practices, doing things illegally toward them, this includes the NSW State givernment, again. Pathetic.
Shame on them and they are right to be the coalition only.
They should be giving the apology to forced adoptions victims and stop neck treading our most vulnerable. Don't they dare continue doing this. Their in for some surprises if they keep on keeping this up.
The world has changed since Menzies, yet they;re stuck back there the coalition. Stuck fullstop.

As it is the present government has inherited the wrongs of their opposition, they still have to apologise, this is fair. This isn't a flippant social injustice it's a major one that does need attending too.
The sooner the better for all concerned.
Cheers and best of lucj to forced adoptions victims you deserve to now be treated with ytmost respect and dignity, and donlt take any illagl practices imposed on you if you live in NSW, assert and get them to do their jobs lawfully all their departments. This also inclides the Labor party doing things lawfully without question.
My close friend who ahs a lot of moral support today suffered loss of her child to forced adoptions, this woman is an amazing mum, no one can disregard this fact when they see the other child she did raise into adulthood and how much she extends to always be there for this loved one.
She's an inspiration to motherhood.
I take my hat off to all forced adoption victims.

Beacuse a lot of birth mums have said their signatures were not their own on consent forms we're wondering if these forced adoptions are legally null & void.

This hasn't been looked at.

The Registries of Births, Deaths & Marriages also has other matters regarding the two separate birth certificates itneeds to explain, for now no details just facts and truths found now.

Are some of the Forced adoptions null & void and what is the government doing about their state and territories Resistries of Births, Deaths & Marriages being so chaotic, as choatic today as when Forced adoptions happened.

We have ample evidence of they're being chaotic in more recent years as well as when forced adoptions happened.
Unlawful double dipping by government departments is being investigated due to new findings that are both astounding and kept hidden from public & legal scrutiny until now.


We're looking at (unnamed barrister and my self) why there has been then and now so much chaos with forged certificates or consent forms.

How much identity theft happened then as now because of bureacratic bungling and losses of important paperwork from these offices of government?

What has been happening then and today with these?
The investigations will draw more light on the chaos that is unlawful or may well be so.

Ali et al

There is something odd happening with RBDM in NSW as I know it.
We're (my wife and I) are also trying to work out their chaos.
Little wonder there was chaos with forced adoptions, as there were two different birth certificates.
These guys will make money out of anyone's suffering, how unreal, though it's reality.
Forced adoptions are a tragedy and it's time Australian governments all of them made amends and looked after the targets who were as 4 corners and other media shows totally brutalised beyond anything I've seen or heard about.
I care about mothers and their babies and so does my wife even though we are childless.
That's another story and the last thing we'd do is take another woman's baby to make our own.
Forced adoptions were more than unconscionable.
They were destroying to far too many people, not least of course the mums and babies.
Well wishes with this Report, the apologies owed and justice with this one.
It's a big one.

Without question there now has to be an Australian National apology to all who were savagely brutalised by forced adoptions and all these entailed.
I'm personally and professionally horrified this all happened at the time it did.
It's also now relevant to give all the victims compensation and out of funds from the mining boom and other minerals wealth accumulating in Australia.

Like so many I watched 4 Corners 'Given or Taken?' coming to the only conclusion a lot of so called professionals from the period in question want to hide their shame from the world.
They can't deny what is truth.
I was with empathy as were all I know who watched this.
How could anyone not be.

Forced adoptions have had the vilest tragic and profoundly traumatic effects on all the individual birthing mums, and many of the infants adopted to people not of their heritage, and certain dads as well.
I'm aware of the complexities of some men not owning up to be the birth dads, that's a tragedy and disgrace they have to bare and account for.
There should be a means whereby woman are protected by law against this kind of exploitation and degradation of young girls in truth, adolescents mainly.

There's a lot more to learn from forced adoptions and a lot of healing to come about.
My condolences to all who suffer from such a great loss as one's own born infant, or loss of one's own birthing mother. This is intolerable.

It's encouraging to note so many people saw 'Given or Taken?' and more are well read on this topic, the conclusion was and is they were taken without a doubt.

Someone wrote about Identity Theft, forced adoption is reality the most inhumane and calculated 'Identity Theft' there can be, coercing a birthing mother to lose her birthed infant to strangers who have no ties whatsoever with her lineage or heritage. That's real Identity Theft right from the beginning of an infants life out of the womb. Atrocious.

I'm saddened until the government and all those uncharitable charities start showing remorse.
Apologise, it's your duty and responsibility.
If you neglect this again, it will come back to bite you be assured of this.
I've seen this all before in another way and have no doubts the culprits who profoundly damaged the biological parents and their infants have blood on their hands that can only be removed by the National. State, Territories and charities (is that the correct word for those kind of persons) apology and compensations individually.
I have just anger at this unresolved social cause.
It has to be resolved and without any more chaos, corruption or abuse.

Sammie and family

I'm appaled at a stupid poll that shows less people want same sex marriage.
I'm bringing this up on forced adoptions because forced adoptions were also about the most unenlightened discriminatory practices.
When do persons stop and start thinking they are each and every one of them with an animus and an anima, as Carl Jung wrote.
Everyone is 'different' and the wonder is we live in a world where that diversity would be better practiced and more in line with the 21st century if more persons realised they are each different and each entitled to choose.
There were no 'choices' with forced adoptions.
Obama has just given the right to Gay marriages.
What is it about Australia that we have so many rednecks and left overs from dark, dim victorian era of discrimination toward what is not the usual to certain people.
Live and let live.
Forced adoptions highlights tragic discriminations and how destructive they are and were.
Anti gay marriages persons highlight their lack of understanding and of life as it is.
Acceptance of our diversity an essential part of being human.
If I had one wish today it would be to rid all discrimination, this has caused and causes so much tragedy.
It's not necessary.
We're all here to lift each other into the light not drag differences into shadows.
Enough of this redneck small town mentality that is obnoxious to all decent, civil persons.
You rednecks are the most hateful and hurting of persons, and belong on another planet, one where they all agree with you no matter what you do that negatively harms and hurts.
There is no such planet, so start thinking with some empathy and understanding in your minds and hearts.
Said it as it is.

