Stop HRL Campaign Information Night

Date and Time: 
Monday, May 21, 2012 -
6:00pm to 7:30pm
Friends Of The Earth 312 Smith St Collingwood

You've probably heard all about HRL and their dastardly plans to build new brown coal fired power station in the Latrobe Valley. Well now the Quit Coal campaign to stop that from happening is about to kick it up a notch. For the next 6 weeks, we'll be calling (in a loud voice) on the Federal Government to withdraw a $100 million dollar grant that's been keeping HRL afloat. We want that money going to renewables and to see an end to dirty coal power in this state!

To this end, we're holding this info night so that anyone who's been watching from afar, is new to this issue or just keen to know more, can get up to date on what's happening in the campaign and identify ways they can help out.

If that's you, come along, find out what's happening and meet some of the other people involved in the campaign. Here are the details:

Stop HRL Campaign Information Night
Monday, May 21, 6.00PM - 7.30PM
Friends Of The Earth
312 Smith St Collingwood
There'll be drinks and nibbles provided.

Please bring along anyone else who you feel would be interested in learning more, and share the facebook event with your facebook friends.
