
Lowest Paid Workers Get 42 Cent Per Hour Pay Rise


The lowest paid workers in Australia have been granted a measly 42 cents extra per hour this week.

The so called ‘Fair Work Commission’ only managed to increase the wages of 1.8 million workers by $16 per week. 

The union movement was asking for a minimum rise of $27 a week to stop growing inequality.

ACTU secretary Dave Oliver said unions were extremely disappointed with the decision. 

The minimum wage in Australia is now less than half the average wage.


Bourgeois Democracy, the State and the Socialist Revolution - by Graham Milner

The following link is to the first of a series of three articles that were published in the Australian newspaper 'Green Left Weekly' late last year: 'Socialists and How the Vote Was Won'.   It has proven impossible to have the comments I wrote about this article published in any 'Green Left Weekly' or Socialist Alliance (the sponsors of 'GLW") publication or weblist.   Hence I am looking to alternative avenues for publication of my opinions about this particular article.


WGAR News: Shutting down Australia: day of action on remote communities: Ninah Kopel, The Wire [Featuring Lavene Ngatokorua, Shaun Harris & Alice Haines]

Newsletter date:  3 June 2015


* Audio Interview: Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Stephen Atkinson from Shutdown Australia
[Ed. note: Stephen discusses the threat of closures by "stealth" in South Australia]
* Podcasts: Let's Talk - 98.9 FM:

Concern for the fate of Nepalese students currently in Australia

Following the tragic earthquake of 25th April 2015 the city of Kathmandu is in ruins. It may take years to recover economically, if ever. 

There are many Nepalese students studying in Australia whose future was destroyed with the earthquake. There are no longer jobs to return to. There is no hope of future success in Nepal. Parents and other family members are living in tents and sleeping in cars. 

Tanya Plibersek & Gay Marriage


Inner city MP Tanya Plibersek has decided to push for gay marriage in federal parliament and is backing Bill Shortens private members bill.

The ALP is suddenly all in favour of "equality" following the Irish referendum.

But it wasn't always this way.

A self proclaimed progressive, Plibersek has been in parliament since 1998, but it wasn't until two years ago that she finally supported gay marriage.

For well over a decade she refused to support the large gay population in her electorate who lobbied hard for an end to marriage discrimination.


WGAR News: Petition: Restore Funding Needed for South Australian Aboriginal Communities' Survival: Sr Michele Madigan, Dr Alitya Rigney & Josephite SA Reconciliation Circle

Newsletter date: 1 June 2015


* News Analysis: Claire Campbell, The Murray Valley Standard: Raukkan community short-changed

* Petition: Sr Michele Madigan, Chairperson Kaurna/ Narungga Elder Dr Alitya Rigney & Josephite SA Reconciliation Circle: Petition: Restore Funding Needed for South Australian Aboriginal Communities' Survival

* News Analysis: Michele Madigan, Sisters of Saint Joseph: Sorry Day - But Are We?