Wondering if your own son or daughter were gay if you would disown as they all did the forced adoptions targets your own flesh and blood and send them out to fend for themselves when they're most vulnerable because they were not unwed, in this instance, because they were gay.
It's a simlar scenario because it's about being different, yet we each and every one of us are.
Both discriminations are not only unreal and out of step with humanity and how life is today, they are utterly and distastefully discriminatory to an illegal degree.
Look at the Anti-Discrimination Boards messages and learn, grow, because if you stay where you are you're mindless, soulless ethical and spiritual thugs.
All my best to all who suffer grief or hardship or any kind because of that discriminating and hateful forced adoptions you had to live with.
You had human rights then, you have them now, no code or report has to be written to make this real, it just is.

There's a movie made in 2009 titled "Mother and Child" and it's worth a view if your a movie buff and want knowledge about loss in adoption.
It's not suitable for anyone under the age of 15years.
The movie is as it is, a movie only.
That said, there's some truths in it showing how adoption causes and affects are real, despite it not showing all the grief and all the totality especially not of forced adoptions.
Worth a view if any Indy reader is interested in understanding further some truths, even as movies are hard to make as truthful as they can be in real life.

Forced adoptions are a kind I find repulsive.
Mother and child as it's mothers day on Sunday is good for several reasons.
I commend the writer.
I would like to see forced adoptions in Australia, everywhere, taken with the seriousness they ask.

If there were a Labor party in at the time of forced adpptions, or more reasonably a Greens Party in power at the time I don't think they would have allowed the social exclusion to happen, neither the height of discrimination on the basis of marital status, nor the flagrant abuse of power.

The puntive controls and these seem to be ongoing, and will have to stop, even today are being thoroughly investigated by ethical lawyers, doctors, allied health professionals, psychologists and other powerful professionals who have mindfulness and a social conscience.

The Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions along with the Report needs to be implemented with care, it's coming time to 29th May when the government have said (honourably or not so? we'll see) they the government in power will act to remedy the tragic damages they have incurred on these innocent people.

by Max, family and friends of a birth mum whom we support morally, emotionally and in whatever way we have too.

We didn;t watct 4 Corners but we know a few women who lost their babies to this forced adoptions.
This is the thing, we're a family of 6 mum, dad and 4 children and if anyone were to come between us as parents and our children they'd find out what the law is there for.
We'd first go to the Feds. the Federal Police that is.
I've had enough of the way the governments and charities have pretended and try to pretend to care about families when they don;t care at all.
I'm watching out for what happens with this Enquiry and the Report.
If they do nothing, the world will scrutinise and judge them accordingly.
It's the worst human rights violation my family and I know of.

If Family and Community Services don't apologise for their gigantic part in forced adoptions in NSW in particular they are going to pay a price by exposure of more injustices they've done, and are doing right now. They suck.
They have a closet full of the most vile to the most many, and some new ones to expose.
We'd love to get this on the front pages and have the connections to do so.
If the Federal Government neglects their duty to apologise likewise.
This applies to the state and territory governments.
This applies to the welfare agencies and adoption hospitals as well.
Forced adoptions not only suck they were illegal.
So long as any government in Australia mistreats, denagrates, discriminates and trys to destroy mums and their children in Australia then there will be ramifications I don't think any of the culprits want to know about. They have no other choice but to make reparations today and in the future.
This is one of the most tragic social injustices in Australian history, and it certainly is in the history books now, it has been for some time due to quite a few remarkable people exposing it as it has been, and as it will never be again, unless the culprits all want a life sentence of their own medecine, savage, brutal cruelty, in whatever form it comes to them.
I have children and I can't stand to hear about this kind of conduct from what were supposed to be professionals "assisting with care" or "maternity hospital care" or "charity" it was all anything but these things. Shame on all of the culprits, that's a nice word for unconscionable thugs. My friend is a birth mum and a single mum to another and I'm by her side with every support. I also support all who have lost their born babies this way, I'm a mother, forced adoptions suck, to say it as my adolescent son does.

J. Morris
Double Bay

In Australia in order for the adoptive parents to leave the maternity hospitals with the adopted infant they had to have a valid birth certificate.
Without this the infant could not be dischared from the biological mother nor taken by the adoptive parents.
This begs the question why, how, when and where were RBDM staff (state government) and the Maternity Hospitals combining their resources and linking up to do this?
It also shows everyone the biological mothers had their signatures of consent (fraudulent or otherwise) taken by force time before the adoptive parents came to collect the biological mothers infant, and so the adoptive parents could carry away someone else's infant to make their own.
Indertile couples desperate to have a healthy born infant prior arranged with several authorities to have this birth certificate made, they colluded with more than their own doctors, including absolutely the maternity hospitals certification.
I find I know see how conniving, colluding and callous a tremendous lot of "authorities" were to make funds for their coffers, infants for infertile married couples, to disempower, degrade, devalue, abuse, and deby the biologival mother of all her natural power as a mother, her right as one, and by force.

Not only were there drugs used to collect these consent signatures of BFA or other, they were also given delactates and others a few were bound as if to make them breastless, to dry the infants sustenance and thereby deny the biological mother any ability or right to feed her own infant, and these infants their natural rights to biologial mothers milk for their own health also.

As well as this there were practices of denying foods to the biological mothers for many days and nights as one way of gaining that consent signature. There were other ways also as we have found out.
A few have spoken about this though not in too many submissions we've read or heard about, and how could any medical personell deny an infant and mother foods to live on? Foods to sustain life?
It was done to many however.
A desperately hungry mother prior to birth and afterwards with sedatives in her body would no doubt be in no fit condition or with any physical or psychological ability to sign anything lawfully, with any knowledge of what she was signing and as fact would be quite ill and many in shock.
Little wonder so many have no memory of the adoption and din't submit for the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adopions.

The birth mother I know most of all was denied food for fourteen days and only given one a piece of cake at Christmas from the staff at the maternity hospital she was a private patient, and was given a hamburger by her mother on the one visit she had from her.
That's all the food she received even as she was all the while in a state of shock and horror at what was happening to her at the unripe age of just turned sixteen.

This is abominable.
Truth is painful for the authorities I don't doubt however they all have to own up to these outrageous and torturous
beahaviors toward unwed adolescents in their "care".
This is going to continue to be in news media, in talks, speeches and other, until the right thing is done by these biological mothers and their infants.
Everyone is shocked by forced adoptions.


