Sex Working For Social Change!

Date and Time: 
Monday, June 13, 2011 -
10:00am to 11:30am
The Red Rattler Theatre, 6 Faversham Street Marrickville Sydney

An Camp Betty event, this panel discussion, open to the public, is centred around experiences of, and strategies for, activism through sex work.

Sex workers are politically active members of many communities and continue to contribute valuable skills and unique perspectives to movements for social change. Some of us take our analysis and action into the workplace, with tactics ranging from client consciousness raising and affirm...ative action through to radical performance. Through this panel, activist whores seek to discuss how we can shape our sexual services into sharp tools to aid us in deconstructing stigma and dismantling oppression.

Panelists to include Audry Autonomy, Zahra Stardust and more!

Watch this space for more details soon!

There is still space for more panelists!

Remember that forms of activism on the job can be as diverse as forms of sex work!

If you're a past or present sex worker who would like to speak then please please get in contact via

For more info about Camp Betty visit
