Senate inquiry into forced adoptions found barbaric, horrific abuses

Now that Parliament has apologised, please post your comments at to make them more easily accessible

A senate committee has recommended the federal government formally apologise for past forced adoption practices described as barbaric and a "horror of our history".

After 18 months of taking evidence, with hundreds of submissions and speaking to dozens of witnesses, the Greens, Labor and Coalition senators handed down a unanimous report in February, declaring it has been a heartbreaking inquiry.

Hundreds of women who gave birth to thousands of children from the 1950s until 1980 gave harrowing evidence to the committee, with tens of thousands of children believed to have been adopted against their parents' will.

The committee has published a full report including the accounts of how the mostly teenage birth mothers had their babies forcibly removed by agencies or churches, and in some cases believed they had been stolen.

The inquiry says all state and territory governments and all non-government organisations which administer adoptions should also apologise.

The South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill will make a formal apology to people affected on July 18.

This IndyMedia site has been a platform for this story since March 2011, when the Senate inquiry was taking submissions. It’s attracted hundreds of comments and been called up around 9,000 times.

The original posting of 11 March 2011 follows below:

The Australian 'Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions' is accepting submissions from all people's affected or impacted by coerced past human adoption practices which tore natural families apart.

The Inquiry's submissions close soon and any one who would like to voice their stories may do so until closing date which is very soon: March 2011. It may be extended again, yet at this time we do not know.

The process has begun yet too few know about this.


This topical social issue has not been given the media to enable many to know it is happening, and get involved in ways they can, yet it is and over due.

The timeframe of this human social issue which the 'Senate Community Affairs Committee' are seeking submissions for, in context of 'Forced Infant Adoptions' (which was widespread, with very unusual maternity hospital practices, inhuman, punitive and massively covered-up negative practices, bias and behavious from maternity health authorities and their affiliates toward natural mothers, fathers and their infants) is between 1940's to 1980's in Australia.

This is an important Australian social issue which has not been raised properly to dissmeninate truths rather than myths about many past adoptions.

Public awareness of truth of too many forced adoptions in this time frame is also over due.

More voices raised and submissions, more public awareness about this social issue will begin to acknowledge the immense and many thousands of llives affected, the wrongs, and look at the systems which allowed these to occur and which with awareness will not allow this kind of history to happen again.

See: Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions for information about how and where to make your submissions and also allow people you know awareness this 'Senate Inquiry' is happening.

If you would like to saubmit a comment or sign the petition for the Senate Inquiry there is a link on a site: Origins Inc NSW which enables you to do so.

We will all get by with awareness, humanity and asserting now some peace with justice for these innocent people whose families and selves were broken [in context] who were spoken down too, devalued, dismissed, punitively treated in inhumane manner, and not allowed any voices whilst many in power turned a blind eye to barbaric suffering of very vulnerable young unwed mothers, fathers and their natural infants.



Empathy is a prerequisite to being human and conscionable yesterday and today.
In the 40's 50's 60's 70's and 80's this human trait was tragi9cally missing in the area of adoptions.
Whether they be forced, coerced or otherwise there is no doubt in my mind from lived and worldly experiences Empathy didn't exist with what this Senate Inquiry is looking at today in 2011.
I have read some submissions as well as Hansard on what is happening in Parliament.
I'm asking here where is the empathy in 2011 again.
The questioners (that's what Senators do)patronise the terribly shaken (can only imagine)original mums with 'How courageous'.
The questioners of the witnesses at Senate Inquiry also have highly suss senators asking questions with one a liberal Senator Judith Adams who by questioning witnesses is fact with a conflict of interest (should not be there, that's legally wrong).
I am outraged after learning about the mammoth numbers and sufferings of especially the birth mums and their babies. Many dads seemed to abandon these girls.
It's a gender issue as well as social cause.
I fully support them and don't know about the Senate Inquiry.
I wont pay hefty taxes for the wages of people in parliament if they can't show empathy.
If they have none they chose badly to believe they have the "power" to lead anyone let alone a country.
Full Commonwealth apology and compensation for the young ones having their babies taken as if they were in Iraq today.
Since 1974 has Australis been a democracy.
Whatever, the people are rising anf senators are not the only questioners anymoe.
Best wishes to the victims of which this inquiry is meant to be looking at with EMPATHY.

Empathy is a prerequisite to being human and conscionable yesterday and today.
In the 40's 50's 60's 70's and 80's this human trait was tragi9cally missing in the area of adoptions.
Whether they be forced, coerced or otherwise there is no doubt in my mind from lived and worldly experiences Empathy didn't exist with what this Senate Inquiry is looking at today in 2011.
I have read some submissions as well as Hansard on what is happening in Parliament.
I'm asking here where is the empathy in 2011 again.
The questioners (that's what Senators do)patronise the terribly shaken (can only imagine)original mums with 'How courageous'.
The questioners of the witnesses at Senate Inquiry also have highly suss senators asking questions with one a liberal Senator Judith Adams who by questioning witnesses is fact with a conflict of interest (should not be there, that's legally wrong).
I am outraged after learning about the mammoth numbers and sufferings of especially the birth mums and their babies. Many dads seemed to abandon these girls.
It's a gender issue as well as social cause.
I fully support them and don't know about the Senate Inquiry.
I wont pay hefty taxes for the wages of people in parliament if they can't show empathy.
If they have none they chose badly to believe they have the "power" to lead anyone let alone a country.
Full Commonwealth apology and compensation for the young ones having their babies taken as if they were in Iraq today.
Since 1974 has Australis been a democracy.
Whatever, the people are rising anf senators are not the only questioners anymoe.
Best wishes to the victims of which this inquiry is meant to be looking at with EMPATHY.

