WGAR News: Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

Newsletter date: 30 December 2012

Last Updated: 31 December 2012

Background info page:
Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention: http://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-the-northern-territory-...

'concerned Australians': Without Justice there can be no Reconciliation: http://www.concernedaustralians.com.au/

Creative Spirits: Northern Territory Emergence Response (NTER) - "The Intervention": http://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/politics/northern-terr...

Jumbunna - UTS: "Rebuilding from the Ground up" Alternatives to the NT Intervention: http://www.jumbunna.uts.edu.au/researchareas/alternatives.html

Equality Rights Alliance: Women's Experience of Income Management in the Northern Territory: http://www.equalityrightsalliance.org.au/projects/womens-experience-inco...

ANTaR: Northern Territory Communities - Putting communities back in the driving seat

agendaTracker: Bad Aunty: The truth about the NT intervention and the case for an independent media (By Chris Graham)

WGAR News: Jon Altman and Susie Russell, Evidence Base Journal:
Too much 'Dreaming': Evaluations of the Northern Territory National Emergency Response Intervention 2007-2012 (19 Dec 12)
[scroll down page] http://indymedia.org.au/2012/12/19/wgar-news-government-cuts-a-major-blo...

WGAR News: Evaluating New Income Management in the Northern Territory: First Evaluation Report (4 Dec 12)

WGAR News: Launch of A Decision to Discriminate: Aboriginal Disempowerment in the NT (9 Nov 12)

WGAR News: 'A Decision to Discriminate': Brisbane and Adelaide Book Launches + Darwin Introduction to the Book (3 Dec 12)

Stand for Freedom: There can be no reconciliation without justice: http://standforfreedom.org.au/

Our Generation: http://ourgeneration.org.au/

IRAG (Intervention Rollback Action Group): Mparntwe - Alice Springs: http://rollbacktheintervention.wordpress.com/irag/

Respect and Listen: http://www.respectandlisten.org/

STICS (Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney): http://stoptheintervention.org/

WGAR News: "Damning NT report shows income management must go" STICS (5 Oct 12)
[STICS: Stop the Intervention Collective, Sydney]

WGAR News: "Report finds serious flaws in delivery of gov't services to NT Aboriginal communities" SNAICC News (30 Sep 12)
[SNAICC: Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care]

WGAR News: Anti-Intervention campaigners speak out over sacking of Olga Havnen: STICS (11 Nov 12)
[STICS: Stop the Intervention Collective, Sydney]

WGAR News: Intervention laws pass the Senate; Dr Gondarra in High Court challenge (30 Jun 12)

CAAMA (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association) - NT Intervention: http://caama.com.au/?s=NT+Intervention

Treaty Republic - NT Intervention: http://treatyrepublic.net/search/node/NT%20Intervention

Tracker - NT Intervention: http://tracker.org.au/tag/nt-intervention/

Crikey - NT Intervention: http://www.crikey.com.au/topic/nt-intervention/

New Matilda - northern territory intervention: http://newmatilda.com/tag/northern-territory-intervention

The Conversation - After the Intervention: http://theconversation.edu.au/pages/after-the-intervention

The Greens: Rachel Siewert: Ending the NT Intervention: http://rachel-siewert.greensmps.org.au/ntintervention

Australian Human Rights Commission: Northern Territory 'Emergency Response' intervention: http://www.hreoc.gov.au/social_justice/intervention/index.html

Amnesty International Australia: Homelands: http://www.amnesty.org.au/indigenous-rights/homelands/

Intervention walk-off's Blog: http://interventionwalkoff.wordpress.com/

Stop the Intervention: Myths and Facts: 5 years of NT Intervention by statistics: http://stoptheintervention.org/facts

Green Left: Northern Territory intervention: myths and facts: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/39732

To continue reading a 'Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention' click on the following link:

See also:

Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

Background: Calls for 'Stronger Futures' laws to be subject to Human Rights scrutiny

Background to support for the Yolngu statement and opposition to the 'Stronger Futures' laws

Background to the Ampilatwatja Anti-Intervention Walk-off, Northern Territory (NT), Australia

Background to Income Management for APY Lands in South Australia

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About WGAR News:


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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
WGAR Website: http://wgar.wordpress.com/