Rising Tide harbour blockade a success

Rising Tide Media release 13th March Australia's export of coal is recognised as Australia's largest contribution to climate change, we have been joined by hundreds of people and have successfully stopping all coal ship movements.

This blockade in the world's biggest coal port sends a strong message to the community, government and coal industry that there is to much at stake for the coal industry to expand.

People paddling here today can imagine a future where government and industry put a safe climate, community health and clean water first. We can imagine a renewable energy future.

See http://www.mediafire.com/?49uwr16bu49m9 for photo gallery and high resolution photos




Thanks Rising Tide for your work in Newcastle explaining environmental issues!
We may not be paddling for climate justice but there are disabled women and men who want sustainable and clean powered societies including disability services and housing.
Coal and uranium and other industries have disabled too many already. We don't want the price of our lives to be other people's lives. We want a life with dignity for disabled people all over the world - which means designing for accessibility and sustainability at the same time.