I urge the politicians/parliament to soon let the public know who is going to benefit from this 'Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions'?
What is the outcome? as this needs clarifying.
The public heart is listening and today supportive and beside in large numbers the voices of the adopted infants (now adults) and their birth mums, and dad's when they were on the scene.
I urge the government to focus and tell the public the results of this Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions.
To focus on this now as the public heart is saying: this is an important social cause.
I have faith and trust the Government will come forward with what the public heart seeks.
I am with positive regards for all concerned.
Patricia Noble

I found the writings of Womens Electoral Lobby Australia very informative as submission to this inquiry; and yes stating the Commonwealth Government were and are part of the policies as per Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions.
There's an eminent Australian treasure at WELA namely Eva Cox author of the best seller and outstanding Boyer lectures 'A Trully Civil Society' Book, as well as 'Leading Women' a handbook as guide for Women; one immensely esteemed ad fin ...
The WELA submission is worth reading in and of itself.
Full support for the mums babies and families broken up and now requiring justice and restored dignity as well as some semblance of family.
Many thanks Indymedia for raising this highly emotionally charged and harrowing truth stories news.

Gillard and her advisors would do well to swallow her exagerated pride and rid her ignorant prejudices and give a National Apology in November 2011.
I can't imagine the public of Australia accepting anything less not now.
Not after all this has been raised and exposed.
Clinical psychologist

Senator Judith Adams (Liberal) claims as she was asking questions of the witnesses, as per Hansard that Stilboestral (DES pharmaceutical drug) was given to more than unwed girls and women. [It's a proven carcinogenic]
[However it was given to many thousands of unwed mums by 'officials' without the mums knowing it's purpose or rather wrong purpose.]
True, it was given to vast others.
What Judith Adams left out is this: Stilboestral or DES was never recommended or endorsed as ethical practice usage or any usage by the drug companies (and they're not squeaky C always)as a de-lactate to dry up the original mums' milk.
Facts matter.
Thanks Indy
Brett Mia and Louise

The Senate Ebquiry is going to give it's findings at the end of November according to news media.
It's rediculous the main stream media have left this high priority topic off the front pages.
What is Murdoch afraid of and what are the government afraid of.
To assuage their guilty consciences they go to extraordinary lengths to hide facts figures all truth about serial forced adoptions.
Where the Natio0nal apology from the Army of Starvation who take, take in the name of charity and even take babies from their mums.
With outrage this happened in the recent past and up 'till 1980's and couls, as CSMC Council for Single Mothers happen again.
The bully's ultimately pay their price and ignornace can't ever be an excuse as Gillard has said.
Best to the bully's targets absolutely full support beyond the Senate Inquiry.
I know a woman who is well known for every kind and remarkable doing in family and society who is anguished by this inquiry, and who wouldn't be if they held onto their healthy sensitive feelings.
She's on my mind as are the many. There were far too many especially in the sixties and seventies.
Vietnam War got anything to do with this.
Did a bit there's more to be found. Positives come out of all this.

Forced adoptions and people who have not known the experiences of these can be one of the most tragic social issues because the ones without insights have no real awareness. It's tragic to lose in any adoption.
I am aware the government is saying 'we're unsure what the targets/victims want'.
They want what every person in Australia is entitled to a just fair and equitable government that has the ability to be rightly placed in parliament and apologise to all who have or do suffer from this form of loss and to make amends and stop top down governing. This doesn't work and as forced adoptions shows cannot ultimately work.
Whatever weakens one person let alone a family in a culture or society weakens the whole nation and their reputation.
Forced Adoptions has been for large part left out of the media however several people have written books on this one female artist had a public expose in Darlinghurst NSW drawing crowds and media attention in radio and television in 1990 yet it was costly in ways I cannot herewith write of due to confidentiality, and Dr. Geoffrey Rickarby is another different expert witness who observed first hand what can happen when unthinking unfeeling people announce to grieving 'get over it, it's past'.
It has to hurt for it to heal. It doesn't heal when the damage is as tragic as such a loss unless and until that tragedy is acknowledged.
Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has publicly acknowledged the 'harrowing stories' yet where is the P.M. and her advisors.
The government have to admit wrong when they do wrong.
I know a brilliant woman who has been held back [stigma does this holding back as I understand many psychologists and allied professionals would hopefully agree on] demoralised due to cause and effects of this form of bullying and yet nothing can really hold her back. She's always giving in one way or another and is a magnanimous reliable and highly creative and loved identity.
Her natural son can't accept her and although that's sad it's apparently common and also written in several well versed books presently available.
This is not a generic social issue where one size fits all but a common thread is a national apology would be valuable in healing many who seek this.
I am in agreeance with whomever said: If it's a national apology as given to our first peoples forget it, that was tokenism as John Pilger rightly says in his own words and as evidence look at the Northern Territory [some parts of NT] it's appalling the grab for land and pitiful conditions and practices on our own.
They are entitled to have the dignity re-imbursed and this is a given with all who were forced to relinquish their babies.
Ben W.

