The vote in the Senate on the Stronger Futures Legislation is now imminent. This bill will extend the NT Intervention for another ten years and make the stripping of the rights and dignity of Indigenous people in the NT an ongoing reality. The campaign against this bill has been gathering momentum. Watch this video here on the Stand for Freedom website. Sign the petition which now has over 30,000 signatures. The Government is deliberately ignoring the consultation process in the form of the Senate Committee where communities such as Maningrida expressed their hostility to the bill. The Nygoongar Embassy has also rejected the bill instead calling for Australia to Pay the Rent. The time for action for those who want defend Indigenous rights in this country is now. Sign the petition. Write or call your Senator. There can be no reconciliation without justice.
Related: Stronger futures will kill us: Maningrida -- Stand for Freedom Campaign Website -- Stand For Freedom on Facebook -- Aboriginal Catholic Ministry: Committee report ignores concerns -- ANTaR concerned that community support was not obtained -- National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission: Stronger Futures or stronger policing -- Uniting Church disappointed by Senate report -- Senate Report -- Greens urge Senate to reject NT Intervention Expansion -- The Intervention is about mining

Creating future generations of resentment and hopelessness
The intervention continues the militaristic, "command & obey" strategy --- no matter how laudable the goal, it will disempower and create future generations of resentment and hopelessness.
Translated into Portuguese for Brazil
I published a translation into Portuguese, seeking disclosure of oppression against the indigenous peoples of the region, here in Brazil on attention to other Indians in the world.
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Re: Act against the Stronger Futures legislation before it's ...
madness everywhere, ruth
Re: Act against the Stronger Futures legislation before it's ...
We definitely abhor the Northern Territory Intervention and the so called "Stronger Futures" is a farce, or more to the point the most unconscionable acts of oppression, discrimination and demoralising of peoples (one of them) that we know of.
The government have gone off the rails and into an area of
'holocaust' proportions not dissimilar to what they did to unmarried mums and their babies in the baby scoop era.
That is they are degrading, controlling, abusing, neglecting, torturing the people because of discrimination flagrant as they come, in both cases.
This needs a lot of work from a lot of concerned Australians and it will change for the better.
In hope and with intent to act as my colleagues are and will also.