The internet is going dark tomorrow

Much of the internet is going dark tomorrow to protest an ill-conceived law that the US Congress is proposing in the name of stopping online piracy, but at great expense to free speech and the integrity of the internet. Given the huge sway the US has over the operation of the internet, many see it as the biggest threat to internet freedom ever.

That is why I’m on my way to DC right now to meet with a number of key Senators about the law, known as the PROTECT IP Act in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House. We are up against a dangerous piece of legislation that seriously threatens digital rights, innovation, and the integrity of the internet.

In my bag is an important document. It is a letter to the US Senate which Access coordinated, bringing together dozens of human rights groups from around the world including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Reporters Without Borders, calling on them to “stand for human rights, defend the open internet, and reject the PROTECT IP Act.”

I’ll be delivering this letter to the Senate, which Washington insiders say will have a real impact in switching some Senators votes, but this fight is far from over. This legislation is coming up for a major vote in just seven days, and unless we act now, it might very possibly become law.

Tomorrow there will be a huge protest in New York City outside of the offices of Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, who are both co-sponsors of the PROTECT IP Act. If you’re in the City or anywhere near it, I urge you to join the Access team and countless others at this Emergency NY Tech Meetup. Look for the big banner with the Access logo and the names of all the signatories of the letter from the human rights community on it. Details can be found here:

If you’re in the US, but not in NYC, there are protests happening tomorrow in San Francisco, Seattle, and many other places. I urge you to attend if you’re in these cities! If you’re not, please contact your Senators while they’re home for the January recess.

This legislation will also seriously affect non-US websites and users as well. As we explain in the letter, this legislation, which targets foreign websites, would create a double jurisdiction problem, whereby non-U.S.-based sites must determine whether a site is legal in both the country it is operating in and the United States, or face losing access to payment providers, advertising, and links to their site. Moreover, this legislation would send an unequivocal message that censoring the web is not only acceptable, but encouraged.

If you’re not in the US, join sites like Reddit, BoingBoing, Tumblr, Wikipedia, CREDO, WordPress, and countless other sites, and of course Access, in blacking out your site. Or talk about it on Twitter, Facebook, G+, make sure your friends know that the internet is going on strike tomorrow.

The internet is a key enabler of human rights and innovation, and decisions over its governance should not be made hastily. With each passing day the claims for urgency for copyright legislation whither, from the demonstrably false data used to make economic arguments about losses and jobs,[1] to the efficacy of DNS filtering,[2] to the baseless claims that countries like Spain, Egypt, or Sweden have lost their film industries due to piracy.[3]

Nothing short of a global outcry is going to defeat this terrible legislation.

Jochai Ben-Avie
Access Policy Director






You're on your way to DC? Good on you, I'm sure they are terrified of you. You realise of course that every effort to police the internet has failed simply because the size and scope of the internet is so pervasive that it is not possible to control it.

But the Internet ought to be policed. Libertarians want no law, no police, of anything, but they are wrong. it is important that the force of law can work effectively at every level. How that law is employed is a matter for discussion and debate. We should not be afraid of that. But to promote lawlessness, libertarianism, is dangerous and sets a bad precedent for the rest of society.

Do you really advocate a society without law? How are you getting to DC? Who is paying for it? Are you going by plane? Do you know what sort of society is required even to produce an aeroplane? And you want to stop them from - what exactly? Stopping the internet? Well perhaps stopping the internet would not be a bad thing at all, but I don't think that is on the agenda. Do we want to stop the state from dictating to us what we can and cannot view? Well that's an idea, I suppose, no doubt I could look up some kiddie porn on my nights of, or join some hate group or other, some neo nazi organisation that is hiding away somewhere behind a thousand keyboards silently recruiting its members.

I'm all for the police. I've been arrested possibly thirty times, so it's not to say I have never had run ins with the police force. But I know where lawlessness leads. I have committed crimes, and been punished for them. Where the state seeks to interfere unduly in the freedoms of others we should rightly protest.

We ought to rightly protest the loss of our rights. But the right to the internet? is this a right? I'll make sure I tell that to the people of Sudan next time I am down that way.

Really, the fucking government of the United States ought to be concerned with much bigger matters than the Internet, but so should we. The internet has not changed the way people think. It is not free. Ninety percent of it is controlled by corporations. Facebook seems to me a trap to catch people and take their lives and independence from them. People think by liking a protest page on facebook you can change the world. You cannot. It isn't that simple. Changing people takes real people real time to effect change. Flying to DC in your jet plane won't do this.

I must say, to take up another, different but associated point, I'm not a fan of the global climate change guru from America, he's so forgettable I've forgotten his name, he jet planes around the globe emitting god knows what fucking emissions and acts like a goddamn guru getting people to endorse his platform of low emissions, one of these people who had joined his troupe actually criticised a group of protestors I was involved with for trying to save a forest from a mine. His argument was that the forest was already degraded. But EVERY TREE reduces carbon in the atmosphere. This small forest was valuable to us, and ought to have been protected. In Australia we are still logging our old growth forests. It's a shame. Forests are carbon sinks, and ecosystems that can never be recovered. Anyway, whatever his name is, he and his people support destroying forests and flying around in jet planes. Seriously I'm over it.

SAVE THE INTERNET! For gods sake it doesn't need saving. As if anything anyone can do can harm it. It is Leviathan. It has a life of its own.

It is pointless fighting to save the internet. And it is seriously wrong. We ought to be promoting what we think is right about the internet, and PROTECTING THAT. Not simply saying "we love and want to distribute child porn" or whatever else it is you think you are protecting.

So there!

