Protest voters refused to toe the line and vote according to the (self interested) leaflets.
Emails circulating saying " PROTEST VOTES How to Lodge a Protest Vote: So long as you obtain a ballot paper in a lawful manner and place it in the ballot box you cannot be compelled to vote for the candidates on that ballot paper and may, if you wish, cast your vote against all names on that paper by neatly crossing them out. You have legally signified that none of the candidates on that ballot paper meet with your satisfaction."evidently struck a chord.
The politicians MAY now realise that they do not measure up enough to earn our votes.
Long live the activists including the whistleblowers
- they are trying to save our precious country.
Ian Charles
so, invalid vote?
Protest voters can influence our politicians
Hi, I appreciate your comment.
All votes are counted and certain percentage of votes are expected to be classified invalid - a higher than average percentage is significant.
Did you see the email recently circulating saying
"...the Young Green Frogs told their Parents and friends that in
an election if they put a line through all the names on the ballet
paper and wrote on it "None of these candidates meet my
requirements" and initial it, using an ink pen/texta (so the Toads
can’t rub it out) they were signifying that they wanted none of the
toads on the paper and wanted a new election with new Green Frogs
as the sacked Toads cannot apply again for the job. But some of the
Frogs liked their frogs as candidates, but they didn't like the
toads that they were with, so they put 1 against the frog’s name
and then using a black pen (so the Toads cannot erase anything)
and ruled a line through the names and boxes of the other frog
candidates, denying them preferences. This was a valid vote and
could not be rejected as informal. "
While some of the above thoughts may be questioned, it appears that the writer has a fear of the authorities knee-jerk reaction to his/her opinions, perhaps based on previous reactions to peaceful dissent in Australia.
At any rate, I value my vote too much to give it to someone, or some party, who I consider unfit for public office.