Venezuelan revolutionary student leader speaks at La Trobe Uni

Date and Time: 
Thursday, August 27, 2009 -
1:00pm to 3:00pm
LA TROBE UNIVERSITY FORUM Room DWB 132 Donald Whitehead Building La Trobe University

Tour of Venezuelan revolutionary student leader, Heryck Rangel


Thurs, August 27, 2009 @1pm

Organised by La Trobe University Cuba-Venezuela Solidarity Club

Room DWB 132
Donald Whitehead Building
La Trobe University

This Australian speaking tour by the Venezuelan revolutionary student leader, Heryck Rangel, is an opportunity to hear about how the people of Venezuela are building a society based on cooperation, community control and social ownership of the country's major resources. Heryck is currently a student in Political and Administrative studies at the Central University of Venezuela.

In 2005, together with a group of young people he founded the Venezuelan Ecocitizens Movement ECOVEN. This is an eco-socialist collective, of which Heryck is currently the national coordinator.

Between 2006-2007 Heryck was President of the Student Centre at the School of Political and Administrative Studies at the Central University of Venezuela.

In 2008 Heryck was part of the National Promotors Group for the establishment of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Youth. The PSUV, led by Chavez and other key leaders of the Bolivarian movement, numbers almost six million supporters
