Tactical Action Training Day - Palestine, resistance and the non-violent popular struggle.

Date and Time: 
Sunday, May 8, 2011 -
11:00am to 4:30pm
New International Bookshop, Victoria Trades Hall (basement) cnr of Victoria and Lygon St, Carlton.

Palestine, resistance and the non-violent popular struggle
Tactical Action Training Day


The Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid is organising a tactical action training day which is open to Palestine solidarity activists, as well as solidarity activists involved in other progressive campaigns. The day will consist of a workshop discussion on BDS, Palestine, resistance and the non-violent popular struggle and a practical training session on non-violent direct action techniques and tactics. All welcome!

11 am til 4.30pm - Sunday 8 May 2011
New International Bookshop, Victoria Trades Hall (basement)
Cnr of Victoria and Lygon Sts, Carlton
Cost $5 (or donation)

In 2005, Palestinian civil society issued a unified call fro Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) against Israel. Inspired by the struggle of South Africans against apartheid, the Palestinian-initiated BDS campaign is conducted in the framework of international solidarity and resistance to injustice and oppression and calls for non-violent punitive measures to be maintained until Israel meets its obligation to recognise the Palestinian people's inalienable right to self-determination and fully complies with international law.

This workshop and tactical training day will discuss Palestinian resistance to Zionist settler-colonialism, the non-violent popular struggle in Palestine and the role of BDS as a non-violent civil resistance movement.

As part of the training day, we will also conduct practical training in non-violent direct action techniques and tactics.

Registration from 10.30am

11am-12.30pm: Workshop & discussion: Palestine, resistance & the non-violent popular struggle

Speakers confirmed (so far)
Stacie Harrison –

Stacie has recently returned from Palestine, where she worked in the Occupied West Bank with the International Women’s Peace Service. Stacie will discuss the both the philosophy of, and the on-the-ground tactics of, the Palestinian non-violent popular struggle.

Samah Sabawi –
Samah is a Melbourne-based Palestinian poet and writer. She is currently the Public Advocate for Australians for Palestine. Samah will speak on the Palestinian initiated Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, its relationship to the Palestinian non-violent popular struggle and its role as a civil resistance movement in the struggle for Palestinian self-determination and freedom.

1pm – 4.30 pm Tactical Action Training:
Tactical Action Training will be lead by Kim Bullimore and Jessica Morrison.

Both Kim and Jessica have wide experience in non-violent direct action activism in both Australia and Palestine. Kim is a long-term member of the International Women’s Peace Service in Palestine and Jessica is a member of the Hebron-based, Christian Peacemaker Team. Both have recently returned from Palestine, where they were active in support of the Palestinian non-violent popular struggle.

The Tactical Action Training session will incorporate both discussion, brainstorming and practical training in non-violent direct action theory, techniques and tactics.

Organised by the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Email: auscaia@gmail.com Tel: 0439 454 375