See The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and section 25 0r 26 {2} whereby "Motherehood and childhood shall be entitled to special care and assistance".
The UN have had this on record since the Declarations inception and yet the people who terrorised young mums and their babies ignored these basics.
The Prime minister has put out a budget that disregards these young mums and their babies {especially adolescent mums with babies} once again.

Adoptees matter too. I care a lot about the stories of natural mothers and fathers. It's absolutely tragic. I just hope they realise that being adopted is a tragedy too. Sure, some people say they're "fine with it", that it doesn't bother them. I don't know why they say that.

I've wondered most of my life who my real people are. I even got to meet them. But I was rejected all over again. Every day I resist the urge to run for the horizon. I hate my name. I am nothing like my adoptive family. But I don't like it when they are demonised. I try and fit in, I try and understand. I'll never understand, I'll never belong, I'll never be in a family tree, never know my full medical history. Most of all I just sit and wonder if anything will ever change.

The past can't be changed. I'm adopted and I want an apology too. I want to know the truth and I don't want to be a secret. The shame was transferred on to me. What did adoptees ever do to deserve all this punishment, cruelty and banishment? Don't hate us for what the government and the church did or for what anybody did. We never had a choice and we still don't.


Cheryl and Baz totally support all the people who lost their babies and all the babies now growing or grown up.
Good on you for telling the truth to power and they'd betto not do this again.

Reading this stuff has sickened me to the quik and I'm astounded at the PM's reaction when she first heard of all this. What a hansonite in voice and also mind. i.e. biased and negatively.
I'm also seeing a pattern of events and whoever is mentioning the Vietnam War spot on.
We've got troops from Oz in unjust wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the PM pulls the trigger on unwed or single mums and babies invalids or disadvantaged in any way at this time yes there's a correlation and the people in the know are talking amongst themselves.
The politicians using this as a political ploy to gain some humane credibility i.e. the Greens had betto be for sure, and for real and not as yet corrupr or they're like the cattle they defend dead meat in political terms unprogressive.
I'm appalled mostly it happened at all.

best read as i'm exploring this because i am part of it all.
some great points raised by indymedia, the articles writer as well as comments.
i'm impressed with the expressions and comparisons that are all valid:
torture terrorising or victimising all fall in the same categaory and are acts perpetrated by bully's and eventually face consequences and justice.
great work indy and great work everyone who is supporting this just cause and seeks not only a sincere {is this possible from the present or any government} apology and admission of wrong as per they did in fact have discriminatory terrorising unwed mums and their babies policy and practices in place and that's for them to ask the people affected for forgiveness and offer assistance now and future nothing less.
i'm just back from england where it's grey and dark with depression and i realise the queen and her hubbie are here going to visit my home city perth and i'm taking five to write also how this is a travesty that is that we still have this monarchy in a growing country that needs autonomy not monarchy.
Where are the republican voices?
this does have something to do with the senate inquiry into forced adoptions and you just need to look at nuances/subtleties as well as full pic. to see this.
top down doesn't work and can't any longer as the people now have voices and are being heard whether clover or quentin or anyone wants their voice to be the only one 'above' and 'in control'.
pitiful two these ones.
all the best to my fellow humane professionals looking at this as well as all the very divergent people's affected by adoptions.
they're tragic nothing less and i know first hand.

Totally agree with all you write and your suggestions.
Great piece and very principled pschologist your are.
Yes, we all need to show more empathy and especially the Federal and State Governments.
I'm appalled and right outside of their chaos, corruption and abuse.
I read submissions and found lies and copver ups from Annette Gallard NSW Human Services Department of Community Services by this tragic figure of a C.E.O. who cannot acknowledge found facts about forced adoptions.
I've read WELA and love the truth in that submission.
I've read enough submissions and media to understand this is a tragic social issue and am glad human rights judges and lawyers are now having a look, being proactive and introspecting as well to get there with all this.
Grant H

don't drop this cause indy cause it's got lots of question marks that need answering in it and how.
i see how the greens went front page with their animal cruelty crusade and rightly so, yet this inquiry which is human terrorising didn't make it front page that's one very large question to the greens as well as new media.
animals more important to the greens than babies and mums and dads
they have to show humanity these guys else they're puppets for the clovers, quentins, queen, both major parties et al.
i credit them with raising it to senate yet there's more to do and they know it.
they are threadbare with advertising and there's no excuse except bias of their own and their threadbare with answering the people's questions and this includes ludlam {ego competition} and rachel {another ego-competition} freak}.
the good things bob brown has done i am right behind and they're very impressive yet hope he hasn't stood back with this one has he?

