US lessons: Preventing bias in Australian media - this Thursday in Sydney!

Date and Time: 
Thursday, September 29, 2011 - 6:00pm
The State Library of New South Wales, Metcalfe Room

EVENT: this Thursday in Sydney!

It's an exciting time for people like us who care about our media - recent events have put it under the microscope and opened up a much-needed conversation, culminating in an official inquiry.

We have a special treat for you: a visiting US expert in conversation with Robert Manne this Thursday night!

EVENT - US Lessons: Preventing Bias in Australian Media LOCATION - The State Library of New South Wales, Metcalfe Room TIME - 6:00PM Thursday, September 29th COST - FREE!

DETAILS: Click here for more info

Are we progressing down the same path as the American media, with its overt partisanship and agenda-driven reporting?

What can we do to prevent it happening in Australia?

Robert Manne's recent Quarterly Essay examined how The Australian progressed from reporting national debate to being a player that shapes it. Melinda Warner has led the charge in the US against the worst excesses of players like Fox News.

Come and be part of their conversation! Can't wait to see you there, Ed, for the NewsStand team