Showing of the film "Our Generation"

Contact Phone: 
Debby 9810-7391
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, December 6, 2011 -
6:30pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email: 
Bob at
Image icon 2011-12-05_123830.jpg177.88 KB
At the Balmain Uniting Church, 344 Darling Street Balmain (Circle Café)

Free special Our Generation screening in Balmain with special guest speaker Jacqui Phillips, National Director of ANTaR (Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation).

Dear All,

Our Generation showing:

You are warmly invited to a showing of Our Generation, at the church, 344 Darling Street Balmain (Circle Café) on Tuesday, 6 December 2011, 6:30 for 7 to 9 p.m.

The documentary "Our Generation is a very fine piece of work. It's truthful, eloquent and, above all, it explains very clearly to first-timers and the many who need reminding why the Indigenous people of Australia are once again being defrauded of their human and political rights in a country calling itself a democracy."


Further information about the film on: plus a great article about the Balmain screening at

Light refreshments will be served. Please invite your friends to this showing. A donation in support of ANTaR would be appreciated from those who attend.

Please pass this invitation on to your networks.

Best regards,
