WA events: Flying Foam Massacre Remembrance Day + Kimberley Concert + National Close the Gap Day

Perth and Western Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 13 February 2013: various locations in Australia
National Apology Day
"Commemmoration of the day ex-Prime Minister
Kevin Rudd moved a Motion of Apology to the
Indigenous Peoples in the House of Representatives,
apologising for past laws, policies and practices that
devastated the Indigenous Peoples
(particularly those of the Stolen Generation)."
"The NSDC holds annual celebratory events on the
Anniversary of the Apology (13 February each year)
as a mark of respect of the achievement that was
the apology to the Stolen Generations,
but also as an act of reminder to the broader public,
to the country’s politicians and policy makers,
that sorry is more than a word, and that communities,
Stolen Generations focussed community and peak body
organisations, and government politicians and policy
makers must continue to work together in order
to achieve key outcomes for the Stolen Generations."
Event details: http://www.nsdc.org.au/events-info/the-apology-to-australias-indigenous-...
Event summary: http://www.atsisupport.org.au/BookingRetrieve.aspx?ID=223021
Event summary: http://www.snaicc.org.au/news-events/fx-view-article.cfm?loadref=32&id=984
Event summary: [scroll down page] http://www.humanrights.gov.au/about/events/index.html#february
See Kevin Rudd's 2008 Apology Speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3TZOGpG6cM

Event: Sun 17 February 2013: West Perth, WA
Flying Foam Massacre Remembrance Day
"In memory of the 17 February 1868
Flying Foam Massacre of the Yaburara people
of the Burrup, there will be a Stand Up for
the Burrup photo-shoot action at the the
WA Parliament House ... "
Event details: http://www.greenleft.org.au/events/53248

Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WA
Concert for the Kimberley:
A concert and march in the heart of Fremantle
The Wilderness Society WA Inc
"Join us in Fremantle on Sunday 24 February 2013
for a free, open-air concert featuring the
John Butler Trio, Missy Higgins, Ball Park Music,
special guest Dr Bob Brown, and others."
"This concert and rally is a call to arms for
all West Australians to stand up and protect
one of our finest national treasures,
The Kimberley," says John Butler
Event details: http://www.wilderness.org.au/campaigns/kimberley/concert-for-the-kimberl...
Event details: http://www.greenleft.org.au/events/53255
WGAR Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/11/22/wgar-news-background-to-the-save-the-...

Event: Wed 27 February 2013: Hyde Park, Perth CBD, WA
Kimberley Starlight Films - Hyde Park
The Wilderness Society WA
"Join us for an amazing collection of short films
produced of the last two years in the Kimberley.
Get a snap shot of the amazing culture, Heritage
and community campaign to protect the Kimberley."
Event details: https://www.wilderness.org.au/campaigns/kimberley/kimberley-starlight-fi...
WGAR Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/11/22/wgar-news-background-to-the-save-the-...

Event: Thu 21 or Fri 22 March 2013: Western Australia
National Close the Gap Day
"A day for Australians to join together and remind
political leaders to close the life expectancy gap
between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians
within a generation." ATSI Support
"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
still die 10-17 years younger than other Australians.
Closing this health gap cannot be done overnight.
We need a long-term commitment with adequate
funding, and investment in real partnerships." Oxfam
Western Australia event details: http://webfw.oxfam.org.au/act/events/close-the-gap-day/attend?g=1&f=wa
Event details: https://www.oxfam.org.au/act/events/national-close-the-gap-day/
Event details: http://webfw.oxfam.org.au/act/events/close-the-gap-day/attend
Event summary: http://www.atsisupport.org.au/BookingRetrieve.aspx?ID=223027
Event details: http://humanrights.gov.au/social_justice/health/index.html
Event summary: [scroll down page] http://www.humanrights.gov.au/about/events/index.html#march
Event details: https://www.oxfam.org.au/explore/indigenous-australia/close-the-gap
Event details: http://www.amnesty.org.au/nsw/event/30976/

Event: Sat 6 July to Sun 14 July 2013:
North of Broome on the Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley, WA
The Lurujarri Dreaming Trail
Walk the Trail with us in 2013
"In 1987, Paddy Roe initiated the Lurujarri Heritage
Trail as a trigger to encourage the members of the
Goolarabooloo community to be walking the Country
again, as had always been done; to conserve;
renew and stay connected with their heritage and
traditional skills and to keep the same alive for
generations to come. He also sought to wake up
non-Aboriginal people to a relationship with the land;
to foster trust; friendship and empathy between the
indigenous community and the wider Australian
and International communities."
Event details: http://www.goolarabooloo.org.au/lurujarri.html
Event details: http://www.australiangeographic.com.au/journal/lurujarri-heritage-walkin...
WGAR Background to the Walmadan Tent Embassy, WA: http://indymedia.org.au/2013/01/02/walmadan-tent-embassy-james-price-poi...

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
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