The Perfect Storm: Corporate Resource Wars, Militarism & Environmental Destruction

Date and Time: 
Thursday, May 8, 2014 -
6:30pm to 8:30pm
RMIT Swanston Academic Building 80 445 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3000


Our world is reaching crisis point with the scramble for food & resource security, geopolitical power and transnational corporate domination.

Australia has followed its super power ally, the US, into a state of permanent resource warfare which has seen the militarization of civilian space both offline and online. Combined with the emergent climate catastrophe, the global citizenry are moving full frontal into a perfect storm.

Yet of all the conversations taking place around militarization and climate change, very few are connecting the dots between the insatiable fossil fuel frenzy required to feed the corporate profiteers of war and to keep the war machinery at the ready; with the scale of environmental degradation & destruction which is catastrophic for our planet and the future of humanity.

US Iraq War Veteran Vincent Emanuele claims “the very notion of Empire has always been built on violence and environmental destruction”

But what if the US Empire is no longer sustainable?
It’s time to connect the dots and understand the interrelated struggles between the environmental & anti-war movements.

WACA invites you all to join us for an evening in conversation with:

Vincent Emanuele: (Key Note Speaker)

Robbie Thorpe: FNL (First Nations Liberation)

Dr. Jenny Grounds: MAPW (Medical Association for Prevention of War)

Jacob Grech: Moderator - Renegade Activists

Vincent Emanuele: (Key Note Speaker)
Vince is a former US Marine who served two tours of active service in Iraq. He refused to do a third.

Now he organises for Iraq Veterans against the War in the Chicago area and broadcasts the Veterans Unplugged program from Radio WIMS, Michigan.

Vince Emanuele connects the plight of returning veterans to imperialism and the wealth gouging of the corporate complex of militaries, security agencies, munitions makers and the US Empires insatiable thirst for fossil fuels via geopolitical domination.

Vince highlights the long tradition of returned soldiers resisting wars> He also signals a new trend of returning soldiers recognizing the connection between the permanent war economy, global environmental catastrophe and the militarization of civil society.

Robbie Thorpe: FNL (First Nations Liberation)
Robbie Thorpe is a First Nations elder and long time activist for First Nations Sovereignty, Treaty and the recognition of the genocide and ecocide that has taken place in Australia since colonization and the Frontier Wars.

Robbie is a founding member of First Nations Liberation.
Robbie can be heard on Melbourne’s community radio station 3CR every Monday morning at 11am with his radio program 'Alternative'.

Dr. Jenny Grounds: MAPW (Medical Association for Prevention of War)
Dr Jenny Grounds has been involved with campaigns against nuclear weapons and uranium mining since the 1970s, Jenny joined Medical Association for the Prevention of War over 20 years ago. Dr Grounds was spurred to become more active after 11 Sept 2001, with the rise of militarism and the imminent US invasion of Iraq with Australia's involvement. Her interests and activism centre around community organisation and education; environmental issues; resistance to militarism, including nuclear weapons; valuing the planet over profits and non-violent conflict resolution.

Jacob Grech: Renegade Activists - Moderator
Jacob Grech has been an anti war activist for thirty years, on issues of foreign bases, Australian intervention overseas and the arms trade.

He has also worked on many environmental issues over the years from the Franklin to Roxby and has a good understanding of the environmental impacts of the military, who are after all are the world’s biggest environmental destroyers.

Jacob is currently filling the role of grumpy old Caretaker of the Trades Hall, a position which keeps him involved in all the social, political and environmental issues, whether he likes it or not.

Date: Thursday 8th May 2014
Time: 6.30pm
Location: RMIT: Building 80, level 2, Room 7