full knowing and aware support for all impacted by the senate inquiry into forced adoptions.
see my article about same on green left weekly.
i'm one of you all and have suffered until a lot of therapy introspection and fantastic ongoing support so now I'm a practicing psychologist looking at this from a different place with first hand experience in the terrible matter of forced adoptions.
i noted today how IT NINE news spoke down as in a judge ruled against a 14 year old unwed mother, and thought yes indeed, there are very callous judges and why couldn't he see she was 14 years yes, but how about support for her so she stays fourteen whilst she is and raises her own infant.
That news is telling one thing only; the judge has major psychological issues s/he hasn't dealt with and doesn't deeply care {care at all?} about his role as a judge and this girls family.
Yet what to expect in England as I've just returned from there and it's dismal grey and dark in every which way.

for the record
On a film set I once was acting in I saw one of the film crew snatch a baby from it's mum whilst she was holding her baby.
I was not with pre-performance angst as my role had finished that morning but rather healthy and open inability to understand the insensitivity of the man who could do this. I said 'give that baby back.'
The film crew insensitive man was grounded, the baby was given back to one very distraught mum in that nature reserve.
That mental picture has never left me. The utter shock the mum showed was horrific.
I have seen people pluck babies out of mums arms on other occasions off set and noted in my regular journal every response. All the same to the takers shame and the mums terrifying anguish.
What I'm finding lacking being talked about in this (even as it's in some comments and submissions no doubt) is this:
There are major crimes in Australia and overseas and one of these has to be not allowing a real mum to hold her own baby.
These women (or girls) were denied this basic human rights and lawful plus humane fundamental whilst the babies were not only denied this but also the basic human sustenance as in human breast milk. There's no substitute most I've talked with will agree. I understand the exceptions.
This is a tragic lot that forced adoptions happened and there needs to be further raising of why it was ever allowed that anyone could not allow the mums and their babies to be in touch in any way.
I'm outraged and so are my creative thespian peers.
I wish I had have known about this select senate inquiry long before I write today.
Mother of two

I agree and respect your opinions and points of view
All the best and well wishes with your creative work in film and theatre too.
Grant H

I am a mother ot two children.
Having come to this post far too late to add much more than the substantial already here I add.
Whilst I was on set at a nature reserve I noted a film crew take a baby off her mother.
Neither mum nor baby were part of the film set and my morning stint was finished.
I literally noted the response of the mum in my journal and it was one of shock and horror.
I have seen this scenario in differing forma since yet none is as tragic and tormenting as forced adoptions.
I understand how it feels to know what professionals in another field entitle separation anxiety and can only imagine (with horror) what the mums must have felt at such traumatic loss of far too much for anyone to handle without supports.
There were no supports.
No one has the human right to take a baby out of it's natural mum's arms not ever.
I appeal to the higher judgements and moral convictions with the senate and politicians with this one and have the backing of my fellow thespians who are equally outraged after learning the depth of this social cause.
It's nothing short of tragic.
All the very best to the people who were damaged by wrong and tragic practices that should never have been.
29th October 2011

I am a mother ot two children.
Having come to this post far too late to add much more than the substantial already here I add.
Whilst I was on set at a nature reserve I noted a film crew take a baby off her mother.
Neither mum nor baby were part of the film set and my morning stint was finished.
I literally noted the response of the mum in my journal and it was one of shock and horror.
I have seen this scenario in differing forma since yet none is as tragic and tormenting as forced adoptions.
I understand how it feels to know what professionals in another field entitle separation anxiety and can only imagine (with horror) what the mums must have felt at such traumatic loss of far too much for anyone to handle without supports.
There were no supports.
No one has the human right to take a baby out of it's natural mum's arms not ever.
I appeal to the higher judgements and moral convictions with the senate and politicians with this one and have the backing of my fellow thespians who are equally outraged after learning the depth of this social cause.
It's nothing short of tragic.
All the very best to the people who were damaged by wrong and tragic practices that should never have been.
29th October 2011

A healthy society has healthy noninterferred or maltreated families with their genetics.
This taking away from blood family members their own babies to give to more fortunate and wed couples is totally inhumane.
A healthy society also supports the mums and babies and as Australia is not a third world country I consider Forced Adoptions crimes against humanity and human rights.
These must be righted so the sins of the past are not repeated.
I'm all for this enquiry and also all for the very many families affected by what should not have been.
Ali R.

A healthy society has healthy noninterferred or maltreated families with their genetics.
This taking away from blood family members their own babies to give to more fortunate and wed couples is totally inhumane.
A healthy society also supports the mums and babies and as Australia is not a third world country I consider Forced Adoptions crimes against humanity and human rights.
These must be righted so the sins of the past are not repeated.
I'm all for this enquiry and also all for the very many families affected by what should not have been.
Ali R.

