
After a recent spike in deaths on Mauritian roads,government and law enforcement officials say they are overly concerned

After a recent spike in deaths on Mauritian roads,government and law enforcement officials say they are overly concerned following the release of fresh figures on road accidents on the island nation

The Prime Minters Offices and the Mauritian Police Force have released road accident figures indicating that since January the nation’s central Traffic Branch has recorded 80 deaths on Mauritian roads.

Social security and welfare payments have risen on the island nation ,with current estimates indicated to reach 583 millio

Social security and welfare payments have risen on the island nation ,with current estimates indicated to reach 583 million per year while pensions reached an all-time high with 699 million paid out last year.

According to the Ministry of Finances figures released Thursday , as at the end of 2012 government dedicated 699 million dollars to various social security and welfare payments with figures showing an increase across all payments.

Climate & Fukushima: Where Are We Really?

Welcome back to the Fall 2013 season of Radio Ecoshock, broadcast on more than 70 college and community stations around the world.

This is Alex Smith. Big news continues to pour in from around the world. We've got a lineup of guests, experts and activists, waiting to make sense of it all.

Download the program here:

As I left for a break in July, I issued a special podcast on the global heat wave. If you missed that, join the thousands who download it from our web site at or download it here:

Texas inmate defies death as evidence of innocence mounts

By David Protess, President, Chicago Innocence Project
in the Huffington Post

Hank Skinner is in the final round of a fight against two heavyweights. One is the Texas lawmen who want him executed. The other is an often-fatal ailment that saps his strength and leaves him in constant pain. The odds makers give him little chance. Death, after all, is undefeated.

Mauritian Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam has thrown support behind the upcoming Malagasy elections donating 500,000 dollars

dollars intended for free and fair elections, but censures Malagasy political leaders for being incapable.

According to Prime Minister’s Office officials , PM Ramgoolam wants a solid statement to be made to Madagascar that a concise roadmap to the upcoming Malagasy elections are crucial to ensuring democracy and the reputation of Africa

In a press statement to journalists, Mauritius’s Prime Minister Ramgoolam while addressing the Southern African Development Community summit (SADC) in Lilongwe Malawi made a robust warning directed at Malagasy politicians.

The Shortwave Report 09/06/13 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 6) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

More tobacco, less health care as Trans-Pacific Partnership secrecy tightens

The secret Trans-Pacific Partnership is about to become even more secret, perhaps seen as a necessity in light of plans to make it easier for tobacco companies to sue while making health care more difficult to obtain.