Sydney Abortion Rights Nation Day of Action Rally

Date and Time: 
Saturday, October 9, 2010 -
12:00pm to 1:30pm
Sydney Town Hall

WAAC has organised a national day of action to show solidarity with a young Queensland couple who go to trial on October 12, charged under archaic abortion laws that have been in place since 1899 - an abortion law which is almost identical to that still in place in New South Wales.

Many before us have fought for the right to choose abortion, and continue to fight for the repeal of all abortion laws to recognise that abortion is not a crime. Our rights are under attack an it's time to stand up and defend them so come along and join us.

Feel free to bring your own banner and all your friends! We're also encouraging everyone to wear purple to show their support.

Any questions or if you want more information, check out the WAAC website at
