Worldwide day of solidarity with Quebeck students - Melbourne action

Date and Time: 
Sunday, June 24, 2012 -
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Victorian State Parliament - Spring St

Québec is demonstrating every day for over 4 months by now.
They are basically fighting for a fair education system but more broadly against the medias and the government's attempts to restraint their legitimity to do so, with riot cops, fake opinion polls and an inconstitutional ‘special law’ (

Let's join at the State Parliament with pots and pans. We'll make some noise to push Australian authorities to put pressure on Jean Charest's totalitarian government.

Remember that the campaign to stop the TAFE cuts in Victoria is directly linked to their struggle : students are the future, the hope for a better world : imagination, culture and critical sence need to be protected more than ever.

The Maple Spring has recently spread to Canada, France and Belgium with plenty of ‘Casseroles’ actions.

Students are leading the movement in Chile too, and from Spain to Greece, they’re taking to the streets for the same reasons, followed by their teachers, from anti-Nato protest in Chicago,
to NSW (,
and... Victoria, where teachers and students are united against the TAFE cuts, with this demonstration at the Parliament, on the 7th of june (

Students of the world, unite ! You are precious and useless at the same time, you are the intelligence that has never ruled but was always rolled over, you are diversity of thought, you are freedom of speech, spontaneity, expectancy...

We are all students in this millenium, we are now learning why resistance is a duty : they can no longer hide, the law is on our side : the machine tells only lies, the answer is human pride.

Don't forget to wear the little red square on your jacket ! Spread the jam in every city !

‘Your batons will never hush the pans ! This system belongs to the past !’

Here’s a fb page for the news of of the movement :
This one coordinates the movement across the world :
CLASSE, student union’s website :

[FR] :
[SP] :


- Annecy :
- Bayonne :
- Bordeaux :
- Chambéry :
- Dijon :
- Grenoble :
- Lyon :
- Marseille :
- Nantes :
- Nice :
- Paris :
- Quimper :
- Saint-Etienne :
- Thonon :
- Toulouse :

Hanover :


- Berne :

For over 100 days, students in Quebec have risen against the rise of the cost of tuition fees. The answer of public authorities to this pacific mobilization was the promulgation of an emergency law. Law 78 was rapidly qualified as a "trucheon law" by the population since it limits drastically the right to demonstrate. And yet this questions one of the foundations of any democratic society.

Despite this infringement on a fundamental liberty, Quebec keeps on rising up everyday through artistic actions and by carrying out various demonstrations while ignoring arbitrary collective arrests.

It is not the only region in the world where revolt can be observed. Indeed, recently mexican students rose up against the general corruption of politicians. We cannot forget either students' struggles in Chile, Spain, Brazil, Tunisia or Greece. In a word, all the people in the world fight to maintain their fundamental rights and for a fair world.

The common point of all those struggles is the refusal of a model of society imposed on us where the access to fundamental public utility services such as education, culture, health or retirement is privatized. The future of countries and people is subject to speculation. Debt -which is strongly illegitimate- is used as a means of submission and serfdom.

Rapidly a momentum of solidarity was built up around the Quebecker struggle thanks to social networks and even more widely with the Internet. We sometimes witnessed violent actions by the police. We denounce those actions which in the guise of maintaining law and order just aim at muzzling and frightening the angry people. They are trying to divide us but it will not happen.

This is the reason why students, workers, unemployed people and retired people claim their support to the struggling Quebeckers and ask worldwide people who care for liberties and fundamental rights to gather in every cities and villages on the 24th of june in the evening. With our pans and a red square -symbol of the protest- we will make resound our solidarity towards the Quebeckers and all the peoples which struggle all over the world on squares.
We ask all goodwilled people who are sensitive to our call to organize themselves so as to transform the 24th of june into a day of solidarity and international resistance.



Indymedia has always been and still is the best form of independent media because it reflects the voice of the people. Does anyone have any idea how it could be more widely publicised? We are really frustrated by lack of mainstream media interviews of Indymedia people as compared to groups like get up and crikey.