It's about time the senators did more than acknowledge the 418 submissions and the government make a report from these.
It's about time the targets of forced adoptions are given compensations, individually, for all the heartache of these despicable and detrimental practices imposed on them.
The biological mothers deserve nothing less than states, territories, commonwealth governments, maternity hospitals and individuals who did this to the mothers and babies to come clean.
They have dirt on their hands that wont wash away until they all apologise and make amends.
The things I'm hearing that happened are more than the 418 submissions show, and are vile and unconscionable.
How dare anyone in health care or power abuse that health care code of ethics and legalities, and power or authority.
If this continues we'll all be following another kind of leadership, that of the people only.
As one well known person said people power is now the third superpower, we agree.

Diane K, family and associates.

There is a suggestion that counselling is one of the recommendations for all persons affected by forced adoptions.
I am going to say a few words about counselling here.

If anbody is able to find a small book called "Below the surface" by Oak Press (It's now sadly out of print, but available anyway if anybody searches hard enough) by two psycholists.

When an adolescent birth mum or older birth mum is bullied to the extreme as forced adoptions targets have been, they can usually develop "Reactive Depression", it's a normal response to very abnormal circumstances of bullying.

The writing I'm about to put down here is from "Below the Surace" and if anybody comes across a "counsellor" who diagnoses otherwise and wants to short change the patient or client of real therapy or counsellig; which is talking out the tragic events until they are healed enough for the person/s to grow. This is real healing and takes a long time.

"There is an opinion current these days that depression is a kind of disease you are born with and that nothing can be done about it. The phrase 'Indigineous Depression' has been coined to describe it, which makes it sound scientific but it is simply an expression of the depressed person's own belief. The hyposthesis has never been proven; it is simply an opinion and a wrong one at that. The only answer 'professionals' of this belief can offer is for the 'patient' 'client' to take tablets to dampen the feelings down and so reduce him or her to numb apathy.
(There are more modern drugs available like Lexapro and others that don't dampen as much if at all, yet they are still a bandaid only, and do have side effects.)
The truth is that a person becomes depressed only after many very sad, often tragic things, have happened to him or her and this accumulation of misery settles at last like a grey cloud over all areas of his or her life. (Think Joni Mitchell and her "I've looked at Clouds from both sides now" song, she too lost her first and only child, differently, not a whole lot really).
The answer lies in his or her own hands. All he or she has to do is find the kind of 'therapist' or 'counsellor' who will help him or her work through (work through) these utterly painful memories and so enter into the bright world that exists on the other side of the cloud/s."

With bullying which I've studied as I have been one heck of a target of bullies, and then went to university to study this phenomenom, there is 'Reactive depression' and this is what many birth mothers specific would have to deal with and work with. Being a traget of any bully experiences makes you prone to reactive depression, it goes without saying.
Choosing the right 'counsellor' or 'therapist' (the right fit for the individual) is absolutely imperative, as some are not able to counsel this kind of very profound trauma such as is forced adoption losses.

Grief, that's loss and there's enormous grief in tragic ways with this, as it's sudden loss for most persons who lose to forced adoptions, all adoptions have this, is also to be worked through, as it't that stigma you mothers were tainted with that has to go, and how, as well as the other traumas you went through.

For adoptees it's also loss and there are other areas of expertise needed, to counsel you forward into healing as much as possible.

Another advice as a professional in this field is "don't allow any government bureaucrat to force you to go to a 'counsellor' of their choice", it is your choices now that matter and are to be respected as such, as you unconscionably weren't given absolutely any at the time of the terribly tragic loss of forced adoptions.

'Counselling is not easy' is an understatement, however the rewards of good counselling with the right fit professional are worth the pains you have to relive and resolve, step by step, as it is a long journey, not a short one to fair enough psycholigical health after such a very profound tragic loss as happenened with your forced adoptions.

Some may want to take medecines to try and cure their many tragic sadnesses as Forced adoption tragically sets off a pattern of tragedies, however, the choice is the individuals, and I've written about what I know to be the most effective, not only for the individual, for many, many others who that individual comes in contact with.

Submitted with respect and regards to all who suffer and have pains from forced adoptions. I totally empathise with you.
I understand it is not small suffering and never to be trivialised by anyone.

Ending on this note: The really sick people cannot attend 'counselling' or 'therapy' mainly because they have built impenetrable armour against their own feelings, and they're often found hiding behind the largest assets as in accumulative aquisitive riches, rather than look in the mirror (which is very, very hard yet remarkable) and feel threatened by 'counsellors' 'therapists' (No, I'm not sick he or she is, they say, blindly hiding behind 'things' and more 'things' or 'work overload' and more 'work overlaod' Terribly sad.


Any authorities in positions of power who would blow up their own worth higher by the ruunination of others is inexcusable. (This is something read that I can't find author of).
That's what the powers that be did to forced adoptions targets, including all the 'care givers' who didn't act out any care at all, to the contrary, they were highly abusive of their 'power' and 'control'.
I'm disgusted with what I've learnt about forced adoptions.
Of course there has to be national and state apologies, as well as those recommended from the maternity care centres.
Power abusers of the past and present need to come down to earth and show moral character or ethical conduct in the final analysis of forced adoptions.


I have just read the Psychologists writings on this post or blog, and have at hand the very book he or she talks about.
"Below the Surface". It's a valuable resource.

Lets talk about the persons on the level of aggression who do and did these atrocious things to the targets of forced adoptions.

One page is called 'Levels of Living' and there I find
The level of AGGRESSION and this is what AGGRESSIVES display on that levels of living chart and in life:

Intolerant, argumentative, tends to shout, acuses. Tries to force agreement.
Doesn't listen easily. (sound familiar with how they treated these unwed mums with biological babies)

Fights with people.
Controls by threats.
Punishes, blames, competes.
(sound again familiar with the professionals who mistreated the vulnerable mums and babies)

Superier and right.
(Again too familiar with the so called "authorities" as well as quite a few adoptive parents.)

(They were'nt in sexual relations (I hope) with their patients or those they were governing (who knows?, yet it's all connected)

(We've hit the jackpot with this one as all the professionals and authorities showed all these attitudes and went further into destructive damaging actions with all the single unwed mums and their babies).

