Stop Climate Horror - LIVE RED ART 2011 Launch Party & Fundraiser

Date and Time: 
Friday, May 13, 2011 -
6:00pm to 10:00pm
Newton, Sydney, The Vanishing Point - Contemporary Art Inc. 565 King Street

Live Red Art 2011 launch party, Friday 13th of May.

The Live Red Art (LRA) crew are kick-starting some exciting and important projects for 2011 in partnership with At The Vanishing Point - Contemporary Art, Newtown. And they need your involvement...

Live Red Art is a grassroots collective all about exploring the potential of the arts to reshape our world, and making social justice issues engaging and accessible to all via cul...ture and creative media.

To celebrate the ominous date of our 2011 launch we’re throwing a party of monstrous proportions, themed “Stop Climate Horror!”

Featuring live music from;

Reverse Polarities - socially conscious Newtown hip-hop, featuring Billie Rose, P Smurf, Mute MC, Mikoen and Kit Complete -

Intentions - Sydney trio with super catchy DIY indie-punk tunes.

DJ collective Ultra Death Liver - stellar beat-makers mixing their unique combination of dubstep, funk and hip hop.

+plus special horror projections from the Punk Monk crew!

Support us to fundraise for LRA events in 2011:

*bicycle-powered cocktails and frozen alcoholic treats!

*Vego-friendly BBQ for those who are feeling snacky.

*Stop Climate Horror face-painting

*Izzy Ibis Rickshaw rides around the ATVP block!

*Unique specially designed Stop Climate Horror badges

*Beware, those who don’t come dressed in theme (think: nuclear victim, zombie climate denier) will be whacked with a $2 disaster levy doorcharge.

And fair enough, this is a fundraiser for the second Live Red Art festival and exhibition!

Last year, the inaugural Live Red Art festival and exhibition joined art and social justice, 400 people and 25 artists who investigated a radical political perspective alongside 5 bands in a glorious day of creative resistance at Marrickville's Addison Road Centre.

Coming soon...

LIVE RED ART AWARDS - Festival and Exhibition 2011
22 September - 9 October 2011 (ATVP)
Entries open 13 May.

* This is the second annual festival and exhibition showcasing art for social change across the creative and performing arts spectrum.

action ART terra firma: Activist & Refugee Artists Support Network
June-December 2011 culminating in an exhibition
10-27 November (ATVP)
Expressions of Interest close 28 May

* A collaborative and supportive monthly group, engaging in art for social change and providing artists from refugee backgrounds with a base to foster and nurture opportunity and networks in the art scene.

Stay tuned for more info... See you at the launch party where all shall be revealed.

For more info;


0449 866 119 (LRA - Lauren)

At The Vanishing Point - Contemporary Art Inc.
565 King Street Newtown NSW 2042
(02) 9519 2340
0430 083 364

Gallery Hours: Thursday - Sunday, 10am-6pm