one submissiopn to the Senate Inquiry into Forced Baby Adoptions was written by someone named Annette Gallard and she's the C.E.O. of NSW Government's Human Services.
That used to be titled Department of Community Services or DOCS.
This woman had the gall to use the unconscionable and well raised conflicting and wrong "in the interests of the child' whilst she negates that the birth mums and dads have any human rights or any rights whatsoever.
"In the best interests of the child' has been used and by Annette Gallard abused in her soul dead submission.
It reads like a robot or computer wrote it.
Why not get rid of the middle tier of government as we're an over governed country and this example of one states attitudes and values is clearly profit over people.
Gallard would be head of surrogacy [the new money spinner which is equivalent to baby stealing from the poor or disadvantaged.]
Bottom line is we can't have any profits without people to begin with, and mess up any forms of family and you mess up society's everything.
Gallard might be related to Gillard in this one way they're both soul dead with unfavorable ratings of their own making and now on records at this point of time, if not from here on in.
I'm with the conscionable and don't abide profit over people/human services and interests of people.
Separately: Thanks Indymedia for publishing a whole lot of informative material that I wouldn't have known about had it not been for yours and a few other truth news media outlets.
Thanks for also, I trust, letting us all know how the "deliberations" from the Committee conclude and whether they do care or not.
I'm all for extending this into something larger and more costly than a mere Australian senate inquiry into forced adoptions.

Have a look at Green Left Weekly for some very powerful and truthful news media about this senate inquiry into forced adoptions.
Important here is the wrongs in the submissions by 'authorities'.
They can't admit errors mistakes or wrong doings and annette gallard from Human Services Community Services NSW Government is one defensive and unconscionable woman without a soul.
Now the Human Rights Lawyers are getting up and taking note.
There's a win for the targets of forced adoptions already.
Thanks and cheers
Ali R.

Documents are in legal chambers as I write this, all containing written format that shows the horrific inhumane errors and mistakes DOCS NSW have made and now again Human Services Community Services NSW government.
The cruelty and debasement of the thousands of birth mothers (not "a group of women", as A. Gallard has conspiculously written in her empty submission) human rights questions and requests with answers and reactions that have neither facts empathy nor relevance to the anguish of these mothers and their babies is evident from several staffss reactions (in writing) at what was once known as DOCS and now is Human Services Community Services NSW government.
They have a lot to answer for.
This evidence will be produced when the time is required to do so. It's highly secure as is it's sources.
Now and until that time I agree with everyone who has written the CEO at Human Services today totally and unconscionably disregarded the facts of forced adoptions and showed yet again the callous and malicious disregard for parenthood, basic human rights and the seriousness of the facts unearthed about forced adoptions. Parents Blogging website for all. Vaccine damage link


Had you child stolen ?
Had your child suffer after childhood vaccinations ?
Is your child in care ?

Does your child have adhd autism aspergers allergy or a moderate learning difficulty ?
We have been created by the need to fight widespread social care injustice and abuse of draconian state power. Children are being ripped from their parents simply because they are considered “unconventional” or even single.
Just like pigs we rootle under the surface to find those golden nuggets of truth hidden beneath half truths, targets, idealised aims and a “not my decision” culture. In fact, we are the truffle P.I.G.S. of the social care world.

Our aim is to help and support parents who have lost their children through spurious reasons. Low income, untidy house, learning difficulties,Vaccine damage, bad diet, disorganised lifestyle or a perceived non cooperation with social services.
We don’t claim that these are fully acceptable but if the money wasted by the legal and social system was spent helping families with these difficulties there would be no need for their abusive and draconian behaviour.
The whole system cannot be seen to have made a mistake, so they cover up any dodgy decisions. Everyone has seen how government and bankers squirm out of responsibility for their actions. Even sympathetic solicitors have little chance against this state conspiracy.
The worst thing about the whole rotten business is that the children pay for the rest of their lives. And it doesn’t stop there. Their children end up suffering too. Three generations affected by inept decision making, it’s beyond criminal.
So please get in touch however hopeless and battered you feel. We can and will make a difference to you and your children

The lies and deception of the Government and particularly the NSW Human Services Community Services (DOCS with change of name but not identity), Salvation Army, Fred Nile and all the Pro-Adoption unconscionable nasties.
Don't you people feel any shame?
Taking breast milk (a baby's sustenance and primary care) and a baby away from a person's biological mother is a crime against humanity.
The way you did this is abominable.
You'll all fall on your own swords unless you ALL start changing your inhumane habitual treading on necks debasing those who are in vulnerable situations, or anyone.
I'm outraged very rightly angry as my wife has cancer and was given DES in form of Stilboestral prior to our marriage.
This not only affects my wife, my young children but also generations to come.
The psychological as well as physical bullying and mistreatments are being thoruoghly viewed beyond any government senate inquiry.
I'm pleased to hear a few (quite a few) are writing and speaking up about the Auchwitz kind treatment of illegal drugs imposed without consent, let alone any paperwork signed under duress. Outrageous.
This is front cover news.
Husband, Father, Brother, Uncle, Lawyer

