Tariq speaks in Melbourne

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, October 6, 2010 -
7:30pm to 9:00pm
The Auditorium, Melbourne City Conference Centre 333 Swanston St CBD (opposite State Library)

Australians for Palestine present

Tariq Ali - "From Bush to Obama: Change we can believe in?"

Tariq Ali is an internationally renowned author, essayist, historian, journalist, political commentator, public speaker and filmmaker. He was born in Lahore in 1943 and was educated at Oxford University. He is a regular broadcaster on BBC Radio and contributes articals and journalism to the media including The Guardian, The London Review of Books and The Financial Times.

Tariq Ali is highly sought after on the international lecture circuit, particularly for his magisterial ability to connect the dots on the broad canvas of Empire. With the Middle East at the centre of imperial exploits, Ali will show how the Obama regime is behaving like its predecessor under Bush, and how on Palestine as elsewhere, any change of personnel is essentially a cosmetic exercise leaving the future as precarious as ever.

Book early: tickets are $20 and can be purchased online at www.australiansforpalestine.com

This event is co-sponsored with Victorian Trades Hall Council and Students for Palestine.
The Bookshop will be selling all Tariq Ali's books including new release The Obama Syndrome (forthcoming).
