Workshop: Nuclear risks of Australia U.S. bases

Date and Time: 
Thursday, August 9, 2012 -
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Meeting Room 1, Trades Hall (enter from 54 Victoria Street)

* Speakers: Professor Richard Tanter; Dimity Hawkins. Following our successful June public meeting, Richard, who is Australia's leading expert in this field, will detail for us the nuclear links of the US bases and shared facilities. Dimity, who is a researcher and writer on nuclear weapons treaties as well as a long-term activist, will relate this to our international treaty obligations. Plenty of time for questions and discussion.

* RSVP: helpful, to or MAPW on 0431 475 465.

* Organised by: MAPW, ICAN, Spirit of Eureka, Phillipines Caucus for Peace and others

* Help publicise:
More details and a flyer at
or on Facebook at
