SEP Perth public meetings: A socialist program to fight war and austerity

Date and Time: 
Sunday, June 15, 2014 -
3:00pm to 5:00pm
Victoria Park Centre for the Arts 12 Kent St, East Victoria Park

The budget handed down by the Abbott government on May 13 is a decisive political event for the working class, students and youth. It marks a major intensification by the financial and corporate elites of their assault on all the rights of the working class. This offensive, begun by the former Labor government, parallels the social counter-revolution imposed across Europe and the United States.

While vital social services are being slashed, military spending is to be increased. This is in line with Australia’s integration into the Obama administration’s “pivot” to Asia, through which it is preparing war against China.

On the other side of the Eurasian landmass, events in Ukraine underscore the nature of the new political era that has dawned. The installation by the United States, in collaboration with Germany, of an extreme right-wing, pro-imperialist regime in Kiev and the unleashing of fascist forces against workers across Ukraine, is an event of major political significance for working people everywhere.

Social counter-revolution, war and now fascism—this is the program of the ruling elites in every country. At its recent national congress, the Socialist Equality Party elaborated a socialist perspective in its resolutions for the working class to fight for its interests.

To discuss these vital issues, the SEP and International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) have called a series of public meetings.

Tickets: $3/$2 concession
