UNAA Media Awards 2013 Call for Nominations

Date and Time: 
Thursday, August 15, 2013 - 12:45pm to Friday, August 30, 2013 - 5:00pm
Contact Email: 
Grand Hyatt

Nominations for the 2013 UNAA Media Awards are Now Open. Journalists and producers whose work has appeared in the Australian media between 2 September 2012 and 30 August 2013 are encouraged to nominate now.

The United Nations Association of Australia Media Awards were established in 1979. The Awards recognise those in the media whose work highlights and champions human rights and social justice issues and stimulates public debate and changes in public and private policy.

The award categories include:

Major Award Categories:

Best Print
- News
- Feature

Best Photojournalism

Best Radio
- News (less than 10 minutes)
- Documentary (more than 10 minutes)

Best Television (Sponsored by SBS)
- News
- Current Affairs (less than 20 minutes)
- Documentary (more than 20 minutes)

Best Online

Special Award Categories:

Promotion of Aboriginal Reconciliation (Sponsored by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs)

Promotion of Multicultural Issues (Sponsored by the Australian Multicultural Foundation)

Promotion of Positive Images of the Older Person

Increasing Awareness and Understanding of Women's Rights and Issues (Sponsored by the Office of Women’s Policy)

Increasing Awareness and Understanding of Children's Rights and Issues

Nominations close 5pm Friday, 30 August 2013.

Winners of the 2013 Media Awards will be announced at the Awards Presentation Dinner to be held at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne on Friday 18 October. We invite the Australian community to join us at this gala event to celebrate the outstanding achievements of this year’s winners and finalists.

Subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates about the Media Awards or download the Call for Nominations Media Release

For more information about the Media Awards please contact the UNAA Victoria on 03 9670 7878 or via email.
