Say YES to climate action

Contact Phone: 
0411 596 169
Date and Time: 
Sunday, June 5, 2011 -
11:00am to 1:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
State Library

We need your help to make the National Day of Action for clean energy and a price on pollution on June 5 a real success. 

The 'Say Yes Australia' campaign is supported by a group of community and environmental groups including GetUp, The Australian Conservation Foundation, The Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Greenpeace, The Climate Institute, Environment Victoria, the ACTU, the Climate Action Network, WWF and Oxfam.  The aim of the group is to advocate for climate action through an effective and strong price on pollution that helps transition Australia's economy to a safer and greener future. 

The national day of action will show the government that the Australian community supports real and effective action to solve climate change. Events will occur across the country during a national week of action, with National Day of Action events held in all major capital cities on June 5. Each event will have high profile speakers and bands so that community members can advocate for the future they want in a fun and family friendly way. 

The details of the event in Melbourne are as follows:

When: June 5 at 11am

Where: State Library of Victoria  

It would be great if you could support the campaign by telling your friends about the upcoming National Day of Action. 
