Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale: Melbourne and... BAKE OFF!!

Date and Time: 
Sunday, May 1, 2011 -
11:00am to 4:00pm
Melbourne, 288 Brunswick Street Fitzroy Vic 3065

Vegetarian Victoria is once again participating in the annual World Wide Vegan Bake Sale, but this time.. with a twist!

We'll also be making it a BAKE OFF! So get to practicing your best vegan homemade treat recipes and you could be in the running to win prizes( and the prestige that comes with winning a bake off!). The judges will be YOU! Everyone who comes along and buys treats gets to be the judge and decides who will win in e...ach category and who will take out the coveted Best In Show prize.

This year's theme is Autumn Harvest, in celebration of all the delicious foods in season now and the comfort that yummy vegan treats brings in the cooler weather.

So GET YOUR BAKE ON!! And develop that hunger for yummy vegan treats that'll knock yer socks off!

Prize categories and extra info will be up soon. :)

For more information, and to confirm you'll be bringing a donation of baked goodies, contact Ceri at

All funds raised go to buying a film projector for VegVic so we can hold more film nights! :D
