Special Discussion- Transgender Oppression & Resistance!

Contact Phone: 
03 93880062
Date and Time: 
Wednesday, November 24, 2010 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email: 
Image icon Transgender graphic.gif22.99 KB
Contact Name: 
Debbie Brennan
Solidarity Salon 580 Sydney Road Brunswick

Trans people are targets of hate violence wherever they threaten the straightlaced rules of gender and sexuality. Because capitalism uses sexism, heterosexism and racism as its chief weapons of control, trans sisters and brothers are the most demonised and abused, especially if they are of colour. Some studies reveal that more than 50% of transsexuals have attempted suicide at least once by their 20th birthday.

This discussion session will explore the proud history of transgender resistance and militant leadership, from the 1959 Cooper’s Donuts riots in Los Angeles to the rebellion at Greenwich Village’s Stonewall Inn which launched the Gay Liberation Movement in 1969. We will also examine the theoretical underpinnings of transgender oppression, looking at how trans-identified people challenge existing norms needed by the profit system to survive.

Enjoy a scrumptious dinner, served at 6.30 pm for an $8.00 donation. The meeting is free. All genders welcome!

Wednesday, 24 November, 7.00 pm

Solidarity Salon
580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Take the Upfield train to Anstey station or the #19 North Coburg tram to Blyth Street.
Plenty of parking off Staley Street.

For more information, phone 03-9388-0062
or email radicalwomen@optusnet.com.au.
