Wollongong - International Women's Day - Equal Pay Now!

Date and Time: 
Saturday, March 12, 2011 -
12:30pm to 1:30pm
Amphitheatre, Crown St Mall, Wollongong

Come rally in support of the ASU’s case for equal pay for women.

About 85% of community sector workers are women. Over 60% of them have tertiary qualifications, yet earn less than average weekly earnings.

It is time to pay women in the social and community services sector what they are worth. The federal government makes choices everyday about funding, and if it is serious about wanting to look after women in the workplace, this Equal Pay case must be a priority, not just lip service.

At the rally there will be speakers from the ASU, as well as from state candidates that support the equal pay case. Come to the rally and demand wage justice for community sector workers!

All are welcome.
