The Plan to put it all together.


The World Wide Movement is Great but needs to be tied to a working Policy. Politicians don't have the answers to your demands they are stuck in limbo. PlanQ can change all that energy, but can't do it without you. Need you to push it along loud and clear.

The following blog is in relation to several questions I have asked myself about the ongoing circumstances revolving the GFC for last year and any action that could or should be taken by our Governments.

The key motivation for PlanQ: the timing, priority and distraction of the GFC and GDC may put our Planet at risk of serious longterm ecological harm, far worse then the economic adversity we face or endure. If and whenever we get to a global economic recovery you will be asked to pay for it. So instead push for PlanQ.

Sing the slogan, sing it loud, sing it all over the world..
"we want, we want, PlanQ, PlanQ - we want, we want, PlanQ, PlanQ"

Key proposition and solutions of PlanQ 2012 will create huge amount of jobs and include; Sovereign Solvency Resolution, Debt Leverage Resolution, International Economic Policy Reform via IMF, Fast tracking of Eco & Enviro Rehab & Sustainability and Micro Economic Humanitarian Reform. It is the only solution that is a win win for all, end poverty and fix our Planet at the same time.

I know what all you economists are thinking right now, it cant be done. Yet I will demonstrate a fully funded proposal that will actually work without more debt.

Part A - The Plan Overview

PlanQ will outline a radical yet rational proposal to reshape our Global fiscal architecture and provide a "solid tier of stability" that is evidently missing. The revised system would asher in a new era for trade and commerce. It would allow for mass recapitalization of our drained financial systems and extinguish a large proportion of Global Sovereign debt.

There is no doubt my proposal is controversial, it is done so with intent to sow a seed of thought, for perhaps an abstract view, look and feel of how this global crises could be resolved. Importantly the plan does provide tools and application necessary to achieve the outlined objectives. It is not to say that it is the way or only way to achieve good and acceptable results. One thing is clear from the onset, the benefits would be felt extremely fast, be wide ranging, fair to all and potentially could enhance life of every person in our diverse people, cultures and communities including you if this plan is given the chance to materialise.

Our Global financial and political experts will no doubt differ on opinion of such a bold and ostentatious proposal. Many will see the immediate political benefits of PlanQ, and many will be quickly to jump in, point out potential flaws and adverse consequences such a move would bring. Some narrower or conservative thinking individuals will dismiss this proposal altogether as pie in the sky talk, unable to fathom or believe, it to be possible to achieve. I would call on all the experts amongst them to work with our global policy makers to debate and negate a workable solution that would overcome these very obstacles and set out a framework that is acceptable and will work. Remember if your the expert, the world may rely and depend on your input to make it work.
What is clear to me and anyone else, something big has to occur to move things along. So listen carefully and think big.

The proposed Plan would meet our current economic calamity head on. The massive one off and ongoing longterm benefits could and must be tied together with real actions that are, aside from simple monetary benefits a lot more important. Any monetary gains would be tied to real actions, goals and requirements for things such as, a speedy reduction in carbon emissions, global warming, environmental, ecological and humanitarian improvements and so on must all be considered as part of the bigger picture.

Over time one could, and might, argue that the ecological and humanitarian benefits to our Planet by themselves would outweigh tenfold any financial benefits derived from this proposal.

May history be made and 2012 mark the Year of wisdom, humanity and humility.

Part B

PlanQ 2012

And how PlanQ will make the impossible possible? We will release policy details via twitter @planq2012 but need all troops to follow first so COME ON!

Come on board we need your help to spread the news!!!

Sincerely yours, John Citizen