A lot of persons who experienced tragic loss in forced adoptions may be suffering anxiety injuries as well as reactive depression. That's what I've discovered.
Anxiety injuries which can be counselled, and as you say, need long term counselling, toward taking on life with hope first and foremost, recognition and amounts of freedom to grow further to their full potential. What a lot of writers here have called healing. Healing is the correct word, it's a lot of psychological work for both patient and therapist to gain any of this.

Thanks Indy
There's a great deal of good, diverse communications on this website that I recommend to others to enlighten the disempowered who now need empowerment, justice, healthier societies in Australia.

The dominating aggressive persons may not like what I write, however fact is they have to stop, think, show empathy, and start repairing the long term damage done to all the targets of forced adoptions.

(We're not writers so we don't all spell as well as authors and such, that excludes of course the Psychologists who are authors/writers.)

I'm disgusted in the common theme of the grandmothely, elderly images of the birth mums in forced adoptions.
They are so prominent it's as if every news media is missing capturing the truths from the younger birth mothers who were equally affected by forced adoptions.
The news media have made a new stereotype, of the too often well fed elderly grandmotherly women who lost their children to adoptive parents when they're a small part of the whole picture.
We're not all grandmothers and we're not all elderly and with a victim mentality.
I'm not saying any of the vistimised are saying they are victim mentality it's the images are to much "same' 'same, and how the news media does this is beyond me.
I'm not a grandmother, I'm not elderly though I'm a birth mother who lost my baby to a tragic forced adoption.
We're a diverse lot of different persons who lost to forced adoptions and we're also not all saying we're victims, even as true enough we've equally been victimised and as several persons have said profoundly traumatically.
These stereotypes are made by news media as if we're all of the one kind of persons. They also distort the truth.
Same media is not truth media, it's murdochracy news media, and I for one have had enough of that kind of 'same' same'. I'm over it.
Start showing the others who are not all the 'same' same' it's getting very boring seeing these elderly grandmotherly images repeatedly.
This is not superficial, this is stating with assertion we're all different yet the news media is focusing on a certain 'type' and 'stage' only.
'Same' 'same' media doesn't impress anyone who thinks and wants changes so this coercion of mothers never happens again.
Show the whole picture and show truth of how it affected diverse persons from all different backgrounds, with all different images and lives, even as there was the commonality of forced adoptions being ruthlessly and disgustingly abhorrent for the mothers and our babies.
Thanks for letting me have my say here, someone had to raise this. Stereotypes and discrimination go together and we certainly don't need history repeating itself.
Michelle (birth or biological mother) (not an 'elderly' one.)
Marrickville NSW Australia

Thankyou Michelle from Marrickville for your articulate truth about Same, same.
I'm tired to death ot that too.
They've definitely made a kind of stereitype or aging view of birth mothers, and I don't fit that either as a birth mum who lost my only son to forced adoptions.
This has been bugging me too.
I keep seeing these television shows, 4 Corners included and they're supposed to be more open & honest, and newspapers with people almost as if they all belong to some same club, and there's none of us there, the others in all our diversity.
I'm so pleased somebody finally raised this.
I think the news media chose maybe a number of people who submitted and know I for one wouldn't do that, it's too personal, too sensitive and belongs between my self, the professionals I talk and work with about this and my very closest, not government for gods sake.
Debra D.J.

It's to be expected a lot of people would be wondering about the Matronly women shown in the news media, who happened to once be birth mothers Michelle and all.
The first thing that comes to mind is the emaciated women who've really struggled with forced adoptions and the hardships that follow.
I saw and read what you saw and read, too many looked as if they'd lived off better diets than most, with one or two exceptions, an artist on print media, and an emaciated women on 4 Corners.

I know two birth mums and both are emaciated.
They're both not emaciated intellectually being highly intelligent women today.
One is striking, though skinny as, she's undernourished and has lived in poverty a lot of her life since forced adoptions. She has the body of an adolescent who hasn't eaten enough, strangely she was only sixteen when she gave birth and the same weight as she was then today.
It's as if that physical part of her didn't grow at all. She's smart as can be, and sophisticated, in her presence I feel like a thrump, a bit more 'matronly' hey.
Baffling is she's the exact same weight and always has been, as after the forced adoption.
It's not as though she hasn't worked hard, as well as raised another child, she has, as one example of what abject poverty occurs as a consequence of that kind of very profoundly tragic, traumatic early life experience of forced adoption loss.

My other birth mum friend had no further children and is very emaciated, it's terrible the conditions she also has lived under since that first loss. One loss after another for her too. Not the same kind of losses and hard to write about without betraying either of these birth mums trust.

The tragedy with the first friend is she fell pregnant the second time to a complete loser who abandoned her and her baby (again) but second time she was determined to be a good loving single mum and raise her baby. It has taken her a lot of introspection to see why and how she chose the second man, as she never chose the first, it was rape.

My guess is the news media cherry picked or picked at random from the submissions the matronly types.
We all know they don't show the multitude of others who have suffered greatly, it shows physically, and because of this could not, would not make government submissions, as the governments have not been kind to either of the birth mums I know.

Many birth mums I don't know but have met have been impoverished and emaciated, anything but with enough food during their lives to date, not matronly either, they also look different to the average showed on tele. and in print.

Michelle, you bring up a good point, the stereotypes the news media create are to their discredit.
They should be telling all Australians how it was and has been for many who haven't even had enough of the basics as per UN Declaration some of their lives due again to circumstances out of their control.
I give a lot of moral and emotional support to the two birth mums I know, have even referred them to see dietiticians and when possible made sure food was on their tables. To think today some of these mums are without enough to eat. It's terrible, intolerable.

Their stories are not for public consumption and if others knew about them they'd hopefully be understanding, as they've suffered more than anyone I know outside of them could stand. I certianly couldn't have withstood the anguish they've had to deal with.

Forced adoptions need a lot more true news media.
It's that many won't divulge just what hardships the forced adoptions and their aftermaths have brought into their lives.
Tragic. These kinds of women need a lot of support as have had to do without what others take for granted.

All forced adoptions need more news media, even as one Senator said there's been a lot, there needs to be more exposure of the causes and effects for sure.

