Ever since abortion was decriminalised in Victoria, in 2008, there has been a determined push by the anti-choice faction to reverse this long-overdue reform, with Right to Life leading the way. In addition, harassment at the East Melbourne Fertility Control Clinic has continued on a daily basis, and monthly assemblies by the so-called Helpers of God's Precious Infants are kept at a distance from the clinic by pro-choice supporters led by the Campaign for Women's Reproductive Rights.
On Saturday 8 October, Right to Life is organising a ‘March for the Babies’ through the Melbourne CBD, ending at Parliament House. As on previous occasions, pro-choicers mean to occupy the steps of Parliament pre-emptively and make their message heard above the voices of reaction and religious bigotry (see entry on the Event Calendar on this site: http://indymedia.org.au/hit-the-streets-for-abortion-rights-keep-abortio...).
Video of a similar occasion in 2007 can be seen on EngageMedia - http://www.engagemedia.org/Members/pc/videos/28july-ph_steps_engage.avi/... and a report on a recent monthly clinic defence - coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the murder of a security guard at the clinic, Steve Rogers - is available at http://www.engagemedia.org/Members/pc/videos/23july11-clinic-defence.avi...
A report on this site from August 2009 - http://indymedia.org.au/2009/08/24/rally-at-fertility-control-clinic-eas... - includes further links, including video of a confrontation at the clinic.
The accompanying photos were taken at the most recent clinic defence, on September 24.

interested to film interviews with participants/organisers
I would like to cover this event for my Broadcast Journalism (Television) assignment for Deakin University. I would be interested to film interviews with any protest participants/organisers prior to or during the event. This is an opportunity to spread your message even further and I would really appreciate your input. Please contact me (Amelia) on 0404618004 or via aelli@deakin.edu.au
That day there was someone that was not a easy target
I was outside this clinic in 2005 it was Grand final day I saw a man being bullied by you people you spat on him and yelled abuse at him then you attacked him, he was about 6ft6in there were about 15 of you Pro Choice people onto this one man,this man started to protect himself from your attack when it was all over there was about 15 of you on the ground some knocked out others with broken noses and black eyes you were all screaming, this man looked like he had done a round or two in a boxing gym I think if the police did not come some of you would have been on life support in hospital, there was footage of this on channel 9 news that night.I dare you to show that Video so we can all see what type of bullies you are and how you all screamed for help after picking the fight.You all played the victim to the Police it's a pity the unborn babies don't have a voice, but on that day there was someone that was not a easy target(unlike helpless babies)He showed us all how weak you people are.
they are the victims not the unborn babies in their sick minds
Cathy the paper just printed one side of the story.As if these thugs would tell the truth on what happend they are the victims not the unborn babies in their sick minds
Same time and place, but slightly different?
Cathy - would this be the same event reported by The Age in Breaking News on 24 September 2005:
Police expect to charge two people over an attack on pro-choice activists outside a Melbourne fertility clinic.
Three protesters from Campaign for Women's Reproductive Rights (CWRR) suffered head injuries, concussion, cuts and bruises after being attacked by two people about 11am (AEST) on Saturday, according to a CWRR spokeswoman.
Senior Constable Wayne Wilson said police interviewed a 35-year-old man and a 40-year-old woman, both from Croydon.
"They are expected to be charged on summons in relation to alleged assaults," he said.
CWRR were picketing for the second consecutive month outside the Fertility Control Clinic in East Melbourne, where pro-life activists also stage a regular monthly demonstration.
The clinic is the site of the fatal shooting of security guard Steven Rogers on July 16, 2001, by anti-abortion protester Peter James Knight, who is serving 23 years for the murder.
CWRR spokeswoman Lisa Farrance said two people walked through the protest yelling antagonistic, sexist and homophobic comments.
"We let them through, because we weren't here to have a scuffle," she said.
"They were pretty fired up and they decided to return and that's when they decided to attack the protest."
Protester Michelle Reeves was attacked and pulled down to the ground by her hair, Ms Farrance said.
"A couple of protesters jumped in to defend (her) and that's where it started getting really nasty," she said.
"They had their arms flying around everywhere - we are lucky there weren't worse injuries. And that is when the police arrived to pull the antagonists away."
Ms Farrance said she did not believe the attackers were part of the pro-life group which normally protest at the clinic, Helpers of God's Precious Infants.
Ms Reeves, who said she felt concussed and bruised, said the group would continue to rally in front of the clinic despite the attack.
"We assumed it might happen sooner or later but we were certainly not expecting it today," she told AAP just before making a statement to police.
"We are not going to be intimidated by these violent actions."
Ms Farrance said Australian Democrats senator Natasha Stott Despoja attended the rally briefly but was not present when the protesters were attacked.
© 2005 AAP
[end quote]
Same time and place, but slightly different?
I know what I saw
Don't believe what you read in the paper I know what I saw and you people yelled abuse and spat on him and you copped it bad.