Support arrested boycott Israel activists in Sydney!

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, July 13, 2011 -
8:30am to 9:30am
Parramatta Local Court 12 George Street PARRAMATTA NSW 2150

On Thursday June 9 Students for Justice in Palestine held a protest outside the Max Brenner store in Parramatta. Max Brenner has been the focus of pro-Palestine demonstrations across Australia because of its support of the IDF through its parent company, the Strauss Group.

After a successful and peaceful demonstration, the NSW police attacked the dispersing crowd. Two activists were arrested, one given a fine for ‘offensive langu...age’, and others pushed around and threatened with batons.

This is not an isolated incident. In Melbourne on July 1 the police attacked a similar demonstration, making 19 arrests. Across the world many governments have been complicit in trying to stop the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and now the ‘flightilla’ (activists flying to Israel en masse and stating the purpose of their visit as ‘visiting Palestine’).

This Wednesday the activists from Sydney will appear in court. Please come and support them. Bring signs, banners, flags and, most importantly, your voice. We cannot let threats from Zionists and the governments that support them silence us. Free Palestine.

For more info on the Melbourne arrests see: http://boycottisrael19.wor​