In hope and faith the Report is not a shelved document.
In hope and faith the types of traumatised shown to the public are not all made out to be filled with best foods and doing so well physically or otherwise.

This social and political issue now has made me dumb struck.
How the hell did they even consider doing this to biological mothers in any time slot in Australia.
I'm with every support for every target of forced adoptions and think the emaciated ones and all of them who suffer in any way need compensations.
They need legal advice and referrals as well.
They all have to be considered, finally.
What was done to them is unspeakable really.
It's below the belt by anyone's standards.
Leave the children with their heritage and families or face the consequences.
Tragic to know about this.
Tragic to know there is still not enough public sympathy for the sufferers of forced adoptions.
They deserve a whole lot more and it will happen. Time.
E. Sutherland & Family

The scorned birth mums, and their babies now presumably quite grown, need two major things:
* Support [and]
* Hope

No one can be complacent about the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions.
If it's neglected as originally happened
[the birth mums & babies were tragically and mercinarily neglected and how] there will be ramifications that will be taken to the United Nations Head Office as well as other high authorities.

In support and hope

The Commonwealth government, also, were involved in forced adoptions.
There's evidence come forward that shows without a shred of doubt these facts.
They and give the Report the credibility it deserves.

Common sense and adult sensibilities tells us all you never ever kick any person/s when they're down.
Forced adoptions found all the birth mums with their babies kicked to the ground, and ousted out of society by mercenaries, deliberately unscionably cruel and acting superiors powers and authorities.
This kicking people when they're down needs further discussion as Australia has a lot of people who think they are superior and can kick anyone they like when they're down.
They're can't.
We see this openly with forced adoptions.
We see this with our original people too often.
We see this with many who are not victims, or don't act like victims, yet are having a very hard time of it, and so there are those ugly ones making, or trying to make it worse for them. Never on.
I'm usually not into negative news media but this news media about forced adoptions, because my close friend has suffered from this, is important, I'm looking at it.

What made people like the governments, mediacl staff, social workers, Churchs including the Salvation Army Corporation (are the latter a church at all) kick unmarried mothers and their babies when they were down?
All I can think of is they have a lot of internal and external issues themselves they need to look at.
One of them is their notion of being somehow superior to those in very traumatic or unfortunate circumstances.
They are not, we are all equal, neither superior or inferior, as one person has already commented.

I'm with support, hope and faith this will be looked at more throughly and investigations will continue until there is peace with justice for the scorned birth mothers and their babies.
I pray for justice with forced adoptions and for my friend who is clearly reliving a living hell as I write this comment.

Politicians are notorious for kicking each other when they're down, so what's new.
This forced adoption stories horrifies my family and I.
Justice for the disdained and wrongly by far natural parents and their flesh and blood.
Bring on the Report and do something about it all you destroyers.
You're being judged this time and internatioanlly by sincere human rights advocates and family friendly social institites.

For the Senate to have this Inquiry it must have been important enough to a lot of people. I know several who are affected by this. It's terribly sad.
We pay for these senates one way or another.
I'm all for the Report's findings, the better ones being implemented and without prejudice or delay. People are suffering from the re-ignited pains of all this.
I'm astounded the Forced Adoptions were never looked at in Australia except by one individual, I attended an expose of hers in the early 90's in Taylor Square NSW; the media wasn't about wide enough unfortunately then.
It was still said to be 'raised' but wasn't 'raised' at all except by this persons tireless thankless remarkable efforts.
A woman before her time with this social injustice. No doubt many were looking at it they weren't speaking out about it, they weren't going public, until now.
It has been raised several times, continues to be, will continue to be until resolutions for too many.

The birth mothers grief appears protracted from my observations, I don't understand the dynamics of this however Dr. Geoff Rickarby certainly seems to understand a lot about it from astute observations.
His Senate Inquiry Report Excerpts is good reading to understand a lot. This was a senate inquiry in late 90's found on the web for interested persons.
[Not the one just passed]

I'm equally astounded at the politicians and 'professional' personnel who deliberately and unabashed still deny their influences in this scandalous affair.
They've lots to gain including integrity by admitting error and wrong, and nothing to gain by pretending they weren't involved.
Unless and until we see what destruction happens when you divide families of birth we will be in for more costly social and medical expenses as a nation.
Prevention always better than cure, in this case I don't know anybody who wants a repeat of this history, it's a tragic history that seeks justice.
Full unequivocal support and hope for the victimized forced adoptions families.


There's the motto "Save The Forrests" that's to do with nature.
I want a new 2nd motto "Save the Families" because there are so many factors tearing families apart today.
Not least is poverty.
Second comes career/work vulnerability in this climate.
It's been happening for too long.
What about Forced Adoptions.
Nothing should be forced that's not human, it's not what we do to each other and it's showed me some things I never knew.
I will sign any petition or attend any rally for Forced Adoptions.
My first boyfriend had his first girlfriend before me who was sent away and in hiding, he used to talk about her lots.
It's too much to take newborns from their mums, and in my friends case it was the dads too. He was distraught talking about her & the baby he never saw I remember that much.

Good luck to all you who had this happen to you. I'm at any rally, petition or other support.


I'm a birth mum and also work in Health.
I didn't give a submission to the government because the time at Salvation Army's Bethesda is a fog I found hard to write about.
I have every right to say this: It wouldn't have been such a fog if they hadn't drugged me with whatever.
I remember a few things; in my ward hearing the cries of babies from the nursery and I swear I knew the one which was my baby.
I was helpless as they wouldn't let me see my baby to even know anything for allthe time.
This Senate Inquiry has opened up a scar I have been hiding from and now have to face fullon.
It's a bit too much for me so I need counseling.

