THE FIGHT STARTS NOW: Stop HRL Coal rally Tuesday 12:45pm

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 -
12:45pm to 1:45pm
URGENT SNAP RALLY Tuesday 24th May, 12.45pm - 1.45pm Steps of State Parliament Spring St Melbourne Inspiring speakers & action!

Yesterday the EPA announced their decision to approve a staged construction of a new coal fired power station for Victoria.

With only 2 hours notice, around 60 people turned out to express their belief that this decision represents a failure to protect the people of Victoria. In the evening we got substantial coverage on 10 News and the ABC.

Right now, we're working with our partners Environment Victoria, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace to decide on the next steps for the campaign. But one thing is clear: the real fight starts now. It's time to mobilize and show that we are prepared to act to stop this power station.

Tuesday 24th May, 12.45pm - 1.45pm
Steps of State Parliament
Spring St Melbourne

Inspiring speakers & action!

If this project goes ahead it will create millions of tonnes of carbon emissions each year, and few new jobs for the local area. It will contribute to health impacts on local residents. And it's purpose is to find a way for Victoria to keep justifying the use of brown coal - and encourage other countries to do the same.

We will send a powerful and unequivocal message to the EPA and the Victorian and Federal Governments that this project must not be allowed to proceed.

Here's a list of things you can do right now to help the campaign:

1) Call some friends & ask them to come to the rally.
2) Forward this e-mail to your networks.
3) Share the rally event invitation on Facebook.
4) Tweet about the rally with the hashtag #StopHRL
5) Call your state and federal member of Parliament to ask that they
withdraw funding from the project.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!

Shaun Murray and Merryn Redenbach
On behalf of the Switch Off Coal Collective



Awesome turnout today, more than 300 people with only 4 days' notice.

Props to the peeps that dropped the HUGE banner from the rooftop opposite Parliament.

Stop HRL, no new coal power for Victoria!

Yeah great turnout good weather and my 4 year old son really enjoyed the vigorous chanting