Stand Up For Refugees Rally

Date and Time: 
Friday, August 13, 2010 -
5:30pm to 7:00pm
State Library Swanston Street Melbourne, Australia

On World Refugee Day in June thousands of us marched through the streets of Melbourne to "Say no to another Tampa election". But that is just what we are getting. Instead of welcoming refugees to this country as we should, both major parties are bickering about how we can "stop the boats" – boats of people fleeing persecution and misery that in many cases Australia had a role in causing.

We need to take to the streets again. The "stand up for refugees" rally on Friday August 13 will be a chance for us to provide an alternative to the racist, inhumane policies being put forward by the Liberals and Labor. We will be demanding that refugee boats should be allowed to land in Australia, which should be welcoming people seeking asylum, not locking them up in hellish detention camps.

Don't let the racists be the only ones who are heard in this election. Join the rally, bring your friends, family and co-workers. Send a message that there are people in this country prepared to take a stand in defence of refugee rights.

Organised by the Refugee Action Collective (Vic).



Again, please stop presenting yourselves as a non partisan news entity when your bent on these issues is clearly of leftist/subversive origin. You are beginning to look as bigoted as the ABC.

This sort of language is unacceptable for any news outlet and you are obviously rounding up the troops:

"Don't let the racists be the only ones who are heard in this election. Join the rally, bring your friends....."

Do you really think it's that simple?

Do you have to hijack every humanitarian cause for the sake of nihilist, reactionary, uni-student socialism?