HRA RELEASE: Australia in danger - an obstinate power hungry egomaniac: Prime Minister Julia Gillard exposed as a racist.

Will Melissa Parke and Louise Pratt finally stand up and be counted or will they piecemeal choose what to say?

Prime Minister Gillard is a racist whose personal characteristics such as her maniacal obstinacy when coupled with her ever obvious racism make her dangerous as a powerbroker on the Australian landscape.

Julia has not learned from her experience as the 1983 22 year old president of the Australian Union of Students where many saw the spectre of her ugly will to power, her obstinacy that she knows more than others and it's her way or nothing. The Union went out of business end of 1983 and did not come back till 1987. A similar path the ALP is following under her obstinacy.

Revisiting Malaysia may have caucus backing however it does not have the support of many backbenchers and frontbenchers and the tumult shall unfold.

Julia wants the Malaysian 'option' because the Nauru 'option' will not keep Asylum Seekers out of Australia, and this is racism. She claims that Nauru is not a deterrent - She says the Howard government processed asylum seekers on Nauru and about 95 per cent of those people were resettled in Australia. What Julia really said is that she does not want people resettled in Australia - and this is racism, discrimination, and hence she has outdone the worst of the worst in inducing xenophobia and hate.

Melissa and Louise, you may not appreciate the focus on you, however politics is a calling, and you cannot claim views of the world off the record and then on record kow-tow to the wrong folk. I can assure you there are thousands who depend on you - and six of them have died in immigration detention in the last year.

Gerry Georgatos
Convener, Human Rights Alliance
0430 657 309




12 September, 2011


Labor for Refugees (NSW) condemns the policy announced today by the Prime Minister that legislation will be pursued to overcome the High Court's rejection of the Malaysia deal.

Labor for Refugees (NSW) calls on the Gillard government to comply with the unambiguous provisions of the ALP National Party Platform.

Ms Gillard was one of many national delegates who voted unanimously in favour of the ALP National Platform in 2009.

The platform states at Chapter 7, paragraph 157, second dot point:

“Protection claims made in Australia will be assessed by Australians on Australian territory.”

The removal of any person from Australia without assessing their claims to protection is a breach of this provision.

The policy announced today is also a clear breach of the Platform's requirement that Labor honour all of Australia's international obligations.

All members of the Labor Party are obliged to uphold the Party Platform.


Shane Prince 0416 229 338 Right Co-Convener

Linda Scott 0412 272 746 Left Co-Convenor

12/9/2011 Press Release Refugee groups today condemned the Gillard’s government’s announcement that it intends to change the laws to get around the High Court decision that the Malaysia Agreement is unlawful.

Disgracefully, the government has also announced that it wants to change the Immigration (Guardianship of Children) Act so the Minister can make blanket decisions to send unaccompanied minors off-shore regardless of the conditions or lack of safeguards that might exist in any third country.

“The Gillard government has missed another opportunity to put human rights at the front of its refugee policy. As it slides in the polls, it seems determined to take asylum seekers’ rights down with it,” said Ian Rintoul, spokesperson for the Refugee Action Coalition.

“Opinion polls show a majority are in favour of processing asylum seekers on the mainland. But the government is paralysed by its own rhetoric and its race to the bottom with the Coalition.

“It is willfully and blatantly subverting the Refugee Convention and its obligation to asylum seekers and refugees. Its hypocrisy is now on display once again for the electorate and for the international community.

“The Gillard government is following the long and dishonorable history of the Howard government changing refugee laws whenever courts found their actions to be unlawful. But refugee bashing didn’t save the Howard government,” said Ian Rintoul.

“It may be that in spite of the Coalition’s history, Labor’s amendments go too far even for the Liberal opposition. We hope Labor’s proposed amendments will be defeated in the Parliament, but the choice is not between Malaysia or Nauru.

“The government should drop all third country and offshore processing. Australia has processed asylum seekers on shore for 46 of the 53 years since the Migration Action was introduced.

“Third country processing is not a deterrent. It is cheap politicking at its worst, with asylum seekers being the victims.”

The Refugee Action Coalition has called a rally and march – “Not Malaysia, Not Nauru – No offshore processing” in the Minister Chris Bowen’s Fairfield electorate for Saturday 17 September, at 11.00am. The rally will assemble at the Fairfield railway station and march through Fairfield to Chris Bowen’s office in The Crescent.

Gerry first up do you think the office of Prime Minister of Australia deserves a little bit more respect than to address our Prime Minister as Julia? manners cost nothing what is your excuse?

You call the Prime Minister racist because the Prime Minister is trying to stop the dangerous practice of coming to Australia in leaking boats endangering human life provided by criminals with nothing more than a quick easy buck to be made by them, they have no compassion for fellow human beings it's all about easy money, this point alone is why this practice should be stopped,This is why our Prime Minister claims that Nauru is not a deterrent -the Prime Minister says the Howard government processed asylum seekers on Nauru and about 95 per cent of those people were resettled in Australia.If 95% are resettled in Australia these criminals will keep putting peoples lives at risk by putting them on unsea-worthy boats.While these que jumpers are resettled in Australia they are stopping the asylum seekers who have gone through the right channels and are waiting for their chance to enter Australia in camps overseas and now have to wait for years longer in some cases,is this fair to them I think not.Gerry there is no way our Prime Minister is racist no matter how you twist the truth. Prime Minister Gillard is just trying to be fair to all asylum seekers and to stamp out another boat sinking and people dying. And good on the Prime Minister for that.You are trying to make out our Prime Minister does not want to take Asylum seekers and you are wrong because the Prime Minister does.The Malaysian solution will stop the boats and save lives,If it was up to you Gerry you would let all the boats in and more people would die on these boats because more would come and take their chance on these death ships and it's just chance that they make it, thats not too smart is it Gerry!