Noel, I have deleted you because of the "you are just plain dumb", a personal insult which is not tolerated here.
An editor

I have deleted your comment because of "are you really that stupid?", a personal insult.

They are not tolerated here.

And editor

"Really, the fucking government of the United States ought to be concerned with much bigger matters than the Internet"Freedom of speech on a global platform is the biggest matter America faces it will bring them and their lies down, Child porn is not the issue at hand here.Do you hear in the Zionist run media things like the Cover up in the 911 commission? of course not, here is a snippet of what you may of missed"The Kean Commission came to New York the second week of May for a two-day set of hearings at The New School University. As hundreds of Sept. 11th family members, reporters and curious New Yorkers lined up for airport-style security checks, they received copies of a new 24-page booklet published by NY 9/11 Truth, with help from

"Scamming America: The Official 9/11 Cover-up" is named after a quote by former Sen. Max Cleland, who resigned from the commission last November with the words, "Bush is scamming America."

Cleland attacked his own commission after the other members cut a deal to accept highly limited access to CIA reports to the White House that may indicate advance knowledge of the attacks on the part of the Bush administration. "This is a scam," Cleland said. "It's disgusting. America is being cheated."

"As each day goes by," Cleland said, "we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before September 11 than it has ever admitted.... Let's chase this rabbit into the ground. They had a plan to go to war and when 9/11 happened that's what they did; they went to war."

Shit like this brings down governments look at all the countries that were brought down by the Internet last year and you think there are bigger Issues wake up Noel Conway we know The Vietnam war was based on a lie, we know WMD's was a lie and the American Government knew it from the start, this and much more facts about the Corruption of the Zionist American Government gets exposed every day through the internet this is one of the biggest problems America faces.

Noel you say "People think by liking a protest page on facebook you can change the world. You cannot. It isn't that simple. Changing people takes real people real time to effect change. Flying to DC in your jet plane won't do this" While I half agree with you on this Changing people takes the power of communication to get to real people the Internet is the bus that can carry the information to real people and speed up the time it takes, this makes Governments of the world shake in their boots including America because their lies are exposed.

Look at the Zionist Pig Senator Jay Rockefeller shake in his boots about the Internet because his Zionist mates don't control what we see in the media anymore through the internet we can see what his liying thieving Zionist Pig family is up to

Power to the People

The internet is already controlled, google ar epaid by advertisers to promote websites, in china you cannot access the same sites as in the united states, not is the entire world spinning on the apex of the israel problem, two zionists in the american senate don't decide what everyone thinks, it is about kiddie porn, it's about neo nazis, libertarianism is as dangerous as state control, the way forward is open debate, not crying every time someone mentions the internet and censorship in the same breath, i'm all for sharing on the net, i use the internet profusely, noentheless i have no problem with government playing a role in the internet, with the law playing a role in the internet, people make changes to the world, we can do that today, we could do it yesterday, we will be able to do it tomorrow, nothing the united states is doing or has done can change that, by limiting free speech, as you say, by suppressing people's freedoms, new freedoms will evolve, people change to accommodate whatever the state can throw at us, we are not at the mercy of the net, and the net is not free, remember it, google is a very large corporation, so is facebook and yahoo and ebay, nothing is free, it's crazy to think that promoting libertarisanism on the net will change the world, not even wikipedia is truly free, i don't believe in libertarisism, it's basis is in radical right wing politics, if the left think they have done something clever by adopting parts of it they are fooling themselves, as a tool of education the net has a strength in helping people to free themselves from ignorance, but self empowerment takes a damn site more than googling the word "freedom," i believe the left is being hoodwinked by a subversive element that seeks to undermine it, perhaps i am the last stalinist haha, that would be funny, but crazier things have been said, israel is almost a non sequitor, it doesn't matter anymore, the only thing that makes israel dangerous is that they have th ebomb, which is why the world needs a nuclear iran, just to put them back in their place.... grumble grumble grumble

Leo, your whole comment was obnoxious.

But I have deleted it because of the last sentence, which was downright vile and dehumanising.

All slaggers can expect to be deleted.

An editor of the collective

Christ, you make no sense if you think the carbon tax makes air not free, it is the fucking pollution in our lungs and stratosphere that makes the air not free, the only problem is no-one has been paying for this except you and me, nobody has had to pay a pollution tax cos no-one has recognised that the air we breathe and that the planet breathes is the most essential thing we have, no it's not free, but it isn't the carbon tax that does that, it's the worlds polluters, get off your anti zionist platform, after all they just want a homeland, i know it isn't that easy but that is what zionism is at any rate, life without Wikipedia?, well I don't use that for a source of information thank you very much, groups like Indymedia can survive this stuff, that's what they do, subvert authority, but you aren't free to choose what you read or see on the net, that is a furphy, it's all made up, most of what you see and hear are lies, how can we know the truth when we fail to even know ourselves? The net is not free, it's controlled by big brother, facebook watches your every move, with GPS they can track you on your phone, we need to stop believing in conspiracies and start changing the world from the bottom up, demand better answers, I think Israel was just created to distract us, it's not a real issue, it's the ownership of things that affects how we make our decisions, it is the excesses that wealth is turned towards that creates gods out of mortals, we need better answers, the laws they are trying to introduce regarding the internet are simply not that important, that doesn't change the way things are, nor does the status quo, the internet ought to be policed, it is how that is managed that is important, one of these bills i hear is to protect intellectual property rights, but rights themselves are a furphy, America does not have the right to impose intellectual property rights on the world, that is how genes are copyrighted and medicine can't get to the people who need it most. So destroy the dialogue that promotes intellectual property rights, destroy the dialogue that promotes private property and unfettered capitalism, that is what we need, the internet serves the ruling classes, that is the damn truth of it.