Chris's comment is valid and I too am a legal person.
My expertise lies outside the area of human rights yet not, it's not here to define who I am.
I fully support the victimised people(not victims) of Forced Adoptions in Australia from 1940's to 1980's.
I'm prepared to do Pro Bono law in this area as I know how there are primaries of law that have been wiped off the map with this social cause, notably, illegally so.
I am studying and working with a group of lawyers and pledge we will speak up and out against this kind of flagrant breach of human rights; coerced or forced adoptions and the imposing of carcinogenic drugs such as Stilboestral (DES) on the birth mothers prior to any 'orders of consent/adoption orders' as they have been titled by Human Services (more like inhumane non-services) NSW Government Australia nost conspicuous.
How do they keep on doing the wrong things by their fellow citizens, and not admitting their mistakes and atrocities. This time they have no choice but to do so.
Stilboestral a known carcinogenic has affected far too many and affects generations.
This is one only part of a greater whole of illegal and wrong doings by Australian authorities and not least governments.
Lawyers for Peace with Justice and Human Rights

The Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has spoken publicly and told news the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions will have their findings made public by the end of November 2011.
It's a sad reflection on any government that this all had to ever go to any Senate Inquiry.
I'm all for the Lawyers for Peace with Justice and Human Rights.
Best to the victimised.
Gillian A.

I support your stand.
This is all about the most horrendous abusive power by governments and their colluders.
I cannot imagine why the birth mums were treated like criminals and their babies stolen from them in this shameful manner.
Good luck to the victims you deserve a whole lot of good will and extra care today.
You always did.
M. Wright

I've been watching the senate inquiries on television and see the insensitive way the government handles sensitive topics. Wrong.
The questioners are more like interrogaters than government officials paid selected to assit justice in senate inquiries.
To whoever wrote about the NSW government Human Services Community Services (DOCS) Chief Executives submission I add I too am opposed to her/Gallard's and others in similar positions continual use of coverups, distortions of facts, secrecy and lies to prtect themselves (not those damaged) against the truth of the evil they have done and do.
Forced adoptions were and are Evil.
I know the people are speaking up but there seems a need for more voices about all this.
Make governments, charities, churches and corporations accountable.
I accept not all in these are behaving and imposing unconscioanbly and insensitivlely, too many are.
This is a terribly sensitive human topic and deserves inquiries and other platforms where this is respected with dignity and not terrorised by people acting out further abusive power games.

I understand ignorance is not bliss but would have rather not known about the facts unravelled regarding Forced Adoptions in Australia, my home for many years now.
My anger and outrage at the officials lack of empathy and humanity has shocked me, showing me a deeper level of deceit from our state and commonwealth governments.
This is a serious mistake that has affected enormous numbers of individuals and their families.
Governments in Australia and elsewhere depended on secrecy and patronage networks to always further enhance their advantage/s, now they can do this no longer, especially with Forced Adoptions.
The commonwealth government allys who colluded in Forced Adoptions and are connected in a dysfunctional way are now exposed.
They include the Benevolent Society and their PARC, Salvation Army, States and territory authorities who continue to be secretive about the truth even when the Senate Inquiry has clearly and publicly shown the whole world facts that are indisputable and tell of horrific unnecessary suffering caused by bullys who could not contain their own hatred and it's offspring neg bias toward unwed mothers.
I'm standing beside the honest and brave these being the tormented tortured victims of Forced Adoptions who have every right to at last have their human rights respected and their factual information acknowledged.
I pledge my empathy and support ongoing.

This needs a National Apology that brings public recognition and acknowledgement of the evils imposed.
The people affected also need counselling of their choice and compensation: every one of the many thousands of individuals affected by atrocious causes being Forced adoptions of babies in Australia.
I didn't know Forced adoptions could ever exist. They did and hopefully don't anymore.
I feel sad the terroorised mums and their babies had to suffer what I could not have gone through.
It didn't have to be like this and has nothing to do with mores of the time.
The latter is rubbish the guilty always use.

What's a spinster Lizzie Brew?
Governments who do wrong and make grave errors feel fear and to adapt to that they keep secrets and covers ups as done with forced adoptions.
It's enough to have stereotypes of single unwed mothers.
We don't need more negative biases in a lot of red neck Australia thanks very much.
I want to see the Senate inquiry into forced adoptions facing the facts presented to them.
The facts are truth.
Truth is the only reason this inquiry began.
Mothers and their babies have and do suffer as per cause and effect.
The causes are horrendous and inhumane. The effects need remedy.
Nothing less than an authentic Federal government apology (see WELA for one of many reasons why) and nothiong less than each state and territory authentically apologising with compensation.
Forced adoptions have not only scarred their victims for life but also the national psyche.
This is outrageous and calls for further active awareness to be made public in widespread and truth news media.
Green Left Weekly seem to have the hold on truth media aside from this one.
Best of luck to the victims and I feel for them.

Yeah this enquiry is way overdue.
They "authorities with abusive power" undermined mums their flesh and blood in insane ways.
They also covered this up, made it all secret for years and even in other enquiries.
What they don't get is by admitting mistakes even of this magnitude they gain more respect and that's what they've lost.
They also gain more support from the public who now know about this one way or another.

The USA government with Australian government saying 'yeah we're with you" have made 300 9/11's on Iraq in the past years of war there.
That's another more noticeable larger magnitude "undermining".
The states want the oil. Take from the poor and make mega bucks in the doing.
I'm becoming increasingly aware Australian governments are hiding lots and I'm happy some people are pushing it out into the news media that tells the truth. This wont stop now.
For Forced Adoptions victims I'm one of your supporters today and would have been yesterday had I been in the know then.