Gerry you call our Prime Minister a "egomaniac" or use such words as maniacal obstinacy but I would call it Strong and Tuff and this is what I look for when I vote for a person to become Prime Minister of Australia but thats just me. If you want a weak push over for a Prime Minister then go ahead vote for Bob Brown thats what democracy is all about and may the better man or woman win.

So to call our Prime Minister Racist for trying to stop the death boats is as silly as calling you sexist because you don't agree with the Prime Minister because she is a Woman.I would have thought for someone that convenes a meeting you would have been smarter than that Gerry!

Hmmm sounds like dan is a labor staffer i i

No not a labor staffer just someone that agrees with the Prime minister on this point.There are some points I don't agree with labor like Man made climate change but I will not stoop to insulting the office of the Prime Minister because I don't agree with a carbon tax but I must respect Prime Minister Gillard for being tuff and standing her ground on what she believes in,I would also like the Prime Minister to get rid of the ABCC if the Prime Minister does not get rid of the ABCC I may think about not voting at all because I can not vote Liberal, because the opposition leader Tony Abbot will push for work choices and give the Abcc more power and the Greens leader Bob Brown will push for a bigger carbon monoxide tax.But I will respect the office of Prime Minister who ever wins, because that will be who the majority of the Australian people want to run the country,I think democracy is a great thing even if the person that wins is not the one I want, you can't win them all, but the office of Prime Minister must be respected at all costs. You can disagree with who ever is Prime Minister Liberal or Labor just show some respect for the position of Prime Minister It is all about manners try it you will feel good.

Hi Dan, this is Gerry - I understand your points and respect them in relation to what you describe as the Office of the Prime Minister. In terms of the ABCC I am with you all the way and in the imputation of the encumbrances and manifest in peoples lives the ABCC not only imputes however coerces as the lived reality. With Carbon well we probably won't agree and I don't agree with the measures of any of the mainstream political parties, because in less than a few centuries even the great carbon stores such as the world's forests, which are diminishing from the 38% of total landmass they are at, will not be able to store any more carbon, they have their limits, and the world's oceans are being affected by the increased store of carbon. I agree with your imputation that not all climactic change is the result of humans however it has been significantly contributed to as a result of various pollution, daily dumps into various spheres and the pressures by carbon - and you only have to distinguish from the differences, and quality of life, of rural living verse the metropolises. I do not agree with taxes, this will make next to zero difference however we need to eliminate certain types of production and their 'run-offs'. "Money" and the concept of 'economy' is used to entrap arguments, initiatives and peoples - wage slavery is a phenomenal tool, and often inadvertent - and the ABCC is part of this type of entrapment.

In terms of my references to Julia, well we have crossed paths on occasion, and we've met, and I understand all the protocols delivered to office and I respect your position and your views and your courtesies, however I have mine, we may agree on some and differ on others - I don't hold much stock in titles and all that and I don't much use them for me - PM Gillard is only a year older than me and well she just happens to be the Prime Minister and yes she has invested much of her 'adult life' in achieving this. When I spoke to her recently, July 20 (2011), and previously on June 9 (2010)I did speak to her as 'Julia' and not the 'Prime Minister' as from my view a title dissociates peoples and is makebelieve airs - I talk straight to a person and not through corridors of titles. In terms of her being PM well I recognise this obviously and in terms of the powers she wields and the capacity she has to affect society and human lives and worth.

In terms of this government as a racist government undoubtedly I unequivocally believe this and believe it to my witness - and even when I spoke to her on July 20 that is the clear impresssion I left that day with - I have spoken to so many folk who are parliamentarians who don't realise, and many do!, their racist underwriting and layers - and racism has many layers, many of these layers yet unveiled. Yes Dan, I believe Julia Gillard to be who she puts herself out to be, someone that has made up a 'people smugglers business model', similarly as arguments have been made up about the ABCC, and yes I agree with you that Julia Gillard is standing firm in what she believes in, and it is an insult to infer she isn't, so we agree there, in that she believes that the Malaysian option is a way to immolate the initiative of people to come to Australia who are desperately seeking Asylum. I believe she doesn't want them here, and we have this ridiculour 14,000 thereabouts low resettlement quota, speaks for itself.

I disagree with your imputations about 'drownings' at sea as it underscores the contextual. The government doesn't care about saving lives, or stopping these folk from drowning - the SIEV X proves that when 353 drowned, 146 children and 142 women among them. However, drownings are contextually very few, and in terms of people deported to where they came from, from so called rejections, well more have died or been persecuted from where they came than since the drownings of the SIEV X which the Australian government at the time contributed in bringing on with Operation Relex. More people drown in Australian swimming pools and rivers, and in terms of percentage/proportion to population measures, than who drown risking all for Asylum to our shores. Our Asylum Seekers realise that there is less than 2% chance of drowning at sea as compared to say 40 or 50% of being killed in their homeland.


I agree with Gerry on all counts. The man should be a social and political commentator on TV and radio. He could do a lot of good but the Gerrys of the world don't get included in probably because he is too cluey and coherent and can change peoples views! I agree with the HRA, Sydney RAC and NSW Labor for Refugees media releases. Unfortunately for them Power rests with the few, not the many.

Egomaniacs everywhere maties although most of them or the worst of them are in parliament.

I've come to like you Gerry but mate you'll never change anything, people are shits, they don't care like you do. Don't bang your head, it won't change anything.