Melbourne events: The Power and the Passion + Human Rights and the NT + Film: Our Generation

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 10 May until 1 June 2013: Northcote, Melbourne, Vic
The Power and the Passion
How a community triumphed over corporate greed
"The Power and the Passion is a photographic exhibition
highlighting the power of the Kimberley's landscapes
and the Passion of those who defend it. The evening
will be a celebration of community triumphing over
corporate greed, and a chance for us to discuss how we
can move forward together in our ongoing work to
protect culture, community and our environment.
It’s also a chance for us to pat each other on the back
and celebrate our success in defending James Price Point."
Event details:
WGAR Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign:

Event: Mon 13 May 2013: Mitcham, Melbourne, Vic
Human Rights and the Northern Territory
The event "Human Rights and the Northern Territory"
will include a presentation of the book: 'A Decision to Discriminate'
Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territory
Michele Harris, 'concerned Australians'
"An opportunity to learn more and to better understand
what has changed since the introduction of the NT
Intervention in 2007. Michele Harris OAM , of 'concerned
Australians' will present issues facing NT Aboriginal people
today under Federal Government policies in the NT.
The presentation will include short film clips, supper and
opportunities for questions. Michele has been engaged in
human rights work for many years in Australia and overseas."
"This new book is an important historical record
that focuses on the Senate Committee Inquiry
into the Stronger Futures legislation. It shows
how the Government decision-making process
chose to ignore the views and ideas expressed
by many Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory
communities in much the same way as has
happened since colonisation."
Event details:
Event details:
'A Decision to Discriminate' is a 'concerned Australians' publication
'A Decision to Discriminate' Order Form:
'concerned Australians' Homepage:
'A Decision to Discriminate' Book reviews:
'A Decision to Discriminate' Audio Interviews:
[scroll down page]
WGAR Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention:
WGAR Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws:

Event: Tue 14 May 2013: Footscray, Melbourne, Vic
Film Real Black Screen showing of 'Our Generation'
Footscray Community Arts Centre
"Told through the eyes of the Yolngu, Our Generation
is an unforgettable journey deep into the heart of
remote Aboriginal Australia, where the pride of an
ancient culture is entrapped by third world
conditions and ongoing violation of human rights."
Event details:
About the film 'Our Generation':
'Our Generation' Film Reviews:

Event: 17 May to 16 June 2013: Brunswick, Melbourne, Vic
Exhibition: Ghost Citizens: Witnessing the Intervention
Opening Thu 16 May 2013
Counihan Gallery In Brunswick:
"Ghost Citizens: Witnessing the Intervention is about the
removal of citizen rights by the Federal government’s 'intervention',
(2007 - 2012) in the Northern Territory, seen through the
practices of Aboriginal and non-Indigenous artists."
"Using a range of media, the artists look at the return
to protectionist policy and the diminishing of an
Indigenous participatory voice: the loss of citizenship
rights, of the right to homelands and self-determination."
"Alison Alder, Bindi Cole, Fiona Foley, Dan Jones,
Vernon Ah Kee, Sally M. Mulda, Chips Mackinolty,
Fiona MacDonald, Amy Napurulla, Brendan Penzer,
Therese Ritchie, Deborah Vaughan, Jason Wing"
Curated by Jo Holder & Djon Mundine OAM
Event details: [scroll down page]
WGAR Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention:

Event: Thu 23 May 2013: Brunswick East, Melbourne, Vic
The Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA)
invites you to the upcoming Yarning Circle:
'Unpacking the findings of the Not One Size Fits All Report'
"The Yarning Circle is an opportunity to focus on the interface
between research and practice and how each can better
inform the other in order to improve both and there by
contribute to the lives of Aboriginal children at risk.
Event details:

Event: Fri 14 June 2013: Melbourne, Vic
Stop the Creation of Another Stolen Generation!
Stepping up for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Rights!
* Hosted by SNAICC, the national peak body for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
"It will be a dynamic conversation with an amazing group of
speakers, including special international guest, the
Vice Chairperson of the United Nations Committee
on the Rights of the Child, Ms Marta Mauras-Perez."
Event details:

Event: 28 September 2013: Melbourne, Vic
Melbourne - Thirty Years But Still No Justice!
National Day of Action to Stop Aboriginal deaths in custody!
Remember John Pat and the hundreds
who have died in custody since!
"Support these demands made by John Pat’s mother,
Mavis Pat:
* An apology from the WA government for my son’s death in custody
* An ex-gratia payment as compensation
* That the police officers involved need to be brought to
account and a re-opening of the coronial inquiry
into my son’s death ... "
Organised by:
Indigenous Social Justice Association - Melbourne
Event details:
Event details:
Event details:
Event details:
WGAR Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody:

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About WGAR News:

Subscription to 'WGAR News' is free.

'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media, focusing on:

* the Australian Federal government intervention into Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal communities;
* the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies;
* other Aboriginal rights issues; and
* upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia.

'WGAR News' publishes information and opinions from a wide range of sources.
These opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of WGAR.

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
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