The first meeting of the Seeds organizing collective

Contact Phone: 
0414 39 4069
Date and Time: 
Monday, May 16, 2011 -
3:00pm to 6:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Timothy Scriven
On the Manning lawns, at the university of Sydney.

What is it: SEEDS (Students for Environment, Education, Democracy and Social justice) is a proposed conference for left-wing students across NSW connected with the Broad Left network. This is the first meeting of the collective and it will discuss foundational issues like the feasibility of a conference and how we'll organize as a collective,

Who is it (for): Uni students, Tafe students and members of... the queer, women's, anarchist, environmentalist, Greens, unaligned, socialist, anti-racist, international student, anti-war, animal rights and disabilities movements and anyone else left!

Why is it: We hope to facilitate the flow of ideas and resources within the left, both directly, through the skill and idea sharing opportunities a conference provides, and indirectly, by giving diverse parts of the student movement a chance to meet and network. In short, building relationships across the left. We also hope that given that the conference is being held just after SOS, QC, EDCON and NOWSA, skills and ideas gained at these conferences can be disseminated to those who could not attend all the conferences (i.e. everyone).

When and where is it: Sydney University, the Manning lawns May the 16th starting at 3. Contact point: Tim at 0414394069.

How is it: With your help. SEEDS is a democratic collective, we need as many voices and ideas as possible to make the conference representative and inclusive. Forward this invite as widely as you can and let as many people know as possible.

If you're interested in getting involved with the Broad Left, join our mailing list at:

If you RSVP via Facebook, we'll be able to update you:!/event.php?eid=207302112635558