The vilest thing about this forced adoptions and many adoptions is that people have had the propaganda of the bad mother.
What I'm saying is the vilest partof all this is truth is the mothers actually did want and love their babies and were forced to seperate from them.
That seperation anxiety can and has lasted a lifetime for both parties, I believe.
The propaganda was created to keep the birth mums down too far down for any civil society and allow money and other benefits even human babies to change hands, and this is malicious vile.
Respect the mother and child or at least admit you're not just cold but totally and utterly merciless and malicious you churchy do-gooders who took what wasnt yours to take and you governments who think the CIA is going to get you if you don'ty tow the line with USA and Hollywood style adoptions en masse.

Thanks Indy
P.J.Reynolds (nee ----------)

Reynolds you're spot on this is VILE and Shows government policy and practices of yesterday as well as today.
There has been some regression and I example the N.T. Intervention where families are being demoralised and the government under Nicola Roxon and her unseen bureacrats are carrying out another vile Intervention which is smeared with hatred in the form of Prejudice.
I'm not suprised single white women and girls were targeted as scapegoats by repressed sexless and soulless thugs who think and thought they were above human justice.
This they are not.
Serve justice for the outragous number of targets of forced adoptions, and if justice doesn't happen there will be civil disobedience that will wreak havoc for any government.
The government state territory and commonwealth are culpable and have to be accountable no matter what politicians played a part in the actual malice of forced adooptions citing Senator Adams as one of these.
What a sham to have her in the Inquiry, what a sham to have the targets treated in condescending manner by even the Greens Politician whose supposed to be questiioning ethics and professional quality as well as if the commonwealth had any input, of course they did, see the article in the Age News, it's fact vicious and venal.
Get justice with this one, and justice is there for all.
If Australia ia a democratic country justice will happen.

Im not good at being the critic however I have seen the causes and effects of forced adoptions in my patients and know this is a serious and important social cause worth fighting for.

One appendix to the government cannot show any remorse about their horrible deeds to do with forced adoptions.
They continue to talk down to all and sundry when asked "Please explain".
This another reflection of state and federal governments who collude with such uncharitable charities and churchs and their own lack of ability for remorse.

Take this higher.
I was lead to believe none of this happened in my lifetime then came to this site.

Jim (and family)

It was more than many thousands of unwed mothers who went through forced adoptions malpractices and the prejudice toward them when forced adoptions happened has not changed even today in some peoples minds - the mindless and biased who think a piece of paper and a ceremony or not cement a partnership of love.
The pieces of paper the women and girls were given to sign were all under the most malicious duress and ended with them losing their loved and wanted babies.
I find this a chapter in Australian life worth a lot more thought than some people are giving it.


The whole thing seems like something from a victorian era say.
What on earth were the hospitals thinking as Shirley Swain talks of their mailisious intent.
Inportant in my mind is what were all the Australian governments thinking as they are responsible for health and hospitals.
I think the federal government needs to show some real gumption with forced adoptions.
They look only at people and companies that make megabucks and at the cost of emotionally and physically or economically neglecting those who don;t have those values.
One thing for sure there were and are sales of babies and any government bureaucrat who is part of this is vicious, barbaric and a tragic bully thug.
It's time to have this opened up so more or this breaking up of families is shown to the whole of Australia.
I'm sick and tired of hearing about these secrets that should have been solved by previous senate inquiries including the one Geoffrey Rickarby (Dr.) made submissions to.
I don;t think people saying god help the perpetrators does anything constructive yet whoever Lily is I have to admit if the government dosen;t feel shame at it's merciless ongoing smash and grab tactics for land from Aboriginals and the minerals there, or for whatever they want such as babies for infertile nongs the govs. have lost the plot.
The amount of contempt the present gov. is showing single mothers in the latest budget sickens me to the bone. What insanity and how about along with that pay rises to the half million dollar figure for polotocians such as J.Gillard. the back stabber that's sick.
It's also a form of inciting envy and that's what gov. are adept at doing along with patronising people they somehow can;t see as being their fellow citizens.
Move to a country where they don't care Julia because people in Australia do.
I care about the victims of forced adoptions because a long term friend is adopted and I know the story back the front.
His mother wanted him and theirs paperwork to show he was taken not given that means he was one of the babies of forced adoptions. He needs help yet can;t come to terms with the rage he feels with the systems.
It's distressing when this is even raised and yet he is one of the richest IT people I know.
Odd all this.
I value it when governments value people's dignity above profits and so does he.
We have this in common.
I want him to heal.

Senator Rachel Siewert is commendable to raise this inquiry. I give the Greens credos.
Senator is not correct in publicly stating this inquiry has attracted a lot of news media.
Fact is the news media has been limited so that only the progressive few can understand the tragic causes and effects of this serious material.
The government of the day have a penchance to penalise anyone who can't make a living because of circumstances beyond their control like lack of suitable sustainable work and also penalises anyone who isn't rich or with financial clout.
They seem to lack any understanding that people can transcend a lot and gain economic as well as other advantages. This is their lack of foresight.
Regarding the forced adoptions there is similar dynamics.
Not all the mums would have been static on their tragic and traumatic circumstances.
Support and government support was and is still needed for these people.

