Local politicians invited to screening of 'Age of Stupid' - 10 February

Climate action group inc3 (Inner Northwest Climate Change Community – http://www.inc3.info/) are holding a screening of the climate change movie ‘Age of Stupid’ on 22 February (details on website – http://www.inc3.info/index.php/film-night) and thought it appropriate to invite the local state and federal members. Paul Connor from the group delivered the gold passes, carefully handmade and personalised, by hand yesterday to the offices of Bronwyn Pike, State MLA for Melbourne, and Lindsay Tanner MP, Federal Minister for Finance and Deregulation.

Here is how the group described the action:

Rolling out the red carpet for our politicians!

We've adopted a novel approach to getting the attention of politicians: inviting them on a movie date!

We are holding a public screening of the climate change film ‘The Age of Stupid’ on the 22nd of February, and today delivered custom made ‘gold pass’ invitations directly to the offices of both Lindsay Tanner and Bronwyn Pike.

We believe that 'The Age of Stupid' is a film that everyone should see, especially our politicians. It is a 2009 British drama-documentary-animation hybrid which stars Pete Postlethwaite as a man living in the devastated world of 2055, watching archive footage from 2008 and asking “Why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?”

While entertaining, the movie also helps us realize how vital it is to properly address climate change while we still can. We would therefore dearly love for Lindsay and Bronwyn to come along, because as our elected leaders, it’s important that they fully understand the possible effects of climate change. It will also be a great opportunity for them to get in touch with members of their local community and to hear their concerns.

We've even sweetened the deal by offering free popcorn and choc tops if they do show!

After delivering the ‘gold passes’ however, Connor declined to speculate on the chances that either politician would actually attend the screening. “Well, we didn’t really get any guarantees”, he said, “but we've offered them free popcorn and choc tops if they do show, so let’s wait and see” he joked.

There is a slightly fuller account with additional pictures on the Melbourne Protests weblog (http://melbourneprotests.wordpress.com/2010/02/10/age-of-stupid-local-po...) and inc3 are preparing a short video.[Added 12 Feb - http://www.youtube.com/v/QikkbmmHTs4]
