She works hard for the money: Pay Justice Action big night out!

Contact Phone: 
03 9388 - 0062
Date and Time: 
Thursday, November 17, 2011 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email:
Image icon Rosie.jpg114.3 KB
Contact Name: 
Solidarity Salon
Solidarity salon 580 Sydney Road Brunswick

You are invited to an evening of food, fun, cocktails and rousing speeches by feisty women workers!

Saturday 19 November, 7:00 pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

After a delicious dinner catering for carnivores, vegetarians and vegans, be inspired by rousing tales from the ongoing battle for Equal Pay. You’ll hear from an activist in the state public service where workers are battling the Ballieu Government’s miserable 2.5% offer that would see wages go backwards! You’ll also get an update by a workplace delegate from the ASU about the tenacious campaign by community sector workers for equal pay.

$25 solidarity price, $20 waged and $10 concession.
Classic and funky cocktails will also be available from the bar.

Bookings appreciated to assist with catering. Call 9388-0062 and leave a message on the answering machine or email:

Proceeds will benefit Pay Justice Action, a campaign group for equal pay lead by grass roots unionists.
