Welcome to The Stringer’s weekly newsletter - NEWS update: The Stringer went live February 20, 2013. We are a not-for-profit independent news format. We believe in the importance of independent media with a bent for investigative journalism.
Independent news media contributes to the unfolding landscape of human rights and social justice. It is The Stringer’s aim to provide every opportunity for the rise of voices that far too often are denied. If The Stringer believes in the importance of a story we will sustain coverage – this is what The Stringer terms through-care journalism. Already we have had a positive impact on the Australian socio-political landscape with a number of stories and through sustained coverage, and therefore we encourage you to get involved - by contributing a story or by sharing The Stringer as widely as possible.
The Stringer team works hard to bring to you stories that matter. At present we comprise thirty-odd contributors. If you would like to become a regular contributor, or contribute an article, photograph/s, a radio or video piece, we would be glad to hear from you.
Some of our stories from the last week include:
Forty uranium mines is the plan for Western Australia
November 29th 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Friday’s poem: For Precision by Judith Wright
November 29th 2013 by Colin Penter
Crime and Punishment
November 29th 2013 by The Stringer
Family of 15 are being evicted from their home by Department of Housing
November 29th 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Police kicked boy in head to wake him
November 29th 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
TEPCO risks removal of Fukushima fuel rods – Dangers of uncontrolled global nuclear radiation
November 27th 2013 by Yoichi Shimatsu
First Peoples groups criticise the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses into Child Sexual Abuse
November 27th 2013 by The Stringer
Obscene wealth and grinding poverty side by side
November 26th 2013 by Adnan Al-Daini
Ewamian native title rights recognised
November 26th 2013 by The Stringer
Star chamber Government scuttles transparency & reverses Rudd UN decision on Israel/Palestine
November 25th 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Controversial study links US white gun ownership to racism
November 24th 2013 by Brett Wilkins
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
November 24th 2013 by Suresh Rajan
Is anybody listening?
November 23rd 2013 by Don Palmer
The brutal theft of a continent goes on in Australia
November 23rd 2013 by Paddy Gibson
Some of The Stringer’s most read stories include:
Australia’s Aboriginal children – The world’s highest suicide rate
27th February 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
Is Australia a racist country?
7th April 2013 by Suresh Rajan
Climate of death – Justice denied means more will die
18th July 2013 by Gerry Georgatos
There are scores more stories, localised, national and international, you can choose from to read – and share with others on The Stringer
The Stringer recommends the 28 minutes audio from 3CR – The War on Iraq: 10 Years On
Anyone who would like to assist with Wheelchairs for Kids please contact us – the organisation builds hardened up wheelchairs for children in countries devastated by war, civil strife, abject poverty and it has reached 66 countries and 26,000 children. Most recently wheelchairs have been donated to Sri Lanka, the Congo and Libya. The Libyan consignment became the 66th nation we have reached. Millions more children wait. – You can contact Gerry Georgatos, the Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation manager - 0430 657 309, gerry_georgatos@yahoo.com.au or Jennifer Kaeshagen, the Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation communications coordinator wheechairsforkids@gmail.com
You can quickly find out more about Wheelchairs for Kids here, and here.
You can donate directly to the Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation at:
BSB: 016 261
ACC: 267255563
The Wheelchairs for Kids Foundation is always glad to receive donations of soft toys and rugs as each wheelchair is packaged with a soft toy and a rug for each child. Wheelchairs for Kids is always ready to welcome new members to our knitting group, please phone us at the factory on 9409 3633 if you’re interested in joining. Wheelchairs for Kids is run out of a factory in Perth, Western Australia, the address of which is 45 Dellamarta Road, Wangara 6065. Donations of toys, blankets and wheelchairs can be made by delivering or posting the articles to this address. Our volunteers staff the factory Monday to Friday (except Thursdays) - the best time to drop off donations is between 9 and 11am.
Please know that your feedback on The Stringer is always more than welcome.
To subscribe to this list please email us at contact@thestringer.com.au
The Stringer’s people thank you.