Support Ark Tribe

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 -
9:30am to 10:30am
Cnr. St.Kilda & Toorak Rds, Melbourne

Rank and file S.A. building worker Ark Tribe faces 6 months jail, after being singled out by the ABCC. His trial restarts 20-22 July 2010 in Adelaide.

Last month Adelaide Magistrate David Whittle ruled that the ABCC case against Ark Tribe would continue. This followed a 3-day legal battle that began on Tuesday 15/6 to have the charges dismissed, due to the validity of the proceedings. Brind Zichy – Woinarski QC for the federal DPP and the ABCC argued the Federal Crimes Act allowed the charges to be laid the way they were served on Ark Tribe.

Magistrate David Whittle rejected the jurisdictional challenge from Ark Tribe’s lawyer Michael Abbott QC, opening the way for the trial to go ahead. The legal teams agreed the rest of the full trial will be heard from 20 July 2010…
