Canberra events: Insurgence exhibit + On Country: Connect, Work, Celebrate + Sovereign Union Meeting

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Now Open [as of 19 Nov 13]: Parkes, Canberra, ACT
Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
"The Insurgence exhibition explores art, with all its
revolutionary potential, deployed as a platform for politics."
"The museum welcomes all voices in the House-
Insurgence is the voice of proppaNOW. Insurgence builds on
the 80 year tradition of bringing difficult and important
questions to the steps of Parliament House and reinforces
the message that there is no better platform for politics than art."
"The exhibition features the work of Vernon Ah Kee,
Gordon Hookey, Jennifer Herd, Laurie Nilsen, Megan Cope,
Tony Albert and Richard Bell-artists from the proppaNOW collective,
along with former proppaNOW member Andrea Fisher."
"proppaNOW is an artists’ collective formed in 2004 to provide
mutual support for a number of Brisbane-based Aboriginal artists."
Event details:
NITV News:

Event: 22 November 2013 to 20 July 2014: Canberra, ACT
Exhibition: On Country: Connect, Work, Celebrate
National Museum of Australia
"On Country: Connect, Work, Celebrate is an inspiring
exhibition that showcases contemporary Indigenous
land and sea management practices across Australia."
Event details:

Event: 23 - 24 November 2013: Canberra, ACT
Next Sovereign Union National Meeting
"Saturday 23 November 2013
9 - 9.45am: Registration of delegates, observers and media at Aboriginal Embassy, includes morning tea
10 am: Start in House of Representatives, Old Parliament House, Canberra
(NB: no-one can be admitted without registration)"
"Sunday 24 November 2013
at Aboriginal Embassy, Canberra
9am: Work-shopping issues identified from the previous day"
"People need to be reminded that the delegations can only consist of
an Elder, a youth and delegation leader, that is three from each Nation."
"Day 1 - Old Parliament House - Day 2 - Aboriginal Tent Embassy"
Saturday 23 November 2013 ...
A. Welcome and Introductions
All delegate leaders to present a 2 minute introduction:
a. naming your Nation
b. why you are here?
c. what are your expectations?
B. Sovereignty and Self-Determination in International Law ...
C. Aboriginal Sovereignty v Native Title ...
D. Declaring Sovereign Independence ...
E. Unification of Sovereign First Nations within Australia ...
F. Developing International Relations ... "
Event details and Agenda:
Event details and Agenda:
Event details and Agenda:
Event details and Agenda:
Additional Agenda items:
Large Flyer for printing:
Event details:
Event details:
Event details:
Event details:
Event details:
Event details:
WGAR Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies:

Event: 25 November 2013: Acton, Canberra, ACT
The 2013 Annual ANU Reconciliation Lecture
2013: Patrick Dodson 'The road to reconciliation:
Some reflections on the politics and challenges of reconciliation'
"Each year, a renowned Australian is invited to speak publically
on the topic of reconciliation. As 2013 is the 10th anniversary of
the Annual ANU Reconciliation Lecture, we have invited
Professor Patrick Dodson, who gave the inaugural lecture
in 2004, to present this year's anniversary lecture."
Event details:
Event details:

Event: Thu 28 November 2013: Canberra, ACT
Parliamentary Triangle Seminar Series
Murray Darling Rivers: Can Indigenous Stories Reshape 21st Century Policy?
The National Press Club, Canberra
ANZSOG Institute for Governance
" ... the ANZSOG Institute for Governance has brought together
a panel of national experts and practitioners to reflect on these
fundamental issues for the future of the Basin.
How do indigenous stories lead us to rethink the ecology of the Basin?
What are the governance implications of these stories? ... "
Event details:

Event: Ongoing: Canberra, ACT
Exhibition now showing:
First Australians - Resistance
"The lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
peoples were profoundly changed by the arrival
of British colonists in 1788. Lives were lost
and land taken as the colonisers attempted to
impose new social, economic and religious
orders. ... "
"Indigenous people responded in a variety of ways.
Some fought back with weapons. Others
developed different strategies to survive this
new and hostile presence."
"Here we present four of these stories."
National Museum of Australia
Event details:

See also:

ANTaR ACT Events
Coming Events - put them in your diary now!

Winter and spring calendar of events
Centenary of Canberra celebrates first Australians
[scroll down page of attachment]

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

About WGAR News:

Subscription to 'WGAR News' is free.

'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media, focusing on:

* the Australian Federal government intervention into Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal communities;
* the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies;
* Justice Reinvestment, Aboriginal imprisonment and Aboriginal Deaths in Custody;
* Aboriginal land rights and mining;
* Suicide and self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities;
* Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing;
* other Aboriginal rights issues; and
* upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia.

'WGAR News' gives priority to grassroots Aboriginal voices and grassroots voices in solidarity with Aboriginal peoples' rights.

The role of 'WGAR News' is to facilitate the voices of others, and as such, 'WGAR News' rarely writes its own articles.

'WGAR News' publishes information and opinions from a wide range of sources.
These opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of WGAR.

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WGAR events postings:

WGAR background info web-pages:

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