A lot for my family to as they see me in quicksand and are wondering how to help, and what to do. I keep thinking I can;t go to sleep,I'll never be able to sleep, as my mind is going over and over all the stuff I begin to remember, but that's not much.
When I try to explain it's impossible because it really is a vast fog except for those cries from the nursery.
I haven't a clue as to why the Salvos treated me as some kind of second class citizen, even though this post shows me it was blatant outright discrimination and crulety because I was unmarried.
All I know is when I work with my patients their health and care matters to me.
Why else did I choose to work in health.
Ethics seems to be a strange thing to many and that confuses me.
Australia is not alone with forced adoptions but it could be a world leader and stand out as this if it enacted justice for forced adoptions.
I'm sorry I can't write much more it's too close to home, too stressful, I need to focus on the people who need my care and attention.
Of course I feel for all the other birth mums and babies who went through what I did, and it needs to be given more sympathy.
We're not all down in the dumps,but it's this constant pain as if nothing will erase it especially in the night when I try to sleep but can't.My mind is going over every little detail as if to find something that will make sense.
I sometimes go to work and have to consciously say to myself be alert, you have this caring role and I make my self alert no matter what.
I come home tired, and still when I try to go to sleep it takes ages as I can;t turn off my mind and that hospital at MNarrickville, opposite a park, that was outside my window.
I'm wondering why I can;t find Bethesda on Google or Yahoo.
What would make the Salvos stop someone finding out about where it all happened, and why.
I've met single mums since by the way and they all say the same, we too have suffered discrimination, even when they kept their babies.
Who could do this. No one chooses to be two parents in one, it's a tremendous burden and admirable at that. Who could knock that kind of vulnerability. But they still do.
Very sad and has to change.
Support to my fellow peers who went through forced adoptions.

Gabby Nick name only here.

I've been studying anti-bullying for a long time.
The one aspect of Forced Adoptions which is most prevalent is there were perpetrators and there were victims of bullying.
If you'd rather call unconscionable mistreatment by other names that's your choice.
I'm offering what I have learnt and know.
Knowledge alone isn't healing there has to be acceptance with forced adoptions, that's a long process.
Having said this if you are inclined to be academic or want to know facts about your experience as a victim of forced adoptions or any other bullying there are tremendous resources available to you.
These alone won't cure you're anguish, anxieties or pains, therapy may well with the right psychologist or psychiatrist.

An important resource my colleagues and I have is 'Adult Bullying' Perpetrators and Victims by fellow Psychologist Peter Randall.

Too often organisations, corporations and government officers "fail to tackle the complaints of the victim/s with the seriousness the problem deserves, preferring to believe that the fuss is unwarranted".
[Peter's words in italics].

I believe forced adoptions is a very serious social injustice that much to do with adult bullying and deserves to be taken seriously this time around.
I understand there has been a prior Inquiry, to this most recent one.
This time, there's no turning back.
Either we want to live, survive and thrive collectively and with humanity in healthy society in Australia or we turn away as cowards and rather sick people choosing to continue adult bullying as the norm it has almost become amongst too many adults in Australia.

The Publisher of "Adult Bullying" by Peter Randall is
Routledge [Taylor & Francis Group].

It's classified as an academic read; with this I close saying for those who have the capacity to think and want to understand as victims in this instance, it's worth a read. The Perpetrators have a lot to gain from reading this book also; they need healing as well.

Healing has to come to and from both.
Adult abuse and bullying of vulnerable, traumtaised or even plain in the wrong place at the wrong time people is not going away until a whole lot of people start the process of self analysis with an analyst or therapist, and then movement forward.

Heavy subject, negative subject, it is from one perspective only.
On another level it is positive as without feeling the pains of awareness neither bully nor victim can stand a chance of making this world a better place to live in, and what are we all doing here if not this.

Thanks and all the best to the victims of forced adoptions, I equally add I want healing for all the perpetrators too.


In the case of the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions and the subsequent Report:
It wasn't who has the greatest interest did put in a submission.
It was who could trust the Senate (government) with their intimate, deeply sensitive stories.
It was also who could articulate what for many would be the most profound expression of trauma.
It was furthermore for subjects who have no skills in expression or with other present traumas they are attending too far too much to ask.
This means one thing:
All forced adoptions subjects are in the loop and no one of them is less worthy or less courageous for not submitting to the Inquiry in 2011-2012.

That assumption only the 'most interested' have submitted
is not truth.
Many with the highest interest turned away from submitting for various and realistic reasons.


I'm surprised to see the Green Left Weekly are now 'screening' the people's voices.
When you go to look up who has made what comment there is presently a blank and you have to 'log in'.
A form of censorship, and I'm all for the Green Left Weekly with it's truth news media.
What Gives
Forced adoptions is not only about the comments people make though they help a lot of us.
Forced adoptions today is about choice and that was one things unwed birthing mums and dads didn't have, let alone the babies.

The reason the topic didn't get as many as there are submissions was because there was red tape, or 'signing up' [logging in] to what many people don't trust, politicians.
Another reason was the profound trauma of submitting.

Shouldn't there be some choice with Green Left Weekly, as fact many people didn't want to submit due to choice now available to them.

Looks like Green Left Weekly want people to be denied certain choices, not on with forced adoptions victims you've lost a lot of your readership at the disadvantage of this whole social injustice.
It's an important and very large one.
Not everyone wants to join a club or sign up, risk adds or emails ad fin. etc.
Thanks Indy and all who understand the truths about forced adoptions and don't want to 'screen' vox populi.

This forced adoptions is just disgusting.
It's a miracle the pollies got any submits.
Theyre such greedy take takers who don't care except for themselves. They even now have fan clubs, can you believe that. Trash.
This time they have to.
Shame on the Salvos. I wont give my unwanted children's clothes, toys etc, anything to them anymore.
They disgust me totally, a corporation, yuck.
Shame on the Catholic and other churchs as well.
Good the catholic Church apologised.
Have to rush.

The Report and thereafter:
If the Commonwealth Government, State and Territory Governments don't publicly apologise for Australian Forced Adoptions this will affect all Australians, not alone those impacted the most savagely.
My heart goes out to all affected by forced adoptions.
Justice and in hope
Mary Shi

Our names are Kevin and Jean.
We've been together as a couple for 11 years; 7 of these were very unusual and not really together like most people think.
When we first met we had to wade through a lot of the past as one of us was badly hurt by forced adoptions.
Jean, being one of us has suffered at first there was an exclusively plutonic relationship even when we were living together.
Jean hurt deeply by anything connected with birth, sexuality or even simple gestures of physical affection. Jean flinched (I was confused being Kevin and almost lost all hope we were 'an item' and being together as a family couple at all, until Jean explained a lot all about how Jean lost her one only baby to forced adoption, the story unbelievable but we traced the steps of it.)
Neither of us are that good with English so when the Government Senate Inquiry happened Jean couldn't be in it. The want to was there.
As Kevin, one half of this, I find all the governments, all the churchs and all the so called social workers and med people in on this abominable and they need to apologise. I've lived with the cosequences and damage of what you all did to Jean lost a lot of time trying to find out what this was all about.
I think the media has to look at itself to. These guys did a lot of advertising about how good to adopt. That's propoganda and discrimination.
We often read things that are even to us so off the air and not true.
Both of us thank Indy for some of the things we've read here.
Both of us want the Report to be as people are saying taken seriously.
We both want justice and one day for Jean to be on good terms with her now grown up baby.


