Countries with no water

No Water.

Tokelau and Tuvala have no water. Parts of Samoa are also running out of water. Rising sea-levels and changing weather patterns have left some countries in the South Pacific with no fresh water. New Zealand and the US are sending bottled water and a tanker is sailing with a load of fresh water to Tuvalu. The Red Cross has donated two desalination machines.

States of Emergency have been declared in Tuvalu and Tokelau, and water rationing has been introduced in the parts of Samoa affected by the water crisis; they still have a few weeks supply left.

There seems to be minimal discussion about what can be done long-term. Even when (or if) the rains come in December, the old underground sources of freshwater are now permanently contaminated by rising sea levels. Plants are failing to grow and there are reports of animals dying after drinking from contaminated water sources.

This part of the world is in serious trouble and it is seemingly being ignored in the mainstream media.


Tuvalu does not have rising sea levels the people there removed the sand from the beach to make concrete for houses they built, the people of Tuvalu know this is the problem because they put house bricks on the beach to replace the sand they removed.

Animals dying after drinking contaminated water what a joke this is a Island in the middle of the Pacific there are no native animals the only animals there are stray dogs that no one cares about and move in packs looking for food like they have done for years, they are skinny and mangey they are better off dead than to watch them suffer, then you have chickens and Pigs they have no problem drinking the coconut milk, there have been droughts in Tuvalu many times when I was there we had no rain for 18 months it's all part of Island life people have survived these tough conditions for hundreds of years

The bottom line here is sea level rise is just a excuse, most of the people not all want to move to Australia and New Zealand for a better life for their families you can't blame them for that, they are good caring people, there are not many of them we should just open our doors to them and let our neighbours in, then this crap about sea level rise in the Pacific will vanish