I put it to all the politicians who have any conscience and who have children of their own origins or history
How would you feel if you had to know for years the mystery anguish of one of your children being lost from you to strangers?
Doesn't matter in what context however in this one it is clearly Forced Adoptons.
I also put the the government how would they feel if as infant or child they were to grow in environments families where they didn't fit in or were mis placed with totally different cognitve style parents or emotional style or relgious or other style no matter what legal papers changed hands?
How would you feel politcians of today if you had no support from anyone?
That last question is at the core of the birth mums devastating more like tragic loss at a time when people were not except from being compassionate and loving.

People are still not excempt from being compassionate and loving dear commentor on this post.
It's the question whether THIS government has human qualities that make for conscionable adults?

This media alongside Green Left Weekly have really good comments but they moderate out a whole lot of others.
I'm now seeing the politics being played out in alternative or meant to be factual news media.
Bucko this is rediculous.
Whoever wrote about compassion and human qualities spot on.
But the media have to all toe the line with this one as well as governments.
We weren't born yesterday and can see what is happening here and it's as tragic as forced adoptions.

This is about Freedom of speech and we have this in "Fair" Australia.
Bucko, haven't heard that for yonks.
You're correct though there's something political in this.
On topic it's insanity as freedom of speech is imperative to forced adoptions inquiries.

A lot of coincidences happening at the moment and I want to add this Indymedia.
Just when I wrote to Green Left weekly it was rejected.
Just when I went to Indy there's someone saying what I want to and do.
Could be some glitch in system or coincidences or that someone else just happened to also try to contact them with comment.
It's not only about freedom of speech and I forgot to say that, but I know the birth mums had no voices and naturally the babies didn't either; otherwise they wouldn't have been torn apart or part of forced adoptions so they didn't (the mums and dads) have freedom of speech and it is about that in part.
It's also about human rights and the very roots of these especially in a country such as Australia.
It's also about what someone else mentions actually quite a lot of people and that's empathy and fellow feeling.
Australian aint going no where unless we get this together and sooner rather than later would be best bet.

No one hates the adoptees and labels aren't so good.
From my learning I found out adoptees can and do reject their biol. parents usually the vulnerable mums.
It's complex and tragic.
It's something to do with that attitude permeated by the press "She gave her child away to strangers and is therefore hateful" .
Now the sh.. hits the fan and we see "She" never gave any baby away and loved her baby just caught in bureaucratic and medical vicious vile.
WELA want reunions and counselling. well WELA had better see they/adoption reunion orgs. aren't "organised" very genailly toward anyone save the adoptive parents and are run by charities and the like (funded by gov. of course) reunions too often end in further tragedy.
Reunions good, if they work but too many don't.
WELA's Counselling suggestion is very good. Extensive counselling and not because the people are sick because they suffered torture.
How can you handle the whole gamut of emotions that comes with remeeting someone you lost so tragically, it's impossible mostly. This is too sad.
Justice and apologies from the perpetrators for their predecessors who were in their roles today and some are still there.

This is to do with corporate and government crimes against humanity forced adoptions.
It wont stop until the Human Rights Watdogs and Responsible individuals and bodies admit this.
The Salvation Army one of Rickarby's pet dislikes for it's malice is a corporation as are so many organisations and governments involved that people have mentioned on this news spread.
Had to add this it's all relevant.
In loving memory of a victimised woman who didn't survive.

As the distinguished Professor Reiss from the Sydney Peace Foundation says better than I can: Punitive doesn't work.
Forced adoptions are about governments, law agencies, corporations and church affiliations being puntive as well as outright vicious to vulnerable.
Punitive doesn't work and the horrifying facts about forced adoptions show this indisputably.
Does the government care?

It's very telling that at the time of forced adoptions there was no lack of resources for medical, legal or other means to treat the birth mothers and their babies with respect, compassion and dignity.
The governments, churchs, corporations and outright named the Salvation Army who as Rickarby has outlined in an early submission to another senate inquiry lacked core human empathy. The one thing that every era has that every person reaching adulthood values.
It's also very telling that Hollywood has made a mockery of adoptions by adults who act like children who want to play parents rather than be them NOT ALL but lots.
It's telling the Salvation Army cannot as yet admit it's abhorrent place in this torure machine called forced adoptions as alongside them Rickarby mentions the Catholic Church who have now.
I'm all for challenging the government and corporations and asking more questions than just senate inquiries.
I'm also for progressive rather than regressive governments that start looking at corporate ethics including it's core empathy and humanity, care and people above profits. Worth looking up what torture actually is and you find what forced adoption victims had put on them a whole lot of it as per Human Rights Documents.
I hope this senate inquiry is fair dinkum and not a sham like the last one.
If it's a sham that will also be very telling and to the detriment of this neoliberal labour government.
There's too much punishing the poor and disadvantaged in very rich Australia and everyone is finding this very telling.
Stop playing childish games with people who are doing their best to live in a country that anthems fair.
Good Luck to the forced adoption torture victims and I am your ally alongside my colleagues.
Yours Truly
Michael Clarke