Kevin & Jean

Doesn't everybody think whats going on when one of the key corporations involved in forced adoptions, the Salvos have covered themselves up so illegally by not even allowing anyone to see what their history is.
Their maternity hospitals and homes have no history.
That has to be illegal doesn't it.
Everybody has rights to search for heritage and where it all began, and find those archives.
There's secrets, lies and cover ups I don't understand, but they need to be looked at here.
These corp. have done a lot of horrific things in forced adoptions.
Alison Connor

This tragic topic came up at a dinner party tonight as one of the guests was a victim. Then we were shown this website.
The Uniting Church said tokenism sorry, the Catholic Church said ditto sorry, the Benevolent Society said ditto sorry, and who else.
ilwil foistered on vulnerable mothers and their babies needs sincere sorry and more from all offenders.
Who can say this wasn't anything less than ilwil when it was flagrantly discriminatory and prejudiced to mothers with babies who stood alone.
Shocking abuse of power.
The friend I know and spent time with at the dinner tonight is not alone anymore.
We all have intent to act on this.

My family and I fully support the biological mothers who have been damaged & had to live with what we can't imagine for this long.
My wife & I couldn't think of anything more devastating than losing one of our own children to virtual strangers by coercion or otherwise.
Once we almost had a close shave that made us think a lot more about family bonds.
Good luck to you all.
Your in our thoughts.
Warren William

The disaffection toward Australian politics and politicians wont get any better if they ignore this Human Rights issue.

This is also a social issue that belongs with equality of women in our society, and has been ignored.

Those who took babies away from their confused, bewildered, distressed and shocked mothers need to come to the conclusion this was a grave human rights abuse.

We need to believe there are role models in politics.
We've been betrayed by some who don't conduct themselves as anyones like this.
This can change, and the Report can be meaningful.

(Health Professional)

To all the 'men' whose sensitivity was or is so blunted that you took [or take] advantage of school girls to get your thrills, bully is your name for life.

To all the 'women' whose sensitivity denies this whole forced adoptions horror ever existed you need your heads checked for flaws beyond every flaw.
This is disgusting.

A lot of the women in forced adoptions were young adolescent, intelligent, aspiring idaalistic aspiring young adolelescents.
What the hell did the 'men' think they were doing.
This includes the doctors, lawyers, social workers supervisors or bosses, the welfare departments and the governments, all of them.

Taking advantage of adolescents who possibly pitied your poor status or were intimidated by your telling their pretty selves how wrong they werem or how macho you were, and how you wanted their fathers car or possessions, shame and pity for you bleeding losers.

How dare you allow a mother to lose her baby to forced adoptions because you were such cowards.
You need to apologise and make amends as do the others.
You can't even admit you did this because you are now in high places and status is all that counts, right.

Abi has more insights than your average psychologist.
I agree with all you've said Abi
This forced adoptions makes me squirm.
Lot of hard noses out there making fortunes out of vulnerable. That's one of our biggest national (and international) problems.
The men who abandoned their pregnant and birthing girlfriends, or one off advantages, of some poor yet gullable or guileless adolescent, there's a lot of yobs around.
Sad reality about Australia.
They don;t seem to even get it.

I wish the mothers every sucess in resolution to this horrid Australian histpry.


For the Private Doctors, Lawyers and all others who were paid for their varied services in context of any forced adoptions issues there is also 'How disgusting' to take advantage of anyone who is vulnerable, anyone at all, let alone an unwed pregnant or birth mother who has or did lose her infant by force.
Force in any context to do with Coerced/Forced Adoptions in this instance, is not on.
Standing over vulnerable in any circumstances is not on.
Clarity and courage of your convictions is on.
You're on all you who try to take from any disadvantaged or vulnerable people.
You're on a kind of notice that eats away at your conscience.
Money was the other reason for forced adoptions, money for services to these 'professionals'. They were meant to serve their 'patients' or 'clients' and wanted their huge rewards, via the traumatic and tragic losses of the birth mothers.
You're disgusting and need you heads read.
The birth mothers having survived this shameful messy and tragic experiences are to be admired for standing up now and having their own voices.
If they are not heard and are once again forced into further trauma, so help the perpetrators of that trauma and abuse of power.

I have no doubt at all in this is why the submissions were minimal compared to the horrendous extent of this outrageous injustice and abuse of human rights and basic humanity.

Brian Adams

No one today has to sign anything under duress, and if they do so it is not legal.

This applied at the time of forced adoptions also.

There are ethical thugs who would ask you to sign what you do not understand and stand over you to gain their own best interests, not yours, and that covert or overt intimidation often accompanied by ridicule and other bully ploys to get persons to sign under duress is not uncommon even after the initial trauma of experiencing forced adoptions of infants.

Beware of anyone who will not give you straight answers when you're vulnerable and covertly or overtly forced to sign any unfamiliar or confusing paperwork.
If you've suffered the loss of an infant to forced adoptions this is a repetition of a profound trauma you can do without.

Signing anything under duress is illegal.
So if you have already done this whilst reliving the trauma of forced adoption and without full knowing the contents of what you're being asked to sign, Signing anything under duress is illegal and this time round you don't lose anything or anyone. The persons who would ask this lose their integrity and much, much more.
(Health Professional)

Is there any way of contacting/ tracing any other victims of forced adoption?

Question for recent comment: "Is there any way of contacting/tracing any other victims?"

What is the purpose of your wanting to contact or trace these victims, and even as you have every right to ask questions, why this one?


(Health Professional)

The law and Forced Adoptions.

For all those victims of forced adoptions who are seeking legal services.

