Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan Sydney Launch

Date and Time: 
Thursday, August 12, 2010 -
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Contact Name: 
Beyond Zero Emissions
Sydney Town Hall 483 George St Sydney, Australia


Bob Carr, Former Premier NSW
Malcolm Turnbull, Federal MP
Matthew Wright, Executive Director Beyond Zero Emissions
...Allan Jones, City of Sydney

MC - Quentin Dempster, ABC TV

Free Entry

You are invited to attend the Sydney launch of the Zero Carbon Australia Stationary Energy Plan.

This cutting-edge plan, the culmination of over 12 months and thousands of hours of pro bono work by engineers, scientists and postgraduate students, is a collaboration between the climate solutions think tank Beyond Zero Emissions, and the University of Melbourne Energy Institute.

This plan is unique in Australia. It is a detailed and costed blueprint for transitioning our stationary energy sector to 100% renewable energy in ten years. The technologies utilised in this plan are commercially available now.

This free public event will cover the details of the plan as well as the state of renewable energy in Australia more broadly. A panel discussion with technical experts will follow the presentations.

Don't miss out!

If you would like to take a look at the report or synopsis they are available here:
Synopsis 16 pages:

Full Report 200 pages:

We are looking for as much support and voluntary assistance as we can get in promoting the event, so your cooperation in publicizing it as much as you can through your networks would be greatly appreciated.
