130 people pushed over a fence and entered onto land adjacent to the Bayswater coal-fired power station on Sunday 5th December. 12 people attached themselves with a device to the train tracks and approximately 60 of the 130 remained in the vicinity of the tracks. The remaining protestors tried negotiating with Police and stating that they were willing to voluntarily remove themselves from the train tracks on the condition that The NSW Premier Kristina Keneally withdraw the 'Bayswater B' proposal, commit to no new coal in NSW and begin a transition to renewable energy immediately. By days end 73 people in total were arrested in protest of the proposed new Bayswater B coal-fired power station. Charges include enter and remain on rail infrastracture, failure to comply with police direction, and enter and remain on inclosed lands.
More info at Climate Camp 2010 Website
The protestors blockaded the coal-laden trains entering the power station – Australia’s single largest source of carbon pollution. No trains have entered the power station on this track since this morning. Two people attached themselves with a device to the train tracks.
Hundreds of other people concerned with the health, environmental and social impacts of coal in the Hunter are gathered nearby in support of the protestors.
Climate Camp Spokesperson Naomi Hogan stated from the train tracks that “150 people will now be arrested to show the strength of our conviction that we will not allow Bayswater B to be built. We know that if we build Bayswater B, pollution will double, water impacts will double, and health concerns will double.
Hunter resident Ann Hodgson says, “As a local grandmother, we respect and support the action taken today to protect our community and our climate. We do not want new coal - today’s arrests express that in no uncertain terms."
Images at
Climate Camp NSW on Flikr