Support the Blossom Road Workers to get their pay & entitlements

Contact Phone: 
03 9251 5270
Date and Time: 
Friday, July 8, 2011 -
5:00pm to 5:30pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Mark Riley
285 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne (b/w Swanston & Elizabeth Sts), the Scanlan & Theodore store

High end fashion, low end ethics

27 workers sacked & owed over $500,000!

Blossom Road closes and re-opens next day as a ‘phoenix company’ called Tricots

Blossom Road supplied, and continue to supply clothing to high end fashion label
Scanlan & Theodore

On 19 May 2011, the director of Blossom Road Pty Ltd, Bill Jadilebovski, placed the company into liquidation. At that time the only client of Blossom Road, was Scanlan & Theodore, a high end fashion label with stores around Melbourne & Sydney.

• Following the collapse of Blossom Road, approximately 27 clothing workers were sacked. The ‘Blossom Road Workers’ are owed approximately $519,680.78 in employee entitlements including unpaid wages, annual and long service leave, notice and redundancy pay and employer super contributions.

• Many of the ‘Blossom Road Workers’ also made voluntary superannuation payments of up to $50 per week which was deducted from their pay – however, this money was not paid to their super fund.

• Blossom Road claims they are unable to pay the workers their entitlements.

• On 20 May 2011, the business of Blossom Road re-opened in the same location as Tricots Pty Ltd, in Robert Jadilebovski’s name (the son of the Blossom Road director). There have been reports that the payslips of the workers at the site have either Scanlan & Theodore or Tricots P/L printed on them.

• Despite his denials, the previous director of Blossom Road appears to be managing the ‘new’ Blossom Road business (together with Scanlon and Theodore) and has asked some of the terminated employees to start work.

• Scanlan and Theodore continue to get their product made by Tricots under what appears to be a case of ‘phoenix trading’.

There is still no public statement from Scanlan & Theodore.

Q. Why haven’t the directors of Scanlan & Theodore responded in any way to their role in this?

Please email Scanlan & Theodore and ask them to ensure that the workers are paid all the money they are owed e>



Just beat the fuck out of the owners and burn their houses to the ground watch you get your money then,if that dont work put a bullet in their heads dont let shit like that live. Remember this "if you dont fight you loose"

If any of the affected workers would like to speak to the media. Please contact me directly on 0423913457.

We are putting together a story in support of the workers and would appreciate any interviews with the past Blossom Rd employees.

Many thanks,