If you find yourself in the hands of a solicitor or barrister who uses force (again) and doesn't allow you to know the answers to your valid questions about your specific pro bono case, further shows no empathy toward you, is thereby unprofessional, you have ever right to contact the following to make a complaint, free of charge.

The Legal Services Commissioner
NSW Office:
Office of the Legal Services Commissioner
Level 9, 75 Castlereagh Street
NSW 2000
G.P.O. Box 4460
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: (02) 93771800

The Canberra office is:
1 Farrell Place
Canberra 2600
G.P.O. Box 1562
Canberra 2601
Phone: (02) 6247 5700
Email on the web.

By Googling the State you live in you will find the Legal Services Commissioner in your state.

Under no circrumstances may an acting solicitor or barrister deny their clients valid questions and reasonable, empathic treatment, regarding any paperwork or any follow-up of their/your cases.

All persons affected by forced adoptions are entitled to ethical and professional legal representation, and nothing less is desirable for you at this time or any other.

There are also Legal Advocacy Groups in all States and Territories who can help you find appropriate for you solicitors or barristers, again free of charge.

The trauma you have experienced is anything but slight and you now deserve to have professional services when and if you seek these from legal avenues whereby they serve you with dignity, and not as a priority their own best interests.

(Friend of birth mother)

A legal eagle has written about legal services and if you come across an unethical or forceful, unprofessional lawyer.

I know this and it's not in his or her spiel.

If you are at your first appointment or any whereby the lawyer gives you documents to sign that you don't understand you have every right to tell the lawyer you need to take these to think about them, and take them to another lawyer to have them discerned as being legitimate forms you need to sign for your pro bono case work.

It's very sad there are lawyers who would do the wrong thing, be oppotunistic or traumatise from the very start their clients, however these lawyers and their firms exist.

We have the eminent George Newhouse Human Rights Lawyer who is ethical, remarkable, and has represented a lot of people with Human Rights cases in just such a dignified and creative manner. An artist friend of mine once went out with him and he's an amazing person also.
We have Gilbert & Tobin a company who equally has a good reputation, with lawyers who are specific in the area of disability and the law, for those who need this.
There are other good and recognised reputable lawyers or law firms with lawyers who do have empathy as well as high professional standards for their clients.

Some lawyers are not reputable, it's worth researching them before you apporach them to find out just who they are and what their ethical reputation is.

Certain Legal Services can freely advise you of this.

I'm not a lawyer however I've had to learn the hard way for a different legal reason there are lawyers who show one needs to toss them, and those who are legit. and able to act for you with the human respect and professional standards you now need, and everyone has a right too.
They are working for you, not the other way around.

Not all of you will want to go there, this is for those amongst you who do.

The sadness with forced adoptions and biological mothers losing their loved babies this has affected me and I'm not in that loop, far from it.
My husband and I have four beautiful children, there's been no losses, a parents worst nightmare.

Thankyou and best of luck with your healing and recovery into resolution. It seems to me you have gone through the most profound and grief stricken human trauma and tragedies, so I wish you all well from the bottom of my heart. You need reputable, empathic 'professioanls' this time.

What my husband and I saw on 4 corners disturbed us tremendously as 'Given or Taken?' was something we knew nothing about until that tragic showing.

Godspeed that resolution for you all.


Good to see enough people are taking this subject seriously and .

All the very best with these

I want to know how many aspiring young asdolescents were bullied into a life of being without, without what we all take to granted.

I want to know how many principled lawyers and government leaders are ethical and principled.

Forced Adoptions were never on.
Suck you who ever they were forxcing under duress any signatures to lose their own baby's, you're known from other atrocisties, and suck you how much evidence is coming forward to bring you down, where you put the birth mums.

What a pity they (forced adoptions victims) are rising, the pity (not) the shame and embarassment is for the perpetartors.


The history of forced adoptions is based on fear.
Every bully and bully collective relies on 'fear' and associated ploys to istill 'you can't do this' or the opposite 'you are forced to do that.'

Bully's work by unethical intimidation and fear and told all forced adoptions victims they were 'wrong', not suitable to parent. That was very grave mistakes.

They also took signatures under duress, illegal.

I say 'you were right to love and want to hold your infants, feed them, love them actively, and had rights'.

There is a lawyer just right for you and it's like when a bully does harm or damage to you, you call the police, and only listen to the ethical ones. They're a mixed bag.
In the instance of bully's doing massive lifelong harm or hurt it's call Lawters, ethical lawers, and as other persons have said, the right ones for you, not ones who have little credibility or are connected with unethical professionals. You've been there before. Some of you more than once,

I've seen the damage done to a friend of mine who is a victim of forced adoptions. I'm supportive and so are her social network. We're working on this, and have found a great deal to support our friend.

For the others,
A lot of people have a lot to answer for.
You're on your way to resolutions.
Nothing and no one can stop this.
It's been predicted by many.
Go for it.
Assert your rights.


A strong, decent and hard working PM would have this forced adoptions on his or her agenda, and the time has come to make an apology.
That some would rather they not apologise, or that it's too cheap or whatever, is their choice.
Many would like a public and newsworthy apology.
It's been so quiet about forced adoptions, as if it were an aberration, and would pass.
It will not until resolutions happen.

The victims are entitled to resolutions and I for one find it sad they have to go through legal channels to find that resolution.

I totally agree, there are just and decent, hardworking, strong lawyers and there are the other kind.
Let's see what happens.

Looking forward to hearing some resolution for all of you who have suffered forced adoptions.
May these never happen again.

Best wishes
Tes Williams

Because we had to write a project on families in Society I chose Forced Adoptions.
I wasn't even born when these happened though my family have a relative who went through what I've now discovered was a real nightmare. She's one of the many thousands upon thousands of birthing mothers. I love her very much, she's the one in our family with the most compassion.
If any authority reads this just remember there are many like me who do care what happened to our extended families and today is no different than yesterday in how we treat people living precariously. It's not whose got the power it's how you who have that power use it, for betterment of people, families & society or for worsening of their plights.
I've found a lot of resources on this subject as well as families and society in broader areas in Australia generally.
The more I researched Forced Adoptions the more I learnt.
Dominance and subjection to terrible things without any autonomy or consent from the young mums is totally unjust by any ones or any times standards.
Forced adoptions are a disgrace.
I stand up for the victims.
