Sydney events: Rex Bellotti + Kimberley Festival + Unsettling Suite + This Heaven + Shane Phillips

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 6 March 2013: Sydney, NSW
Part of the National Day of Action for
Justice for Rex Bellotti in Perth, WA
Rally outside office of Police Integrity Commission (PIC) NSW
Organised by Indigenous Social Justice Association - Sydney (ISJA)
Event details:
ISJA Statement:

Event: Fri 8 March 2013: Sydney CBD, NSW
The Wilderness Society Sydney:
Festival for the Kimberley
Due to a severe weather warning,
Festival for the Kimberley has been
postponed until Friday 8 March, 2013."
"Calling all Sydneysiders: This is your chance
join us for a fun-filled day to bring the stunning
beauty of the Kimberley region to Sydney,
and to stand in solidarity with the people of
Broome against industrialisation as a result of the
planned James Price Point gas hub."
Wilderness Society Kimberley Campaign Manager Glen Klatovsky
said: "The Kimberley faces an historic moment. Will it
retain its unique social and environmental heritage, or
will it become another industrial zone? Some of the key
decision makers reside in Sydney’s CBD. Today is a first
step in telling this extraordinary story to the people
of our largest and most powerful city."
Event details including updated agenda:
Event details:
Event details:
Event summary:
Media Release of 27 Feb 13:
WGAR Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign:

Event: 23 February - 10 March 2013: Eveleigh, Sydney, NSW
'Unsettling Suite' - Performance Space
"Performance Space is delighted to present
Sarah-Jane Norman's installation and performance
project bringing together her entire Unsettling Suite
project into a dramatically charged exhibition
and series of live performances."
"Through works that are both beguiling and disturbing,
Unsettling Suite explores the ways that Australia's
history of colonisation plays out on the body, and
permeates the sphere of the personal.
Norman is an artist of mixed British and Aboriginal
descent, and Unsettling Suite is a powerfully
personal work that speaks to broader historical
truths about who we have been, and who we are."
Event details:
Event details:

Event: 7 February - 10 March 2013: Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
Production by emerging Koori playwright
Nakkiah Lui, called "This Heaven"
Director Lee Lewis
"'This Heaven' is the story about the
death in custody of a father and his
family's reaction on the night they're
told the police have been acquitted
of his murder."
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Event: Mon 11 March 2013: Mona Vale, Sydney, NSW
Information night: Guest Speaker:
Shane Phillips (CEO of Tribal Warrior)
Hosted by Aboriginal Support Group
- Manly Warringah Pittwater (ASG):
"Australia’s 2013 Local Hero Explains the
Tribal Warrior Mentor Program;
An initiative that focuses on simple life skills,
teaching & mentoring."
""We target young offenders who have been
referred to us by Police & Juvenile justice
with the aim of getting them ready for
work and gearing them to stay focused
on their own personal situation""
Event details:
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Event details:

Event: 13 February - 13 March 2013: Bathurst, NSW
Strong Spirit Strong People Strong Culture
"The name of the exhibition is borrowed from
the tagline of the Healing Foundation, an Indigenous
organisation set up on the first anniversary of
the Apology to Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people to support and promote
Indigenous healing throughout Australia.
The Bathurst contributors to the exhibition thought
the title aptly reflected what they wanted to say
about their community and culture."
Event details:
Event details:

Event: Thu 14 March 2013: Sydney, NSW
Justice for The Bowraville Children Protest March:
Call for Royal Commission into the Bowraville murders
Event details:
Event details:
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Event: Mon 18 March 2013: Blackett, Western Sydney, NSW
Book Launch: A Decision to Discriminate
Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territory
To be launched by: Jeff McMullen AM
Organized by the Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation
"This new book is an important historical record
that focuses on the Senate Committee Inquiry
into the Stronger Futures legislation. It shows
how the Government decision-making process
chose to ignore the views and ideas expressed
by many Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory
communities in much the same way as has
happened since colonisation."
A 'concerned Australians' publication
Book Order Form:
Event details: [scroll to nearly the bottom of page]
Book reviews:
Audio Interviews:

Event: Tue 19 - Thu 21 March 2013: Redfern, Sydney, NSW
Preparatory Meeting for Pacific Indigenous Peoples on the
World Conference on Indigenous Peoples 2014
Co-hosted by:
* National Congress of Australia's First Peoples; and
* New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council;
in collaboration with the
* Indigenous Peoples Organisations (IPO) Network of Australia
and * Global Coordinating Group
"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and
Indigenous peoples from the Pacific are invited
to attend a preparatory meeting in Sydney in the
lead up to the World Conference on Indigenous
Peoples in 2014."
"The aim of the meeting is to determine what key
human rights issues and strategies Indigenous
Peoples from the Pacific Region would like to
table for discussion at the 2014 world conference."
Event details:

Event: 21 March 2013: various locations internationally
UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
"Racism continues to cause suffering for millions of
people around the world.... I look to all people to join
the United Nations in our drive to eliminate racism.
We must, individually and collectively,
stamp out racism, stigma and prejudice."
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Event details:
Event details:

Event: Thu 21 or Fri 22 March 2013: NSW
National Close the Gap Day
"A day for Australians to join together and remind
political leaders to close the life expectancy gap
between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians
within a generation." ATSI Support
"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
still die 10-17 years younger than other Australians.
Closing this health gap cannot be done overnight.
We need a long-term commitment with adequate
funding, and investment in real partnerships." Oxfam
NSW event details:
Event details:
Event details:
Event summary:
Event details:
Event summary: [scroll down page]
Event details:
Event details:

Event: Thu 21 March 2013: Broadway, Sydney, NSW
Rally Against Racism
On the International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination
and 'National Close the Gap Day'
STOP 'Stronger Futures' - NO to 10 more years of Intervention
STOP the expansion of income management:
Not in the NT, not in Bankstown not anywhere
STOP Black Deaths in Custody
- Justice for Kwementyaye Briscoe and all victims
Speakers include:
* Rosealee Pearson, Yirrkala, NT
* Sue Gillett, Bankstown Aboriginal activist and STICS member
* Ray Jackson, Indigenous Social Justice Association
Event details: [scroll down page]
Event details:
Event details:
Event details:
Event details:!/events/355507234562134/
STICS info:
ISJA info:
WGAR Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention:
WGAR Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws:
WGAR Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody:
WGAR Background to the justice for Kumentjaye Briscoe campaign:

Event: Sat 23 March 2013: Sydney, NSW
Message Sticks Festival: Free Films Saturday
"Saturday Film Screenings are a chance to catch
some of the best flicks about indigenous issues"
"... Each screening will be followed by a Q&A with
guest speakers."
"Such as director Steven McGregor, whose film,
Croker Island Exodus, documents the
5000-kilometre journey made to Sydney, by foot,
canoe and truck, by 95 Stolen Generation children
and their missionary carers as they fled the
Japanese bombardment of Darwin in 1945."
"Or Coniston co-director David Batty, whose acclaimed
hybrid docu-drama has won acclaim for its searing
depiction of Australia's "last massacre" of Aboriginal
people in 1928 - and the way it allows their descendants
to speak with authority about one of the darkest
moments in our history."
"Finally, a worthy screening of the 1992 film
Black Man's Houses offers a glimpse of Tasmanian
history and the fight by its Aboriginal community to
lay claim to the gravesites of their ancestors on
Flinders Island in Bass Strait."
Event details:
Event details:

Event: Sun 24 March 2013: Sydney, NSW
Message Sticks Festival: Free Films Sunday
"The evening session kicks off with the
multi-award-winning short film Apekathe,
written and directed by Steven McGregor,
joined in a Q&A at the end of the screening by
Message Sticks Festival Artistic Director
Rhoda Roberts."
"Meaning "fair skin" in the Arrente language,
Apekathe examines how Aboriginal people are
judged by their colour and why it's vital that white
Australia is aware of the importance of
indigenous identity."
Event details:
Event details:

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* the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and tent embassies;
* other Aboriginal rights issues; and
* upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia.

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
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