Welcome to The Stringer’s weekly newsletter - http://thestringer.com.au/
The Stringer went live February 20 - NEWS update: More contributors and writers have joined The Stringer as we continue to extend our reach nationally and internationally. We are also keen to share with you that in the 66 days we have been bringing to you The Stringer we have been reaching an audience in such high numbers that it was beyond our expectations for where we are at now. We are establishing both a healthy national reach but also an international social reach. In this edition of The Stringer we introduce to you the inspirational CEO of Sisters Inside, Debbie Kilroy and environmentalist and filmmaker Sallie Coulson. Nicola Butler (Lateral Love and The National Indigenous Times) has made a suite of contributions this week and Suresh Rajan (former Ethnic Communities Council WA president and current president of the National Ethnic Disabilities Alliance) continues his regular suite of contributions.
On a regular basis we are reaching an audience in excess of what we had imagined when we went live on February 20. In the three months since March 1, we have averaged 12,340 new visitors each month, with May recording 15,072 visitors. (This update was included post this weekly newsletter release, June 2).
If you wish to subscribe to The Stringer's weekly news update you can do so but emailing contact@thestringer.com.au or by going to the subscribers' tab on news site.
Some of our stories from the last week include:
The Stringer’s interview with Christine Milne
April 19, 2013
After leading an alliance of farmers, fishers, scientists, environmentalists and concerned community members from Wesley Vale to prevent the construction of a polluting pulp mill, Ms Milne was elected to the Tasmanian parliament in 1989, and became the first woman to lead a political party in Tasmania in 1993.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/the-stringers-interview-with-christine-milne/#...
The Killing Times
April 20, 2013
Australia was founded on bloodshed, and its historical identity and its origins-of-thinking include slavery (blackbirding), social engineering, apartheid, racism.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/the-killing-times/#.UXsLMrWnCaV
CCC warns Pilbara councils and miners to avoid misconduct
April 21, 2013
There are four local governments in the Pilbara – and the resource sector are pouring millions of dollars into the shires which has created a pressure upon shire councillors and executives to deliver outcomes favourable to the resource companies.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/ccc-warns-pilbara-councils-and-miners-to-avoid...
Dr Jensen continues to stereotype
April 22, 2013
Only days ago Dr Jensen was pulled into line by Mr Abbott for making what many have said were racial slurs, but to many it appears he has done it again.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/dr-jensen-continues-to-stereotype/#.UXsMlrWnCaV
KALACC lends it weight to Justice Reinvestment
April 22, 2013
More than one hundred submissions have come from across the country to the Senate Inquiry into Justice Reinvestment.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/kalacc-lends-its-weight-to-justice-reinvestmen...
National Congress membership soars
April 23, 2013
Membership to the Congress of Australia’s First Peoples has increased by more than 700 members in the last six months.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/national-congress-membership-soars/#.UXZE4MpzKgs
Conscious, sub-conscious or unconscioius
April 23, 2013
We get to see the unabashed opinion of “Mr and Mrs Mainstream” and every so often “Mr and Mrs Laterally Violent” too.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/conscious-sub-conscious-or-unconscious/#.UXZFF...
NPY women’s council’s Tjanpi desert weavers
April 23, 2013
A social enterprise supporting more than 400 women of the Central and Western Desert region.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/npy-womens-councils-tjanpi-desert-weavers/#.UX...
Vatican seal on Aboriginal ownership of Clontarf
April 23, 2013
For the deal to go through the Vatican’s Papacy had to seal it all with their approval, which they gave.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/vatican-seal-on-aboriginal-ownership-of-clonta...
Costing Us The Earth
April 23, 2013
For many the battle to deny radical climate change is nearing an end but the battle to do something about it has barely begun.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/costing-us-the-earth/#.UXoaC8pzKgs
Asbestos homes are no bargain
April 24, 2013
“The problem is that most houses are fibro – asbestos – and even if they are able to sell them now, those buying them will have a tough time in the future selling them at a cost benefit.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/asbestos-homes-are-no-bargain/#.UXoaS8pzKgs
Sisters Inside – Debbie Kilroy on the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in prison
April 25, 2013
Indigenous women in prison have broadly experienced a significant level of trauma and abuse beginning in childhood.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/sisters-inside-debbie-kilroy-on-the-over-repre...
Woodside and Government will not pay $1.5 billion
April 26, 2013
“You have to consider the savage way in which Aboriginal peoples had to negotiate. There were threats of taking the land without a compensation package.”
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/woodside-government-will-not-pay-1-5-billion/#...
Dumbartung convenes Suicide CrisisSummit
April 26, 2013
The Aboriginal youth suicide rates in the Kimberley are among not only the nation’s worst but among the world’s worst rates. Aboriginal youth suicide is an endemic tragedy throughout Western Australia and includes the Goldfields, the Western Desert, the Pilbara, the South West, the Great Southern and Perth.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/dumbartung-convenes-suicide-crisis-summit/#.UX...
WA Governor states that he was misinterpreted
April 26, 2013
When he was appointed Governor he did the unprecedented and organised for the donation of the whole of the Governor’s salary.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/wa-governor-states-that-he-was-misinterpreted/...
Some of The Stringer’s most widely read stories include:
Cuts to single parent payments lead to hardship
April 2, 2013
“With one in six children living in poverty in Australia, it is unfathomable that, in the face of such a letter of concern from the UN Special Rapporteur, the Federal Government still went ahead with these cuts.”
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/cuts-to-single-parent-payments-lead-to-hardshi...
Australia’s pathway to poverty – bridging visas
March 30, 2013
The Australian Government’s hard on refugees policy is creating an underclass of people – many condemned to an itinerant lifestyle and many condemned to living on the streets.
Read more: http://thestringer.com.au/australias-pathway-to-poverty-bridging-visas/#...
The Stringer recommends the 11 minutes video - Costing Us The Earth by documentary filmmaker Sallie Coulson
The Stringer recommends the 28 minutes audio from 3CR – The War on Iraq: 10 Years On
The Stringer recommends the 55 minutes audio from 98.9FM – Tiga Bayles interviews Gerry Georgatos
There are scores more stories, localised, national and international, you can choose from to read – and share with others - http://thestringer.com.au/
The Stringer’s ‘Soundcloud’ lists an array of radio and audio interviews – in the near future we will bringing interviews from our nation’s political figures, from the rising voices of various cultural waves and from voices who deserve to have more voice.
Anyone who would like to assist with Wheelchairs for Kids please contact us – the organisation builds hardened up wheelchairs for children in countries devastated by war, civil strife, abject poverty and it has reached 61 countries and 25,000 children. Millions more wait. – You can quickly find out more at our latest news video on the home page of The Stringer news site and in several articles on The Stringer.
Your feedback, news tips, ideas for stories and your own submissions are welcome – you can send any of these into us via the various links on the news site.
The Stringer’s people thank you.