The Sharehood Info Night - Starting a Sharing Community in Your Neighbourhood

Date and Time: 
Monday, February 15, 2010 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
The Hive, 17 Kerr St, Fitzroy **NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE**

The Sharehood is all about sharing resources within your neighbourhood. Sewing machines, cars, tools, books and washing machines all have the capacity to be shared. Skills too are meant to be shared, gardening help, handiwork, bike fixing, accountancy and so on, are all both desired and available within your neighbourhood. The Sharehood infrastructure provides a great way to get to know your neighbours and build a sense of community while saving money and the environment. So far around a hundred neighbours are interacting in Northcote, Merri, Thornbury and Carlton.

This workshop will explain the process of starting a Sharehood community in your area: letterboxing, the first meeting, organising social events, as well as generally sharing the experience of building community. We will also cover privacy issues, the local currency, people without the internet, and will have plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Please RSVP to contact[at] if you plan on coming. If you can't make it, check out our online info at
