Standing up to dictatorships: First-hand accounts of radical struggles in the 20th century

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Saturday, September 5, 2009 -
3:00pm to 5:30pm
Contact Email:
Image icon Standing UpRED.jpg108.73 KB
Contact Name: 
Liz Walsh
University Hotel (upstairs) 272 Lygon St, Carlton

Public Forum hosted by Socialist Alternative:
With special guest speakers:
- A leading activist in the Iranian Revolution of 1979.
This speaker was a delegate to the oil workers' strike committee, known as the Shora, which was central to bringing down the US-backed dictator, the Shah.

- Tom O'Lincoln on the Portuguese Revolution of 1974-75.
Tom will speak about his experiences of the revolution that overthrew the military dictatorship of Caetano, which also ended Portugal's colonial rule over Africa and East Timor.

- Fleur Taylor on the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989.
Fleur will speak about her experiences of the student and workers' movement for democracy in China and the political impact that crushing of this movement had on her.

The meetings starts at 3pm so please be early (approx 2:30)
